She Came Back?!

As she had just come back to China not too long ago, Wang Rouxi still had not managed to settle everything yet.

If it was not for her encounter with Xia Jiannan earlier, she would have been able to meet her new secretary and her supposed family already.

But instead of feeling bothered by the unexpected turn of events, Wang Rouxi actually thought that it was exciting!

Being reminded of that apathetic man who mistook her car as his, the corners of Wang Rouxi's mouth subconsciously curled upwards.

Xia Jiannan was after all the first person, aside from the Five Elites, who she had brought home. So obviously, Wang Rouxi would not forget her good experience with him.

All her speculations about Xia Jiannan's involvement in Wang Shenyun's case had been discarded. He could not have possibly had a hand in that premeditated accident.

Unbeknownst to her, that so-called Stoic King had turned into a kindhearted person in her eyes! It was totally different from what she had heard other people say about him.

Thinking about Xia Jiannan, Wang Rouxi felt something nudging at her dormant heart. It was a nice and pleasant feeling that caused warmth to spread all over her being.

However, when it comes to the matters of the heart, Wang Rouxi could be considered as the naivest of all.

She did not even have a slightest inkling about those kind of trivial things before. And after those few years that she was gone, although there were considerable changes in her disposition, it was not that easy to teach a person like her how to recognize romantic feelings because she was not exposed to it before.

For her, that warm feeling that she had just felt was caused by the alcohol doing its thing.

Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Wang Rouxi rummaged through the luggage that she brought home from the Philippines.

It seemed like what she was looking for was of utmost confidentiality as she had only managed to pull them out after quite some time.

They were hidden amongst her belongings that one would not even notice them if they would not look closely!

Checking the things laid out in front of her, Wang Rouxi's lips pulled into a smirk.

Things will surely become more interesting!

After arranging a few more matters, Wang Rouxi left her bedroom and headed outside without alerting the five people sleeping in her house.

Even with their heightened senses, no one among the Five Elites noticed Wang Rouxi leaving. It might be because they had drank too much or it might be due to Wang Rouxi's stealthiness.

Wang Rouxi's place was somewhat far away from the Capital. It would usually take her approximately forty minutes if she would ride her car.

Noting the time, Wang Rouxi decided to use her motorbike instead and sped over at her fastest speed.

Not long after, she stopped a few hundred meters away in front of the huge, majestic gates of the Old Xia Family Residence!

"Stop right there!"

A guard patrolling the area noticed her and immediately shouted, "Identify yourself!"

Wang Rouxi did not spare the guard a glance as she flicked her right wrist. The last thing the guard saw was the world spinning around him before he collapsed on the ground.

All of these happened too fast that the other guards nearby only heard a distinct shout.

"Report your situation." The command came through their walkie-talkies.

"Area 1, clear!"

"Area 2, clear!"

"Area 3, clear!"


Area 5, clear!"

The security officer in-charge to monitor the situation outside the gates frowned when the guard assigned at Area 4 did not respond to his command.

"Area 4, what's your situation?" He asked, his voice carried an authoritative tone.

At the area called 'Area 4', a guard pulled down his cap to cover half of his face and held the walkie-talkie close to his lips which was pulled into a smirk, "Area 4, clear!"

"Un, next time respond quickly." The security officer reminded. "Everyone, search your scope and report if you find anything suspicious."


* * *

That night, at the magnificent and luxurious mansion of the Xia Family's Old Residence...

Both the Xia brothers were unable to sleep!

Xia Jinhu twisted and turned in his bedsheets for quite some time but he could not find sleep.

His mind would not just cooperate with him!

Aside from thinking about what punishment he might get from his brother, many miscellaneous thoughts ran through his mind.

Xia Jinhu could only sigh helplessly. To clear his mind off of things, he decided to get some fresh air.

Opening a bottle of champagne, Xia Jinhu filled himself a glass before heading to the balcony.

"If only I have a beauty next to me, I would not even need to think about such nonsense!"

Xia Jinhu took a gulp of champagne as he lamented in his heart.

Just then, something caught his eye in his peripheral vision.


Xia Jinhu choked on his drink and he coughed violently.

"Cough! Cough! What the heck!"