
Xia Jinhu rubbed his eyes, he could not believe what he was seeing at this moment.

Someone had scaled the wall of their house to his brother's balcony!

Xia Jinhu heard warning bells starting to ring in his mind.

Sh*t! Someone broke in!

In his moment of panic, Xia Jinhu almost lost his grip on the champagne glass. Fortunately, he managed to regain his calm quickly.

Not wasting another second, he immediately fetched his phone from atop the table and was about to call the security when the intruder turned his way all of sudden.

The intruder was wearing the standard uniform of the Xia Family guards stationed outside the gates. Xia Jinhu could not see their face clearly because of the security guard cap covering half of the intruder's face.

Then, the unexpected happened...

Xia Jinhu saw the intruder remove their cap, long blonde hair falling on their shoulders like a waterfall.

The intruder was actually a woman!

At that point in time, the shock Xia Jinhu felt could not be described with mere words.


I-isn't that the beautiful goddess?!

Why is she here?

Xia Jinhu's mouth dropped open and disbelief crossed his handsome features.

He then saw the goddess make a shush gesture, putting a finger to her lips and then she winked at him!

Xia Jinhu stood there, frozen like a deer in the headlights. His heart was beating erratically as though it was about to leap out of his chest.

The moonlight shone on the goddess's enchanting face and Xia Jinhu found himself lost in her otherworldly beauty.

Aahhh... Damn!

Brother would surely kill me if he finds out that I'm ogling at sister-in-law!

When Xia Jinhu came through, Wang Rouxi was already gone and most likely, she had entered Xia Jiannan's room.

What a lonely life this is!

The busybody Xia Jinhu would usually get excited about his brother's affairs but tonight was different.

He looked like a deflated balloon as he went back in his room and poured himself another glass of champagne.

"Big bro has found himself Sister-in-law. What about me? It's really hard to find someone that matches me. I couldn't help it though. I'm just too handsome!"

Xia Jinhu sighed as he drank champagne while wallowing about the problems he had because of his handsomeness.


Unknowingly, an hour had passed but Xia Jinhu still could not sleep!

He could not help but think about the beautiful goddess in his brother's room.

What are they doing?

Could they be...

Xia Jinhu leaped out of his bed and started to pace back and forth in his room.

It has been an hour but there's no news from his brother!

Just as his mind started to wander to those perverted thoughts




The sudden noise made Xia Jinhu jump in shock, his hand pressing against his chest as he tried to calm his rapidly beating heart.

When he turned to the source of the sound, Xia Jinhu saw someone standing on his balcony.

The person's back was facing the moon as the moonlight cast a silhouette on her slender body with her hair blowing in the wind.

"Sister-in-law..." In his shock, he subconsciously called out.

Oh, shoot!

Xia Jinhu hurriedly looked at Wang Rouxi and observed her expression. The latter merely smiled, seemingly not minding Xia Jinhu's faux pas.

"Xia Jinhu, right?" Wang Rouxi smiled at him. "May I come in?"

Xia Jinhu nodded and hurriedly went over to open the balcony doors wider to let Wang Rouxi in.

"Sis–um, Miss Rouxi? What brings you here...?" Xia Jinhu gulped.

He was a nervous wreck as he stood there like a child who was about to get scolded for stealing the cookie in the cookie jar.

"I just wanted to inform you not to let anyone disturb your brother for now. He was too exhausted and he needed plenty of rest to recover. Just wait for him to wake up on his own."

Under the dim lighting in his room, Xia Jinhu noticed that Wang Rouxi's face was slightly tinged with red. There was also a sheen layer of sweat on her neck.

Damn! I did not know that brother's this weak! They didn't even last until the entire morning.

Xia Jinhu clicked his tongue but he did not ask anything else about his brother's situation.

"Got that, Sis– Miss Rouxi!"