

/ the night you left, all i could think about was the time you told me you could never stop loving me. what happened? that night i saw the love drain out completely and i thought i could die from the heartache. this started a downspiral that one could only imagine. do you remember? /

rooki sat in the empty apartment drowning in his thoughts. he couldnt stop blaming himself for driving wara away. 


message from Unknown

rooki felt his heart stop. 

unknown? probably the wrong number. he thought.

attatchment: 1 video clip

thought you'd want to see this, since 

he was too scared to tell you himself .  

rooki opened the video, tears already forming in his eyes. he saw wara with a girl who he's never seen before. they were kissing and laughing, lying together on the bed. rooki felt so much pain that it turned into anger. he didn't want to believe what was right in front of him. who would want to do this to him? he decided to call the others and see if they could meet up. 


"HE DID WHAT?!" soketa shouted so loud that everyone flinched. he turned red at the sight of the video. rooki was still crying while huke held him and the others plotted a plan against wara. 

"its all my fault. i chased him away that night by nagging him about what hes been doing. i knew i shouldnt have but i did anyway." rooki sobbed. 

"rook, you never did anything wrong. you were worried and had every right to question him. its obvious now why he was getting so defensive. its best for you to delete his number and care for yourself. remember we're here for you and will be there the second you call." sakewa patted him on the shoulder. 

"you're right. ill just go home and binge watch something to distract myself." rooki wiped his face.

/ i dont think you'll ever understand what i went through after seeing that video of you and some girl. i felt like nothing, like a waste. but i had this overbearing thought of us getting another chance together. a possibility that i could still fight for you. maybe by calling you? waiting for you to come get your things? either way, i wasnt ready to let you go. /