A Fateful Mistake

Earlier, inside one of the VIP booths in Haohua.

"We have a deal, CEO Xia." A handshake closed this two-hour long negotiation with this foreign company.

Xia Jiannan slumped back in his chair, exhausted. Dealing with people who have different views and cultures from you was taxing. They would nitpick at every minor detail that they found slightly different from what they knew and believed in.


Closing his eyes for a bit to relax his nerves, he almost fell asleep in that sitting position.

His secretary had escorted their new business partners out of the restaurant while he stayed inside the booth to prepare for another meeting that would be held half an hour later.

One could only imagine how hectic his schedule was. A meeting one after another.


Cheng Zhou came back and stopped short on his sentence when he saw his boss resting.

He was about to tell him what the foreigners had said before they left, but he chose not to disturb him for the time being. Instead, he went outside and asked a waiter to serve Xia Jiannan's favorite tea in their booth.

Secretary Cheng didn't have to wait long for his order. A waiter came back with a pot of black tea after only a few minutes.

As expected of the most luxurious hotel restaurant in City A.

"Let me bring it inside." Secretary Cheng told the waiter, who nodded in response and stepped aside to let him push the food cart.

The waiter bowed to him, and said before he left, "If you need anything else, kindly ring the bell and someone will tend to you quickly. Enjoy your tea, Sir."

Xia Jiannan heard the door opened this time and he opened his eyes to see Secretary Cheng pushing a food cart inside the booth.

"I'm sorry. Did I disturb you, Sir?" Secretary Cheng flashed an apologetic smile as he poured them each a cup of steaming tea.

Xia Jiannan stretched his legs and stifled a yawn. "No, it's alright."

"Here." Secretary Cheng said, placing a cup of steaming black tea in front of his Boss. "Have some tea first."

"Thank you."

Xia Jiannan picked up the tea cup and once again leaned back in his chair, eyeing his secretary thoughtfully.

He should really raise Secretary Cheng's pay for being such an understanding and caring secretary.

Taking a long deep breath, Xia Jiannan inhaled the sweet, floral fragrance of the tea, which soothed his frayed nerves. The pleasant aroma lingered in the air.

Secretary Cheng sat a couple of chairs away from Xia Jiannan as he sipped from his cup of tea.

"Mr. Walton is deeply impressed with you, Sir, and he said that their company will be looking forward to a new collaboration with Xia Corporation in the near future."

"Hmm…" Xia Jiannan hummed in response. He looked as though everything was within his calculations. "Expect their call within two months."

"Yes, Sir." Secretary Cheng didn't doubt his Boss's words.

An hour later, Xia Jiannan was done with his scheduled meetings here in Haohua. It's time to go back to his company to deal with paperworks.

"Your schedule is free until 5pm, Sir. You'll have the last meeting of the day with the Heads of each department. After that, as per the Chairman's order, you'll have a dinner appointment with the General..."

As his secretary informed him of his later appointments, Xia Jiannan could only wish to lay his back on his comfortable bed at his penthouse.

Because of the continuously piling up work documents in his office, he knew that a single second could not be wasted.

However, he was well aware that taking care of himself now was much better than to stay in the hospital for a few days due to over fatigue. That was why he decisively pulled up his right hand, motioning Secretary Cheng to stop.

"Cancel all my meetings and appointments for the rest of the day." Xia Jiannan said as he stopped right next to his car.

Secretary Cheng raised his gaze from the tablet in his hands, a fully booked schedule planner was reflected on its screen.

"Excuse me, Sir?" He couldn't help but ask, wondering if his ears were playing tricks on him.

Looking back down at the schedule, which was full till next month, Secretary Cheng could feel a headache coming. He could already foresee a lot of phone calls here and there just so he could fit these cancelled appointments at later dates.

Xia Jiannan knew this as well. Of course, he would not treat his secretary badly. A three percent increase on his next month's salary was already guaranteed.

"Another thing." Upon hearing this, Secretary Cheng felt his knees go weak, but he still waited for his Boss's orders. "Look for Mr. Liang to see if the things I've asked him are going well."

With that said, Xia Jiannan pulled open the car door and slumped his tired body on the backseat.

"To the penthouse." Xia Jiannan ordered.

He longed for the soft embrace of his bed as Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata played in the background to lull him to sleep.

However, the driver seemed to not have heard him. They just remained motionless as they examined the man through the rearview mirror.

The man looked as though he was having a massive headache as he kept on rubbing his temples with his eyes closed. His perfectly sculpted face was contorted, maybe due to pain and fatigue.

It was only after some time that Xia Jiannan felt that the car had not moved. He tried to open his eyes but to no avail. The several days of non-stop working must have really exhausted him, not only mentally but physically as well.

The moment his body fell on the backseat, Xia Jiannan shut his eyes close. He really needed to rest. And because he couldn't pry open his eyes, he opted to reiterate his words.

"Drive me to the penthouse."

At that, the driver started the engine and the car left Haohua under the blazing heat of the early afternoon's sun.

Xia Jiannan rested at the backseat, obviously not aware that he had mistakenly boarded another person's car.

A fateful mistake.

One that could alter both of their lives.