Chapter 30 (R-18)

Warning. This chapter will have explicit content. This is all a work of fiction.

I was savoring the view and every inch of her skin. It looked like there were two balloons in her breast, but I don't think she had surgery. The way they drooped slightly under their own weight kind of proved my point.

I carefully lifted them from below, and my fingers literally sunk into them. Tracing them, lifting her breasts like I was trying to measure them, and finally squeezing them slightly.

I heard people were comparing boobs to marshmallows or something similar. But her boobs were dense and heavy. I don't even know what it resembled. I had an image of a stiff dough. It was pleasant to the touch, and seeing my fingers sunk into her flesh was a new experience for me. I held them from below while tracing the upper part with my thumbs, touching her nipples lightly.

"Have you…" as I was fondling them, I wanted to ask her a question.

"They are all-natural." I was given an answer even before I finished talking. "It's rather pretentious of you to think that you can determine that with your amateur eyes." there was mockery in her voice, yet I couldn't care less about that when I had such a magnificence before me.

Fondling her breasts was nice. However, I got tired of it rather quickly. Maybe because I didn't know what to do or because she didn't react to my foreplay.

As I was molding her boobs into different shapes, I finally got tired of it and decided to pay some attention to the two little bumps. Gripping her breasts a little tighter, I used my thumbs and index finger to pinch and twist her nipples.

"Mmgh." She kept her voice low, but she didn't do it out of pleasure. "I would appreciate it if you wouldn't rip them." Once again, her voice was full of scorn. I bet it could have condensed into a lethal poison.

"Sorry." I didn't want to hurt her. What's the point in damaging such a precious thing?

I changed my way of playing with her. I slightly rolled them here and there, pinching with the lowest amount of force possible.

Still, no reaction came from Violetta.

"I know what to do next." finally releasing her breasts from my grip, I grabbed her ass and lifted her up so she could sit higher. "Hup."

After being let down by the first part of our engagement, I decided to proceed to the second part.

"Mmn." As I suddenly took her nipple in my mouth and started licking it, I finally heard her moan from the pleasure, albeit it was too reserved.

It brought more pleasure to both of us, and I decided to stick with this play. Rolling Violetta's nipple around, then sucking onto it lightly and playfully biting it. Her small hands moved in accordance with her pleasure. When she felt pleasure, she would knead my shoulders lightly. And if I used too much strength, her long nails would dig into my skin.

When I sank my teeth into her cherry-top for the first time, I used too much strength, and she hissed at me. However, the second time, she issued a moan full of pleasure. It was also the thing that I enjoyed the most so far. Although there wasn't much of a taste to her milky white skin, it still aroused me.

As we were fooling around, I started to taste the slight taste of her sweat. It was salty, and surprisingly to me, it also got the elusive taste of some kind of flower.

It was a waste to leave her chest, but I knew that there was something much more enjoyable for me to do. Giving a few more licks to her boobs and sucking one last time on her nipple, I finally released my grip from her breasts.

I looked at her face that was starting to get rosy in color. Her upturned eyes that were currently turned into tiny slits, opened up abruptly.

"You finished playing around?"

I lightly patted her ass that was covered with a thin silken bathrobe. "I think it's time for you to work, don't you think?"

She snorted and abided by my demand. Standing up, she looked at me, who was still on the bed, and then her eyes went down from my face to my crotch.

"Tired of waiting?" she sat down on the floor and started slowly unbuckling my belt. She was doing it so slowly, that I lost my patience and helped her. I was left in my socks and briefs.

However, at this moment, I was too tired of waiting already. Violetta always acted like this, trying to show that she didn't like it and was opposed to the whole thing. Yet she would get into it almost immediately.

I stood up and yanked her by the arm, lifting her body.

"Ouch, what are you doing?!" her eyebrows creased due to pain. Forgive me for this, but I'm too thirsty already.

With one swift motion, I almost tore the bathrobe that was barely hanging on her and threw it somewhere.

"Aaah!" Then I took her down in my arms and threw her onto the bed while she screamed. Taking down the last piece of my clothes, I was finally stark naked, just like her.

She crawled around the large bed while I was undressing, and right now, she was lying in the middle. With her hair disheveled, her boobs leaning toward the sides of her body under their own weight. Her legs were crossed slightly, almost like she wanted to rub that place. The place I was thinking about had some carefully groomed hair growing there. With her arms above her head, she panted heavily.

"Beast!" She lifted her body up slightly. There was a combination of mockery, scorn, and expectation on her face. With the way she licked her lips every now and again, I think she wanted to have sex no less than I.

"Don't give me that." I carefully got on the bed. "You are probably dead tired of all the old men using your body." as I was crawling to her with a rugged breath, she started moving back.

