Chapter 20: He doesn't deserve it! (Jangra's POV)

"Son... We are still together, it was all just a part of a game, I'm sorry, we just needed to test if you were ready. When a dragon is angry at a young age they tend to put that rage into strength." He said to me. I looked at him still not wanting to believe what he had just said.

I still felt, that in my mind, unless Yikla came here in purpose than he actually meant it when he felt like he was still in love with that dragon. My mother said she had a feeling that he might be, even before all of what was happening to me today.

"Why? I can still be strong! My mother always told me before that you were still in love with that black dragon." I said to him. He looked at me for a few seconds, then he looked around the area that we were in right now and he nodded to me.

"Come to my cave, we can talk about it in there." He said to me. Now I was beginning to believe that maybe he had even lied to my mother. He had told her several times that he was in love with her, why did we have to go to the leader's cave for this?

I knew that you went there after your test, but surely he was not going to ignore my question right? I wanted to know if he was wanting to be with my mother still, even though he was the leader, I would take my mother Isma's side before I took his.

I did not know him well, he never was really much of a father to me, but to be fair, every male dragon I had heard was like that to their kids. It just bored me that, my father, the leader of the tribe was acting like a normal dragon.

He picked up the cow and we began heading to the cave that was on the outskirts of the tribe community. That is why I had gotten to it so easily when I was sneaking up on him the other day to try and listen to his conversation with Yikla.

I now Knew why Socra had let me go the other day when I was listening to the conversation without telling my father. But now I was wondering if that was a part of the plan in the first place. I shook my head and continued following my father to the cave.

He dropped off the dragon right beside the prey pile which was almost always full besides rough times in the winter. But a dragon was not like a human, it could eat half a cow and not be hungry again for 3 more days, so we made by with what we had.

During times of the war everyone in the tribe was always working I had heard. But now a lot of dragons had plenty of time on their hands to do whatever they wanted to do. I could see a few dragons just sunning themselves on some rocks nearby.

I shook my head, if there really was a war about to start then why was everyone just sitting around being so lazy? The last war had been hard, did anyone think this one would be easier? Humans did not even know dragon's existed anymore, which means this time we would not have them on our side.

I shook my head, they had made a promise that humans would not speak about dragons through generations, but a lot of people told their kids anyways, and they wrote their little stories about their own little way of how they thought dragons were like.

It was annoying but I was pretty sure that humans did not know that dragons existed anymore. Those humans that were hunting that horse the other day did not think about there being dragons at all. I was a bit afraid about that, if humans found out about dragons, which they probably would now, then who knows which side they would choose.

I shook my head not worrying about it right now, even though I probably should be. I did not want to think about another war potentially about to start. Once we were in the cave my father looked right at me making sure that I was listening.

"Yes... I am still in love with that dragon. I love your mother even more though, do realize that. That dragon, I only thought about her and realized that this was the perfect chance to figure out of you were the one." He said to me. I looked at him a slight bit confused as to what exactly he was trying to tell me.

I knew that he was still in love with that dragon! Plok had believed it and he was right. I looked at the ground still a bit sad about it but then he did say that he loved my mother more than that dragon after all. I shook my head, I could not imagine falling in love with a black dragon.

"What do you mean? Is the war real or is the whole tribe a part of the scheme as well?" I asked him. He had obviously know idea about Penta so surely it was not true right? The war was real and it was coming soon... I shivered thinking about it.

He looked at me and shook his head, it told me all I really needed to know. Maybe Penta was jealous about the black dragon, the destined dragon was supposedly supposed to find a hidden love. Maybe Penta thought I was the destined dragon and she was doing her best to deny the truth.

"No... It is all real, but the dragon of destiny is supposed to be found when the war begins, he is known to be a very important dragon, you are the only dragon we really know of that it could possibly be." He said to me. I knew that the destined dragon was supposed to be a part of this tribe, but it could not possibly be me.

I had all the qualities of being the next leader but I did not think that I had any qualities to possibly be that dragon, I did not want to be that dragon anyways, they told me that my destiny was a lot worse than a destiny of any other dragon. Maybe I should deny the job of deputy like my sister did.

"I don't want to be the destiny dragon." I said to Himla. He looked at me and then he shook his head. He walked up to me and pushed up against me, and was a gesture of love and I could tell that he was feeling bad about me.

