The next day was the start of the music festival, but I wasn't looking forward to it, especially with my black eye. But my manager had said otherwise.
We went to the festival in two different cars to not raise any suspicion. My manager lead the charge as he was the main host of this entire festival. He was a well known respected figure, Franklin J Miller. But in my eyes he was a Devil in a expensive fancy suit.
I did what I was meant to do, scoping out potential talent. There was a few potentials I'd have to admit. Some really hungry kids wanting a piece of the success cake. It wasn't too bad of a day, despite people looking at me like some kind of a ghost.
"As I live and breathe! Is that you K", a voice yelled out from the back. I turned around to see who it was and my heart fell quiet at the realization...
It was her, it was Catherine. She looked beautiful as I left her, and in fact more than I could ever imagine.
"Hey long time", I stated. "Indeed K, way too long. We all thought you were too boujee to ever come back. Well that and we were convinced you were actually dead", she stated.
I had no smart remark to that and just smiled stupid.
"So what are you doing here K? I knew you were one who found interest in these sort of things. But I would never think a big time investor like you would find time to come to this music festival", she asked.
"Uhm, lets just say its my little vacation. Some time away from the big life", I reply.
"Well I'm glad that you're here", she says with a smile. In the moment I felt happy about this whole trip, and especially thankful that someone besides my parents was happy that I was back.
"So K, how about you buy an old friend a snack", she states. Without hesitation I exclaim, "yes definitely'. She walked up to my side and locked arms with me.
She looked at my black eye and laughed. "TK I see", she claims. I just quietly nod my head.
We went to a little food stand and I bought us something to eat. We sat by the sitting area, catching up with each other.
"So wait, you're officially a news reporter at that News publication you kept talking about when we were kids", I exclaimed. "Yeah. A lot happened when you were gone K. You're not the only one who made it big mind you", she said in a chuckled manner. "Well congrats", I respond. "Don't congratulate me yet. I just need one big scoop to get that promotion I've been working for", she states.
"Well knowing you, you've already got it in the bag", I tell her. We spend a few minutes talking and laughing. And I think to myself,
"I almost didn't want to come out here".
"Hey look, those kids are doing that uhm rap freestyle thing you used to do as a kid", she exclaims while pointing at them.
"It's not really a rap freestyle thing but more of a on the spot wordplay and rhyming sort of thing, with a rap feel to it", I tell her. "Well whatever it is you used to be good at it. You should show those boys how its done", she claims while pulling my arm.
"Nah, I don't really do that stuff anymore", I reply. But she keeps at it, pulling me off my sit. "Come on K, just for old times sake", she exclaims.
"Fine", I agree.
We head to the crowd of kids and Catherine announces, "my friend here says he can show you boys how it's done". The kids look at me and one of boys speaks out, "okay old man, I see you want to relive your old glory days. Lets see what you got".
I respond with, "don't play with me like that kid. My words can take your girl faster than you can blink. Now whats my topic .
He replies, "show me what you got. Old man".
I clear my throat, telling myself, "hold yourself back K and try avoid raising suspicion".
A lot of people think I go through an identity crisis,
And with a name like mine you'd think I work for ISIS
But then again, I do drop bombs coming out the nicest
And you better pay your dues on my name despite it being priceless.
But let me keep it simple, and ever so serious
Thinking that I'm too old to keep at this,
means your only delirious
But wait no, let me keep it clean,
Tell me how you stay asleep, while I'm awake somehow living a dream
I'm likely mistaken as an incredible figure that happens to be me,
Living this life through plan A the kind of life you'd wish yours to B,
something you can't touch but only can C
And probably beat yourself about it more than you beat your D
But wait let me send you another letter,
writing you out before I write you off
Tell you watch your step whiling walking in my turf
maybe hold your lips and bite your tongue,
Never mistake the best cause when the it comes to this there only can be one
and I'm rising to the occasion more than the sun
But funny enough I'm only doing this fun.
So you ask me what I got,
Take a measure. Oh boy its looking like a lot.
It's looking like a win over a loss.
the employee trying to step into the shoes of a boss.
But if the shoe fits, you can't walk a mile,
But you're welcome to take the trial
still try not to make the misstep.
or better yet try not to overstep.
And word to the wise I was right to tell you what I got, cause son you got none left.
So let me make a fatality and ask you who's next.. .
After I finish off all the kids look at me with wide eyes. The boy in question can only say," not bad old man". Catherine starts clapping and the crowd soon follows, clapping and cheering.
But out of all the claps there's one in particular that catches my attention. Behind the crowd is TK clapping ever so slowly.