Business Trip

"Whats up", I ask my manager while we take a seat and I pour us a drink. "You and I are  going for a little trip my friend", he says.

"Vacation", I ask him.

"Afterwards, first business K", he tells me. "Okay, what kind of business", I ask him." "Haha you're going to love this. We're going to a local music festival to scope out potential talent", he tells me.

"Uhm, doesn't that go against our little arrangement. Unless you've changed it now", I ask him.

"Am I going to be in the front line with you", I ask him. "Of course not. You know exactly how this arrangement works. You write the music and I get the famous artists to perform it. You just stay as the music industry's anonymous ghostwriter and get paid for it", he states.

"Of course", I respond. "But how am I  going to find these potential talents if I may ask", I questioned him. "You just blend in with the crowd, pick out the talent from the ones the people seem to love the most. And then report back to me. Simple", he tells me.

"Yeah well I don't see anything in that whole proposal I particularly love or even like", I tell him with my arms folded.

"Really? Weren't you same guy complaining about how I don't give you enough free range to pick who performs your music. Damn ungrateful piece of talent you are.

Well here's something you'll definitely  love. The music festival happens to be something really close to you. In fact it's the very first place we met and formed our special arrangement", he says.

My eyes open wide soon afterwards, "you don't mean", I ask in an unsettled tone.

"That's right. We're going back to your little hometown", my manager states.

I immediately fall quiet and just stare at him.

"This is the part where you thank me", he claims.

"Real talk. I haven't been home in a minute", I  tell him.

"A few people there don't really like me, some think I'm now too boujee to ever come back and others are actually convinced I'm dead", I tell him.

"Well suck it up, cause we leave tonight", my manager claims.

I exclaim back to him, "wait what".