Chapter 29 (R-18)

Warning. This chapter will have explicit content. This is all a work of fiction.

As the entrance steadily got closer, I suddenly heard Violetta talking.

"What do you want to do?"

Even though I was surprised, I managed to act calm. "Well, we are both hungry, aren't we?" I hugged her waist tighter, "Why don't we eat at some restaurant here?"

She snorted, so I leaned slightly to whisper. "And remember to act accordingly." her hair was saturated with the scent of her shampoo. It smelled of lavender and something else. I was nervous the whole time and probably didn't look any better than her.

When we entered the building, I saw a spacious first floor that was used as a lobby. There was a large reception with a few people asking the staff about something.

"The restaurants are above. Follow me." listening to Violetta, we soon entered an elevator. It was rather crowded, so Violetta ended up in my embrace. We attracted a few dubious looks from the people around us, to which Violetta blushed while I buried my face in her hair, inhaling her scent. After all, I needed to act according to the plan.

Ten or so floors up, and we walked towards another lobby. The reception here was much smaller, and behind it, I could see a rather large hall full of tables. However, there weren't many people there.

As I reluctantly left Violetta to deal with everything, I looked around. There was a small corridor that led to technical rooms. The restaurant itself took almost all of the space on this floor.

"Let's go." as I was curiously looking around, I was called by Violetta.

As I was walking through the tables, I saw some people were already eating and drinking. All of them wore expensive suits or dresses. With neat and strict haircuts and makeup. Gold was shining everywhere. Even folders full of documents had a few golden marks.

"Snobs." I snorted, making Violetta cast a curious look at me.

The hall itself interested me much more. One of the walls of this restaurant was replaced by a window. A part of the room was set aside for a small stage. A piano was standing there with a man playing a gentle melody. A little closer to the hall, at the edge of the stage, stood a microphone on a stand, currently, it was unoccupied.

We walked toward a table that was in a peculiar position. It was near the window as well as a side part of the stage, all while being slightly obstructed from the view. Probably it was cheaper, but it worked for me. We already made a scene of us together.

As we sat down, Violetta immediately took a menu and scrunched her pretty nose. Honestly, she was a real beauty. I couldn't figure out why she was sleeping around with those old men. One night with a true big shot, and she is set for life.

She got it all. A ripe beauty with a mature charm around her. A pretty face that long ago lost all vestiges of adolescence, yet she was nowhere near getting old. Perfect skin, with no wrinkles, full lips, and charming eyes. And a top-notch body that made every man turn his head around. While we were walking towards our table, I saw a few of these guys in suits burning a hole in her backside with their gazes. Yet this full package was left in a rather dubious environment.

"What are you going to have, sir?" The waiter addressed me.

"Oh." I quickly glanced at the menu. A whole bunch of names I've never ever heard before were there. "I would have the same as my lover." I smiled with my cheeks burning slightly.

The waiter nodded and wrote it down, "What about beverages?"

"A bottle of vodka." The gaze I've got from the waiter and Violetta stung. But I couldn't care less about this as I wanted to ease my mind. And whenever I wanted to do so, I drank vodka in my previous world. No hangover, easily digested, and easy to control how much you need to drink before getting wasted.

After taking our order, the waiter left to take an order from other customers. As I looked at him walking away, I saw a woman walking up the scene. A small cheer erupted as she stood near the microphone, and after a small introduction, she started singing.

The melody of a piano accompanying her. A strong and sensual woman's voice was singing a blues song.

Soon the food was brought to us. Some kind of a stew with fresh and soft buns and salad, along with two bottles. One was wine, the other was vodka. After leaving everything, the waiter bowed and quietly left us.

I started slowly chewing on the food. As I didn't find it as good as I thought it would be, I grew absentminded rather quickly. Taking a shot glass in my hand that was filled by a waiter previously, I drained it in one gulp.

The only pleasant thing that was on this table was vodka. The alcohol burned my throat and left a slight aftertaste of lemon in my mouth.

As I finished the food, I felt that half an hour had already passed, as well as a few shots of vodka. While I was lost and didn't know what to do, Violetta didn't share my problems. Elegantly taking a sip from her wine glass, she carefully wiped her lips with a napkin. She ate slowly, probably savoring every bite.

The only thing that was left for me to do was looking at her or night city lights. To listen to the music and drink a shot of vodka every time, Violetta would take a big gulp of wine.

"Why are you doing it?"

She shuddered, hearing this question.

All the drinking probably made me blabber my inner thoughts. "You are a beauty, and it would be easy for you to get a rich man to fall in love with you." She stared at me. There was something in her eyes that I hadn't seen before.

"You can just divorce your husband and marry someone from over here, or at least fish for a lot of money, aren't you? No need to work, no need to worry." She carefully put her fork and knife on the plate.

I looked around the restaurant. There was a pair consisting of a woman and a man that looked familiar. "And you don't need to strain yourself, being blackmailed by a stupid youngster." Then my line of sight went towards her face, and our eyes met.

Her eyes contained a complex emotion. She probably wanted to tell me something with her gaze, or it may have been me being drunk.

She took a bottle of wine and poured it into her glass, filling it almost to the top. After that, she tipped her head and drained it in a few big gulps.

Why did she do that?

As she called the waiter and paid for the food, we finally went from the restaurant towards the elevator.

"I'm too drunk to drive." I heard her soft voice. It was probably the first time I've ever heard her talk like that. "And public transport stopped working."

