The only person who came to her mind.


Lily rushed to the room and tried to open the door, as she had expected, the door was locked, she banged the door and shouted to know if Alyssa was inside, "Alyssa! Are you in here?"

She was blaming herself, she had known what kind of people that were but still she naively believed them and dragged Alyssa into this mess. 

Getting no response from inside, the only person Lily could think for help right now was Maya. She immediately called Maya and told her about the situation. 

Ryan was sitting on the driver's seat, waiting for the signal for the to turn green when he received Alyssa's location. 

"Hmm?" He didn't get why Alyssa would send him her location. He clicked it and it turned out to be a five-star hotel.

He tried to recall their conversation from this afternoon and suddenly smiled.

His boss who was sitting behind saw him smile and asked the reason. "Nothing much Mr. Smith. Today morning my girlfriend went to audition for a movie and she got the role! She had told me that they were going to have a party at some hotel, so I had told her to send me her location just in case."

"Oh… Congratulations to her."

"Thank you... Seeing that she has sent me the location, she must have reached there."

Suddenly Mr. Smith's phone rang.

A photo of the side- face of a beautiful girl was on the caller's name. Her back was facing the camera and it seemed that she was unaware of the photo being taken.

It was Maya's call. This photo was taken by him when he had visited her home for the first time and she was in the backyard with her sister.

It was rare that she called him on her own initiative, he chuckled. 

Ryan looked at his boss smiling like an old school boy having a crush. These days, his workaholic boss showed him a side which he doubted anyone had seen.

But it did not last long, as soon as he picked up the phone his smile turned into a glare and after ending the call he immediately ordered him to change their route and head for some five star hotel. It seemed urgent. 

"Yes Boss." Ryan quickly changed the route to that of the hotel.

He frowned as he had a bad feeling about this. The location Alyssa had sent him and the location they were urgently heading to were the same.

When Maya received Lily's phone call, she suddenly became very flustered.

Most of the time she had a very calm and composed demeanor but today Maya was unable to hide her worry.

By listening to Lily's explanation, she could tell that Alyssa had been in the room already for about ten minutes.

Lily was trying her level best to get some help. Since Ashely and she, herself were coming from the airport and it was the peak hour, the road was jam packed with traffic. It would take them at least forty -five minutes to reach there.

If this were the Zed city, she still had some connections and could send someone, but in the Capital city?

The only person that came up in her mind was Aiden. Hence she called him at once and told him about the situation.

Actually Maya could have called Mr. Davis or someone else like the police as well, but she didn't. 

Even Ashely approved of this because if they called the police, and this got out; and was made public, they did not know what a powerful Director like Noah could turn the rumors into.

It would definitely not be good, and would harm Alyssa's career which was yet to start. 


Soon Aiden and Ryan reached the hotel. He had broken the traffic rules and made the journey of about thirty minutes to only mere ten minutes. 

Aiden got out of the car with Ryan following him. Both of them had stern faces as they entered the lobby.

Who did not know who these both were? The receptionist hastily called the manager of the hotel down.

It took him a few minutes because he was at one of the top floors' rooms, this was the place where the VIP customers of their hotel resided.

"Mr. Smith!! Welcome. Should we prepare a presidential suite  for you?..." He kept on saying some flattering words.

Everyone in the industry knew the bonding between the Smith brothers, if any brother was ticked off, one could forget about getting into the 'good books' of the the other.

Aiden looked at his phone, Maya had sent him the room number where her artiste might be. He didn't have time for all this flattery.

Aiden looked at the manager with cold eyes, "Cut the crap… Show me the way to this room number." 

Seeing that the manager was just looking at Aiden with wide eyes, Ryan ignored him and looked at the receptionist, "Bring along the master key. We need to open the door."

Although Alyssa had not told him which room she was in, he did not want to delay. He kept on feeling Alyssa also might be involved in this.

The receptionist took out the key but was still hesitating to give it to them. She looked at her boss waiting for his orders. 

When the manager saw the room Aiden wanted him to open, he was startled. "Isn't this the room those people are using right now? Can I offend them?" He thought.

"Whatever! These people are even more dangerous than them, what if I am caught along with them later on? It's better to help them now."

After looking at the seriousness on the face of these two important people in front of him, he felt a little guilty of his actions.

Just now, it was him who had locked the door from outside when that lady had entered. Suddenly a thought came to him, "But what if Mr. Smith was also here to enjoy!?"

 "This way please." 

"Open the door you m*rons! I am telling you if you don't I'm going to call the police! You think I won't be able to?!" Lily was still shouting at the closed door.

She had tried asking for some help from the staff, but no one dared to help her. They had seen their hotel manager being involved, even if they wanted to help her, without losing their jobs, how could they do that?

As they came out of the elevator, these rash words by Lily were heard by everyone.

"I am sorry Mr. Smith, I will get someone to take this uncultured woman out of here." After having the last thought, the manager had gained some confidence and said these words.

Looking at Lily whom he had met just a few days before, Ryan connected some dots, he was already not feeling good about the situation and now, he just couldn't keep his calm. He rushed past Aiden, "Alyssa!"