Making her into an A-list Actress

"Maya Parker? Yes I know her." Liam said with a disappointed expression. "But I think you know her as well, don't you? Since we were students, Aiden had-"

"Yes-yes, I know that. Aiden only had one celebrity crush in his entire life, but it was still only a crush. Based on what I saw today… Do you know what their relationship is?" Ella asked curiously.

He should have already expected this… "Well, what would I get instead of telling you?" 

Ella frowned a bit, she hadn't expected Liam to say this.

She did not have time to play around with him, but when she remembered the importance of Liam, she casually smiled, "Whatever you want! I will give it to you, okay?"

Looking at her trying to rush this conversation, Liam wryly chuckled, "Don't break your promise later on. Well at the moment they are not in any relationship, but-"


Ella slapped her hands on the table and stood up with excitement. "So there is nothing in between them after all! I was just imagining things. Well, they were only talking about business the whole time, I almost had gotten bored to death. It must be a business relationship only."

She took her purse and looked at Liam, "Thanks for telling me about them. Today I will be going back to the Moore family house because father has called me, will I see you there?"

"Father called you at the main house?" It clearly meant that he was ready to handover the responsibilities of the company to Ella now, but if that was the case, he should have been called as well, right? After all he was the current in charge of everything. 

As if hearing his thoughts, Ella said, "He has called me not for anything else, but because mom wanted to see me. She is going to prepare a feast today, you should surely come! See you." Saying that she left the café.

Seeing her go away, Liam could do nothing but just mumble some words, "But you did not even listen to what I wanted.…"

Liam was shocked at such a strong response from Ella, he wanted to tell her that although Aiden and Maya weren't in a relationship right now, it did not mean that they wouldn't be in the future. But when he saw her smile, he knew that it would become distorted if he told her about that now. Hence he did not say anything else.

A week had passed since this incident, Aiden had called Maya, but they only had some casual conversations.

He had tried to clear up the misunderstanding, and she also told him that she understood the situation that day, and knew that couldn't do much because his father was present there.

He thought that she was trying to ignore him but that was not the case, because Maya was genuinely very busy at the moment and hence was unable to talk much with him. 

She had returned from the Capital a few days before, and since then she, along with Ashely and their team were revising the project which she would most probably present to the SG Corps. 

Before coming back to the Zed city, Maya had arranged everything that could have been done for the new artise, Alyssa.

She looked over everything personally because the company was planning to make her into an A-list actress in the future and no setbacks could be tolerated.

But at the moment, Alyssa was just treated as a regular artiste and had to work hard for achieving the senior status in the Supreme Starlight.

Before leaving the Capital, Maya and Manager Davis took some things into consideration and decided that Alyssa would still be an artiste under Lily; the girl who had misbehaved in front of Maya.

Although she was a bit rude, her accomplishments were good enough to speak up for her, she was good at strategizing and planning careers, especially for internet personalities like Alyssa.

In return of keeping her job, Lily was demoted and her well earned salary was also deducted by a lot.

Learning from her past experiences, she was now much more respectful and took her job seriously. Seeing this, Maya trusted Alyssa in the hands of Lily and came back peacefully. 

Since she was busy at the headquarters, Maya didn't pay much attention to any news from or about Lucas. She did not expect much from him as well.

Ashely was secretly rejoicing, because if this continued, they could be open handedly be able to remove him from the position of Vice President or even fire him.

Although Maya agreed with this, she just laughed on Ashley's childish thoughts.


Meanwhile, Aiden was not in a good mood, he was constantly thinking that he might have ruined his chances will Maya, but he couldn't do much because he had to support Ethan with the company, his father was still in the hospital and in addition to that, his sister- in- law was about six months pregnant as well.

Since he didn't want Riely to have any more mood swings, Aiden did not bring up the topic of Ella in front of her. However, whenever he called Maya to talk about it, he felt as if she was just trying to avoid him.

Actually Maya had a reason for it. Now that she knew that Aiden was directly related to the SG Corporation, she knew that it might be slightly risky if she contacted him frequently just weeks before she was planning to present a proposal to them.

Some people might accuse her for getting the chance through underhanded tactics. Even if chances were less, she did not want to take that risk. 

"Hadn't I already told you that you should not take this job?" Manager Davis had called Alyssa to his office, they were having a secret conversation that even her agent, Lily was unaware about. 

"But haven't I also told you that I really need this job?" Realizing that it was sounding informal, Alyssa quickly apologized, "Sorry, sir. But if you can tell me about it, why can't you just tell about this to CEO Maya also?" She could tell that Davis was not that bad of a man.


After receiving only silence from him, Alyssa sighed, "I will be fine. I will take my boyfriend with me. How about that?" 

"No! It would not be good for your career, even if you have announced that you have a boyfriend, it's only on a small scale."


"Yes? Come in." Manager Davis said as he looked who came in, could the person outside have heard their conversation just now?