"Who knows." she wanted to mock me again as her eyes turned into the shape of a crescent moon. Except, her eyes weren't leaving my crotch even for a second.

From the side, it was probably looking like a lover's play. But I knew that we just played this act, so we would feel less burdened. We can just enjoy the sex and continue to live as we used to after this. The thoughts of recording, or the last time we did it, long ago flew out of my head.

As I was looking at her plump wriggling body, my throat was dried, and my eyes started to turn bloodshot.

Our little game of cat and mouse came to an end rather shortly. I was on her side, hugging her body and sucking on the nape of her neck. All while fondling the nipple on her boob that I left unattained previously. She was moaning, with her back turned to me. Just like me, Violetta was busy with her pleasure.

Soon I heard a squelching sound, and the moment I tore away my eyes from her flesh, I saw both of her hands moving in between her legs.

"Hey!" I released her boob and turned her face towards me with my left hand. Doing so, I held both of her arms with the right one.

"Ah?" It was already too late for her to try and regain her consciousness from the depth of her lust.

"I think you forgot something." after playing around a bit with her body in my hands, her body was on top of my own. "You should pleasure me as well, don't you think so?"

Her plump lips trembled, and then her mouth opened like she remembered something. Though her eyes were long ago glazed with lust, I still saw a hint of embarrassment from her.

And probably as an apology, I felt how my dick was locked between something soft. It was also slightly wet. As I looked sideways, I saw the head slightly sticking out of her thighs. Soon she started moving her lower part, which brought me some pleasure. If I remember our previous time correctly, the stimulation was too soft this time. However, this time we had all night at our disposal, so I won't complain.

It was almost like she knew what I was thinking. Her face turned gloating. She loved to be in control, didn't she?

Her thigh job wasn't enough for me, and she knew it. Soon her pretty rosy tongue started licking me. From the side of my mouth to my neck and towards a nipple of my own.

As I didn't know what to do with my arms, they finally found peace, hugging her ass. As I was fondling her backside, I felt an opening somewhere in between her buttocks, and I started prodding it with my index fingers, which brought out a peculiar reaction from her.

"You better not touch this place." her eyes were round.

"Or else?"

"Or else you would get to face the consequences you truly don't want to meet." Her face looked serious, and her thighs released my member.

"Fine, but I'm tired already of this." I swept her. The training from the MMA came in handy, as I was now on top of her.

She was at the bottom with her legs slightly open and her hands hugging my back. As I glanced at her pussy that was wide open and sopping wet, I took my dick and guided it to the entrance that was visible.



One grunt from me and a high-pitched shriek from Violetta, and I once again felt her insides. Only now I did understand how much I longed for this feeling.

"Haa… Listen, you can't…AAAH!" she was talking about something, but I didn't listen to it. Her eyes were wide open as I started pushing my hips already.




What I heard was a series of moans escaping her lips. It brought me more pleasure. I was finally hearing her moans again.

I also felt the hot, sticky wet feeling I was longing for. I dreamed of ravaging this body for so long.

Last time it was almost like I was possessed, probably because it was my first time. But right now, I could concentrate on every feeling. The feeling of Violetta clenching my back, digging her nails deep inside while her other hand slid down to my buttocks. Her moans and the sound of our flesh colliding as well as a squelching sound her pussy produced. The heat of her body. She was so cold before, but right now, I felt the scalding heat of her insides and her body growing warmer with every thrust.

And her scent. After the bath, she smelled of nothing, the soap here wasn't aromatized, but as she sweated in my embrace, her body started exuding this scent. The scent of the flower I felt in my mouth.

This drove me insane.

As I hugged her body tightly, I tried to push deeper into her vagina with every push. I tried to stretch it so it would be molded after my dick. Bumping at the entrance of her womb, I evoked a moan or a shriek every time.

"Yah… stooohph…thruuustiing…so haard"

But I couldn't listen to her pleas as I was going to ejaculate soon. "UUUGH!" with a low grunt, I started cumming while pushing my hips as close to her as I could.

I almost felt how my urethra pulsated with how hard I was ejaculating. And strength started leaving my body. As she clasped my butt, I felt how it was trembling from the enormous pleasure I felt. With the last remnants of my strength, I fell down sideways so I won't pin her down with my heavy body. I have already done the pinning before.



The rough breathing of two people was the only sound that I heard at the moment. I closed my eyes to relax from the intense sex.

"Yooou… are truly a beast!" a few minutes later, I heard the fuming voice of Violetta.



She slapped my chest.

"If you cum inside, you should at least have the resolve to go to the end, don't you?" I felt how something heavy sat on top of me, and I opened my eyes.

"Are you talking about marriage?"

"Pff." she snorted. "Who wants to be married to you? Only a brain-dead girl."

