"Hey T. Look who it is", Catherine exclaims.
But TK just remains silent giving me a good stare down. "Maybe I should go now", I tell Catherine. "Yeah you should. Go back to your boujee lifestyle out there in the big world", TK states. "Come on T, don't be like that to our friend", Catherine cries out. TK lets out a sarcastic laugh, "you cant be serious right now", he exclaims. "Have you forgotten that our so called friend went MIA after Chris died. Or that he made it big out there and forgot all about of us. I guess we didn't really matter did we K", TK asks me.
"It's not like that TK", I try to explain myself.
"Well then K, enlighten me", TK asks. I hold down my words, swallowing my tongue and remain silent. "Ha! I guess you got nothing to say", TK claims. Catherine nudges my arm, "come on K tell him", she cries out.
I remain silent.
"I need to go", I tell her and walk away. "That's right! Walk away just like you did all those years ago", TK yells out. I jump into the car and head back to the hotel. I lay down on my bed in my private room, unlock my phone and scroll through my contact list.
"HEY BOO", Infamous greets me on the other side of the line. "Hey", I reply, "so I'm back in my hometown and it went relatively well I guess". "Oh really. Well do tell", Infamous asks me.
"Well everyone seems to be against except that girl I told you I liked as a kid. But after today I'm pretty sure shes going to join the club of hating me too", I tell Infamous.
"Mmh, okay. And what about your friend TK", she asks. "Haha, were definitely not friends. Ugh and he sucker punched me in my left eye", I explain to her, while holding my black eye. "Mmh, I'm sure you kinda deserved it boo", Infamous claims.
I let out a loud groan, "you know what, you might be right", I tell her. "So what now boo", Infamous asks me. I start hitting my forehead against my knee, "this freaking festival is for three weeks, so I'm stuck here for a while", I say in an annoyed voice. "Well that's one week to make amends with the people you've wronged, another one to shoot your shot with that girl you clearly still like.
And if things don't go that smoothly and you end up being hated more, you have another week to turn up and party all your sorrows away", Infamous tells me.
I chuckle.
"Alright Infamous, I'll do exactly that. thanks", I tell her. "Good luck boo", she replies. Soon after I cut the call, and lay flat on my bed let out a loud "CRAAAAAAPPP".
45 minutes later
My manager walks into my room and finds me sitting on the floor with earphones on. "Well you look comfy", he claims. I pull out one ear piece and just look at him. "So before I tell you the good news there's this RnB artist who needs a deep lyric for his love song. What you got", my manager asks me.
At the speed of my heart, I'm racing to fall in love.
"Mmh not bad, but I know you've got better ones. But you're clearly in some mood right now, so I'll just take it", he claims while texting my lyric to the RnB artist.
"So what's the good news", I ask him. "Oh by the way. Well it seems our first day of the music festival was such a success, that they're extending it by another week", he tells me.
"Four weeks", I yell out, "you cant be serious right now". "Well I am being dead serious, and you should too", he says that while pointing his finger at me. "Fine. But I want a bigger free range of picking who performs my songs", I tell him.
"Sure, sure, if it helps you sleep at night. But tell me K, did the guy I hear was showing some kids at the festival how its done, happen to be you today", he asks me with a serious look.
I lift my hands and tell him, "I don't know what you talking about. I was just scoping out potential talent like you told me to. But by the way it sounds, I missed some really good potential talent". My manager looks at me for a few seconds, lifting up his hand and starts explaining, "you see this open hand. This is your free range. so if you keep F*cking up, this open hand may start looking like a closed fist. You got it".
I nod my head as a response.
My manager walks out, leaving me to my thoughts.