


a few weeks pass without a word from wara, and rooki still felt like the world was against him. it was an overwhelming feeling as if hes failed, that he could've done better. he remembered his friends telling him he did nothing wrong in the relationship, but what if he hadn't bothered wara that night? maybe theyd still be together. hes stopped himself many times since then from calling him. hell, his stuff is still everywhere in the house. it haunts him. 

around midnight rooki sat down in front of the TV with a bowl of ramen and a coke. he put on a show and relaxed. 

knock, knock, knock...

he jumped, nearly spilling his ramen. who would bother him so late at night?

"rookie~ , please open up. I just want to apologize." a voice called out from the other side of the door. he thought his heart was going to beat through his chest. "w- wara?" he mumbled as he slowly unlocked the door. he shouldn't let him in, but the next thing he knew he was facing the tall male with tears in his eyes.

"hey rookie. how've you been?" wara asked with a sad smile. stupidest question rooki's ever heard.

"fine." he walked away leaving the door open. he still couldn't process the fact wara just showed up at almost one o'clock in the morning to "apologize." "so what do you want?" rooki looked over at wara who went to sit on the couch. 

"I guess- I just want to say im sorry for that text you got. you weren't meant to see it and I didn't eve-" 

"not meant to see it? so I would've went on not knowing you've been hooking up with some girl behind my back?" rooki cried. wara stood up and walked over to him. "no, I mean its an old video. back before we got together I was messing around with some girl and she decided to record it. I went to a party that night and pissed her off so she sent it to you to get back at me. im so sorry." wara explained, bringing rooki in for a hug. he felt himself melt into his arms. he sounded so convincing, how could he not believe him? 

"I know you hate me, I don't blame you. I was the worst boyfriend, now this to top it all off. I probably lost you forever." wara walked back to the couch. 


/ you really were good with your words, wata. just like you've always been. always knew what to say and when to say it. I fell right back at your feet after that. were you satisfied with yourself? did you feel accomplished? my heart felt full again, I thought maybe we just hit a bump and it would all go uphill from there... /


 "I don't hate you, im just hurt. that's all. I thought I ruined everything when you left that night. if I would've just left you alone and stopped being so worried, none of this would've happened. im sorry for stressing you out." rooki apologized. wara waved him over and he followed, sitting down on the couch in wara's arms. "does this mean I get another chance? I promise, we can put all of this behind us and ill be more understanding of your feelings. I love you, I hate hurting you." wara said. rooki smiled as a tear streamed down his pink cheeks, "yeah, I like the sound of that." they both smiled and shared a kiss.