That stung a little bit. "Then what are you talking about? Didn't you want this as much as me?"

She rolled her eyes, "I'm on pills, you dumbass."

"Then what's the problem?" I couldn't understand what she was getting at.

"The problem is…" her body clung to me, and I reflexively hugged her. Her chest got squashed between our bodies while her waist started moving back and forth. Her pussy that was dripping with both my cum and her love juices started sliding on top of my flaccid dick. Her mouth was near my ear, and I felt her hot breathing. "You limped too early," she whispered.

Hearing this, I couldn't wrap my head around this for a second or two. That was when she licked my lips and started tugging on my lower lip with her own lips.

One more second and my penis went back into action.

"You!" I drew a big breath. I couldn't believe what was happening. Was it like in the novels where the woman gives up and falls in love after the intercourse.

She gave me a bewitching smile and connected our bodies once again.

"Mmmahhn." a sweet moan from her.

"Uuugh." and a low grunt from me.

But she didn't start moving right away. Taking my hands into her and interviewing our fingers, she slowly lifted her body.

"You sure love straddling me."

However, she didn't spare me even a glance. She released her hand and rubbed her stomach. I noticed that she had a lovely belly, and there was a beauty mark near her belly button.

"Soooo deeep!" she took a deep breath, and soon her face was adorning an animalistic grin.



She slowly lifted her waist with the help of my hand and then lowered her body down in one swift motion. I could feel that my dick had reached into an even deeper part of her body.

Slowly but surely, she started moving in a steady rhythm while holding onto my left hand. I held her waist with my right hand so she wouldn't fall down.

Soon the room was filled with the moans and sound of flesh slapping yet again. She did the same thing before, and I felt that I wanted more. After barely getting used to the feeling, I started to try and thrust my own hips following her movement.

That invoked even louder moans from her while her breasts started jiggling. But it ended soon when she fell down on my chest.

"Haaa…mmnaah…haaa…Iiiii…can't…any…more…" she panted on my chest.

As I strained my abs so I won't cum too early, I looked at her and didn't understand what happened.

"What's…going on?"

"I'm tired." She lifted her face to look me into the eyes. "And my boobs hurt." she almost pouted as she said this, but I doubt she noticed this.

"Bo-bo-boobs hurt?" It was the most strange thing I've heard. It relieved some of the tension. Her boobs were enormous, so it was probably natural that they would hurt after they bounced that hard.

I took her into my hands, and soon we were in a sitting position on the edge of a bed.

I moved my waist a few times to prod her reaction. "That's better?


Soon we resumed our sex session, and the more I was in this position, the more I craved her body. I wanted more than here insides where my dick rampaged.

I wanted her waist and her slightly protruding clavicle, so I hugged her tighter while licking her clavicle.

I wanted her boobs and to feel the softness of her body, so I buried my head deep between them.

I wanted to smell her scent and get drunk on it, so I sniffed her neck licking it, sucking on it, leaving the marks of my desire everywhere.

She also didn't shy away from getting pleasure. Tracing my back muscles with her fingers or squeezing my butt, depending on what I was doing to her.

As I stood up with her ass in my hands, her legs locked tightly around my waist. Her hands were clenched around my neck. When I started to move my hips furiously, she bit my shoulder so that she could hide her intense moans that sounded like a beast's growl. She bit deep enough for me to feel the pain, yet it aroused me even more.

I felt how the trembling from my dick was spreading to my whole body. The finish was near.

As I looked at her face, I saw her eyes looking at me in return. And soon, my eyes went down. I wanted her lips as well. The last time she averted her head at the last moment.

I wanted to taste her full lips when I was reaching the pinnacle.

Her hands suddenly moved, and she clasped my ears and lifted my face so I could look into her eyes. And then she moved her lips closer.

As she kissed me hard enough for me to lose breathing, I felt something snapping at the back of my head. The sound of our tongues intertwining and the movement of our spit was the last thing I heard.

I increased the speed of my waist movement to the top and clenched her butt so hard that it left a mark on her milky white skin.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

I looked at her dark purple eyes as I was greeting the blinding whiteness that was the indication of my orgasm.



The moans that wanted to burst out were held off by our kiss.

I felt hot liquid striking my pubis as well as her pussy wriggling and clenching crazily around my dick, trying to milk me.

My legs buckled, and I fell down, back on the bed with Violetta in my hands. I closed my eyes and breathed roughly. I still couldn't understand what was happening around me.

I was probably starting to doze off when I suddenly felt something wet around my flaccid dick. But I didn't even have the strength to moan at the moment.

I barely lifted my head to look at what was going on and saw Violetta between my legs, busily attending to my lower half with her mouth. After sensing my gaze with a plop sound, she released my half-erect dick.

"It's still too early, don't you think so?"

What waited for me was a very long night.