I felt something through my hazy consciousness. Taking Violetta into my arms, we went down, then up again, and somehow we ended up in a hotel room.

I gently threw drunken Violetta on a large white bed and went towards what felt like a bathroom. After washing up my face and taking a few deep breaths, I was able to regain my awareness.

As I went out, I was greeted by a rather strange scene. A woman's clothes were thrown everywhere on the floor. And a perpetrator of this mess was jumping on one leg, trying to take off her black tights.

"What… are you doing?"

She suddenly stopped moving and looked at me. The awareness I regained earlier was now swept away by the look of her body. Her abundant breasts were held by a black lace bra. While her plump legs were covered by her tights that covered black lace panties. The panties made a set with her bra.

"Help me get them off." her speech was slurred, and her voice sounded lazy. As I went closer, she used me as support and took off her tights.

I was still surprised at what was going on when she suddenly turned around and almost fell down into my embrace.

"I'm sweaty, I'm going to wash." her pants reeked of alcohol. She pushed me with one hand, and I fell down on the bed.

She walked towards the bath with an unsteady gait, Her hips shaking wildly with her hands on her back. As she was entering the bath, her bra slid off.

I heard a clicking noise of the door being closed.

"What should I do?" I was left alone. I heard the sound of water.

I looked at my bag that was placed on a bedside table.

"Should I go for it?" I moved closer and opened up a zipper. A small black cube was lying on the bottom, covered with paper. Its surface was taped so it would look more inconspicuous and won't flash with any light. I took out my phone and looked at the time.


Isn't it too early for public transport to stop? I should probably take my belongings and get back home.

"But why would she say that it was too late?" I placed the phone on the table. "Is it a sign?" my muddled head couldn't come to any plausible conclusion.

I was tired, and I felt that I shouldn't prolong my stay here. I didn't want to resort to ****. I looked at Violetta's clothes, and something clicked in my head as I looked at them without any reaction.

I heard the sound of water getting quieter. I reflexively pressed the button, and the cam started recording.

I shoved it into the bag and zipped the bag leaving a small hole for the camera. Looking at my bag, I hesitated on what to do when I heard the clicking sound of the door opening.

I didn't know why, but I reflexively stood up.

And then I saw Violetta walking out of the bathroom. She wore a skimpy silken bathrobe. Her wet hair was slicked back while her panties were in her hand. She gave me a look and then squatted down to take her own bra that she left in front of the door.

"What are you doing?" her voice still sounded lazy, but at least she stopped slurring her words.

"I… should go… away, I think." The room was lit enough so I could see her every curve. Naturally, my eyes went towards them.

She smirked. "Don't you think it's a little bit too late for you to act like a gentleman?"

"I…" the phone that I wanted to take was placed back onto the table.

"Didn't you intend to do it from the beginning?" The corner of her lips was lifted along with her eyebrows. "Now, you try to act like you are pure and chaste. Like you never wanted to have sex with me ever again?"

"I…" she was already in front of me. Without her heels, she was much shorter than me. Still, she easily pushed me, and I tripped onto the bed.

"I..." I would probably let her do what she wants.

With round eyes, I was looking at her actions. Was it the influence of the booze or…

Ever so slightly, I lifted up my upper body to have a better view of what she would do right now. That was when she pushed me once again, straddling me in the process.

"Want to run away?" she took the hem of my sweater and pulled it up, leaving my upper body naked. "Or do you want me to do all the work again?"

"I don't know what you are talking…sss…about." Her hands started stroking my stomach in the middle of our talk. Her hands felt cold to the touch.

"Oh?" one of her hands slithered down and started kneading my crotch. "Young boys who exercise a lot... They tend to have a lot of pent-up energy, don't they?" She licked her lips seductively while her eyes curved into two crescent moons.

Even after the shower, the scent of her body was still heavy. I sniffed it slightly, looking at her towering chest that was barely covered with the cloth of her bathrobe.

"Aren't you the one who wants it as well?" I decided to go onto the attack. "You are probably sick and tired of the old men having their ways with your body?"

And the answer was an enigmatic smile. "Try and guess."

Taking the sides of her clothing, with one swift motion, I exposed her chest. Her bathrobe was barely hanging on her. The biggest obstruction being a small sash that hardly held the lower part together and the hem barely hiding her nether region.

But it didn't come to my mind at the moment. I was mesmerized by her breasts. I saw them before, but they were mostly covered in clothes, and I was somewhat out of mind. Right now though, I could see them in their full grandeur glory.

There was only one word that depicted them clearly, heavy.

They were drooping slightly, which was totally understandable given the size. Was it an E, or an F cup? Still, they were perfectly round. On top of a rose-colored areola were two little pink nipples. Her nipples pointed slightly upwards.

"Gulp." They were slightly turned in the opposite direction. If they were slightly smaller, I think there would be free space between them. But right now, the volume didn't let this happen.

"They are so heavy."

I looked at Violetta, nervously licking my lips.

"But men love them, don't they? Always ogling at them. To me, they are pretty much two sandbags." she straightened up her back and traced her left boob with her left hand as she slicked her hair back with her right hand.

"Personally..." I changed my position slightly so I could sit up without the support of my hands. "Personally, I prefer asses more." I looked at her face.

"Heh," she smirked, "And what do you intend to do right now?" She placed both of her hands on my shoulders and tilted her face sideways.

"Hearing how you suffer so much, I should probably ease your pain?"

It was true that I liked asses more, but seeing such a feast before my eyes…