He was probably thinking of the same thing that I was. I felt a bit sick but then I nodded to him and let him continue what he was trying to tell me.

"Me and Socra have thought about this since before you were even born, you are the only dragon that we believe it could possibly be... You are the one that will end all wars." He said to me. I looked up at him, I did not want it to be true but maybe it was.

My friends called me special but it was not in a joking way, I always knew that they were being for real when they said that. I had fought Kota before and won every time but still Penta thought so highly of Kota.

"Maybe Kota is the dragon of destiny... Like Penta said." I said out loud. I instantly realized that I had said my thoughts out, but after all this was the dragon that all of the other dragons went up to when they were looking for advice.

Himla looked at me a bit confused but all of the sudden he nodded like he understood where I was coming from.

"I once was in love with a dragon like that. Kota is a fantastic dragon but he will not be deputy when I am around and he has expressed to feelings about that. It is rare that a deputy is not the son or the grandson of the leader." He said to me. I nodded to him, he was right and I knew it.

"Penta hurt me father... She told me so many things and made me feel pathetic and useless." I said to him. He looked at me sadly and then he sat down with me looking me right in my eyes.

"I know how she is, I have seen it for a very long time. Ipse told me about her and he said he worried about you several times. Please do not blame him, she has issues that no dragon can explain." He said to me. I nodded, she was such a sweet dragon until yesterday, that is when everything I had thought I had known about her had all changed.

I was still sad but I was getting over it already, I heard dragons got over lost love really easily so it should not be all that hard for me. I looked at my father still a bit sad though and nodded to him.

"Alright, we can talk about all that later, it is getting dark out and I'm going to go ring the bell and notify everyone that we have a meeting." My father said to me. I nodded and he held me back to stay in the cave like every dragon was supposed to before everyone was there.

I was ready, I wondered who was going to train me, maybe even Kota! But I doubted it, we had a few warrior dragons but there were not that many, my father had seen I was just as good at hunting as I was at fighting.

I sat there and then the bells rang, I instantly heard a bunch of dragons running over like they did when my sister was first being trained when I was really young. I went to all the meetings, mainly because most of them were my friends, but a lot of dragons stayed out.

I could feel the whole tribe of dragons all outside bouncing around looking all excited to see what was about to happen for me, I knew that no matter what there was going to be a dragon that was going to train me.

"Everyone! I need you all here! This is an important meeting! Not just for my son but many other important reasons." My father yelled to everyone in the tribe. It seemed like everyone was already here but when dragons yelled their voice shouted far for other dragons to hear.

Although it did not sound all that loud to me, I knew that it spread up to 2 kilometers out in case there were dragons that were outside of the camp. Once everyone was silent and everyone had calmed down I saw Socra walk into the cave.

"Come on Jangra... It is your time now." She said to me. I nodded and then I followed her to the big rock ledge that was in the middle of the whole tribe. All of the dragons that were there moved out of my way as a gesture to me when I walked through to the rock that was in the middle.

Yikla was there beside my father and she nodded at me and smiled, I realized how beautiful she was now, I could say just as beautiful as Penta, I was surprised I had not noticed it earlier. The seemed to have a little bit of a lighting black for a black dragon but maybe that was because I they were just stories I had heard about them.

I was staring at her smiling and not moving and then Socra pushed me up for me to keep going up the rock. I looked at her and she was smiling at me shaking her head. I looked around at the tribe but it seemed like Socra was the only one that noticed I was staring at her besides Yikla herself.

Once I was up Socra put me in a spot beside my father and she sat to the left of me and smiled at me making sure that I was okay and that I was ready for it. I saw dragons from everywhere and I had never noticed how scary it was up here as a leader.

I knew that some day I would be the leader, which also meant that I would have to be around up to a thousand dragons that would all be staring up at me. One little word is all it would take to make me a failure as a leader and have all of the dragons think of me as a joke.

"First off I would like to make sure everyone is here! Then I would like to adress our situation with the black dragons." He said to all of the dragons around us. People then looked at each other remembering about what had happened last night and they began talking.

My father let them talk for a few moments like a good leader, once all was silent he then began talking again.

"This is no joke... They are planning an attack on us really soon. I want all of you to be grateful to Yikla, I see a lot of dragons looking down on her. Without her we would be in a lot of trouble." Himla said to the whole tribe. A lot of dragons nodded but I could see that some of the dragons were a bit guilty and they were hanging their heads low.

