Brotherly Love IX

Yuliang glared fiercely, his eyes blazing like embers. Yukio had been on the other side of that soul-severing glare far too often to react to it with anything other than a smirk.

"What, brother? You're the one that told me to get a part-time job to support my luxury lifestyle. So, I found the highest paying one out there," Yukio said over his shoulder and returned to perfecting the wing of his eyeliner.

Yuliang growled, "Yeah, but when I said that, I meant for you to get an actual job, not become an actual slut!"

Yukio waited patiently for his brother's temper to lower to a simmer before speaking. He knew Yuliang wouldn't take the news easy, but Yukio knew his brother far too well to not come out the victor of this battle.

Yuliang valued honesty and grit. He would come around to respecting Yukio's decision as long as Yukio didn't waver in his conviction and showed resilience under scrutiny.

"Relax, brother. I'm not being paid for sex, just my time. I'm not freelancing either, I'll be working under a reputable company. There are strict rules in place for workers and customers to ensure our safety and comfort. I'll send a copy of my contract tonight for you. The contract's negotiable so, if you think I missed something, just let me know and I'll get it renegotiated," Yukio said calmly, looking his brother squarely in the eye.

Yuliang's glare softened. He huffed and turned away, "Fine."

Yukio was surprised into speechlessness. That's it? His brother had never given into an argument that quick ever! Yuliang was as stubborn and bullheaded as they came. Getting him to agree to anything that he didn't approve of was like tearing someone's nail off.

"Do whatever the fuck you want. Just don't come crying to me later when you get fucked over. Accept and live with the consequences that come with your choices, Yukio."

Yukio smiled, reading between the lines and understanding what his brother really meant. "Thank you, brother."