"Now... First I want to start by telling everyone that we will have you all being at least a bit trained to be a warrior, we are going to fight them off rather than find a new home and try to end this war right away." He said to all of the dragons that were around us. A lot of the dragons looked scared but quite a few of them looked like they were ready.

One dragon I saw stand out because he yelled loudly so that my father could here. He looked very afraid and I could tell that he was a cave dragon.

"We live around woods! How are we going to do this!" The dragon yelled so that everyone could here. My father looked at him as if he was telling him that it was a good question and he nodded and Socra yelled loudly for everyone to be quiet.

"We will have dragon watching the skys for any dragons coming nearby about every 500 meters. If they see they will yell loudly and all the dragons after training will fly up to the sky. We are faster than them... Do not forget it, they will not stand much of a chance." He said to all of the dragons.

They all nodded their understanding but then one female dragon stood up above all of the other dragons and looked at him a bit confused.

"What about the very old dragons! And our young ones! I am pregnant with a dragon and it is expected soon." She said to my father. Everyone else nodded and I could hear several other female dragons yelling their agreement to that dragon. It was a fair question and I was wondering how my father was going to respond.

"There is a place several kilometers out that we will have them hiding, if the black dragons somehow find them first I will have 50 of our strongest red dragons protecting it. They should hold them off til we run over and help them." He said to her. Clearly he had done a lot of thinking last night with Socra. Socra was a very good deputy no dragon could deny her of that.

Once everyone was done talking and everything was a bit silent Socra went over and took my fathers place like the deputy usually did when they were getting ready to talk about training a dragon.

"Now! I want you all to stay silent, this is a very important message and situation that I am going to be talking about, Himlas son, Jangra, will be ready for training-" she began. All of the sudden everything seemed to have burst in. Everyone began yelling very loudly and I closed my eyes trying to drain out all of the thoughts.

"I would like to train him a hunter!" Said one dragon. I heard several other dragons shout their agreement and everything was just so loud I could not make up what everyone was saying. I did not remember it being this bad for my sister.

To be fair as well, I was very young and I was not in the middle of the clearing like my Mik was, she said it was very loud as well for her. Plok said the same although I was not born yet when he was first beginning his training.

"Everyone silence while your deputy is talking!" My father yelled loudly. Normally it was the deputy that did that, but everyone knew that it was for real when they heard it was my father yelling it.

Everything all of the sudden just went in to complete silence. They all were staring at Socra, but it looked like Socra was used to it, to be fair she had been deputy for over 200 years. She nodded to my father as a thanks and then she continued where she left off.

"I have not even told you all his strengths yet..." She began smiling at all of the dragons in the clearing. Several dragons laughed and I did as well, I knew that it was going to be like this no matter what.

"He is a fantastic medicine dragon, amazing at hunting as Himla had just told me, and he clobbered me in a fight as a warrior-" she said. The medicine dragon part was a complete lie. But all of the sudden the entire tribe looked amazed and the all started yelling.

Socra yelled loudly for everyone to be quiet and after a few moments the eventually stood to a silence. I knew they were all thinking the same thing. It seemed impossible! Socra was decent at all but not amazing at all. They all looked at ne surprised and happy.

My father Himla then walked up and nodded to all of the dragons in the clearing. All of them were silent and waiting for what he was going to tell all of them next.

"Now... We believe that he is the dragon of destiny... Everyone calm down..." He said. I knew that everyone was thinking about it at that time, but once my father actually said it thats when the entire tribe came into a mass hysteria. It was as all of the dragons had heard, the dragon to end all wars.

"Silence! I know many of you will want to train him... I already have a dragon set in stone for him..." He said to all of the dragons. A few of them looked dissapointed but they nodded and no one said anything after that. Socra then walked over and nodded to all of the dragons.

This was the part where all the dragons were silent and prepared for who was going to be the dragon that trained the son of the leader. Not even I knew who it could possibly be, I knew I would be the next deputy when Socra passed but I was not sure who would be the one to train me.

"I am going to train Jangra... Now usually most deputies do not train as you know, but with him being the dragon of destiny. We think it should be me." She said to all of the dragons. They nodded, I could tell some were a bit sad that they did not get the chance but they all agreed with what she said.

Suddenly one dragon up above all of the other dragons and I groaned when I saw who it was.

"This is not fair! He is not the dragon of destiny! Kota is! He doesn't deserve it!"