Wang Rouxi's Bodyguards

Early the next morning.

At Wang Rouxi's residence.

Lu Lenglian was stirred awake by a certain someone's babbling even before the sun had completely risen up the horizon.


Lu Lenglian scrunched up his brows as he realized that the sound was coming from his left side.

Through his blurry and dim vision, he could vaguely see the outline of the person next to him.

Under normal circumstances, just based on Lu Lenglian's temperament, he would have tossed that person who dared to invade his personal space away from him.

But if it was Lu Yizhi that we were talking about...


Let's just say that the initially grumpy Lu Lenglian was more than satisfied while relishing the moment Lu Yizhi was in his embrace.

"If only I could wake up next to you every morning..." Lu Lenglian spoke in voice barely above a whisper.

He dared to say this as he knew that Lu Yizhi would not hear him since he always sleeps like a log.

However, all good things must come to an end.

Missions would always take precedence over everything else after all.

After staying in that position for a few more minutes, Lu Lenglian nudged everyone awake.

Although they were still feeling a little bit out of it because of their drinking session last night, they reluctantly pulled themselves out of the makeshift bed to prepare for their mission.

"I received the coordinates. Hurry up so we can get there earlier!"

That was Lu Qingya. She was in charge of the details.

As the only female member of the group aside from their leader, most of the tasks that involve meticulous handling and planning were given to her.

While waiting for her male companions, Lu Qingya started to go over the rest of the information provided by the Headquarters.

The client they were supposed to protect goes by the name 'Wang Rouxi,' and apparently, she is the new CEO of Wang Empire Estates.

The mission required them to show up in formal attire to disguise as the company's regular employees.

Not long after, three strangely dressed men walked through the living room. It was unknown from what era these attires came from, but it definitely got Lu Qingya incensed.

Staring down at the three men in front of her, Lu Qingya revealed a smile that was not a smile. "Can you tell me what you are wearing?"

The simple dress shirt paired with a beige pencil skirt that she had picked out to wear paled in comparison to the overly extravagant outfit of the three.

"Are you attending a costume party?" Lu Qingya was still as calm as ever, "Go change those medieval outfits with something more appropriate."

The usually graceful Lu Qingya was at a loss as she glanced at their outfits from head to toe.

Just where did they get those absurd clothing?

As far as Lu Qingya knows, there were no such things in their wardrobe back in their base. Besides, didn't she orient them to wear something casual formal?

Checking the time on her wristwatch, she realized that they did not have much time left. They needed to set out immediately so they could arrive at their destination prior to the agreed upon time.

It is a work etiquette to come on time for meetings. It is not really good to waste your client's time by not being punctual, right?

Taking their Leader Xi as an example. She values her time and always comes before the set time so as to prepare for any unexpected occurrence.

Seeing Lu Yizhi, Lu Wei and Lu Lenglian still standing there, staring dumbfounded at her as though they had just seen a ghost, Lu Qingya's eyebrows twitched.

No matter how elegant and well-refined she normally was, the beautiful lady could not help but lash out at this moment.

"What are you still dawdling about? Hurry up and get changed!"

However, her bellows fell on deaf ears.

Lu Yizhi was left aghast by what he was seeing as he pointed a shaking finger at Lu Qingya. "Y-you... you! You!"

But aside from that, Lu Yizhi was not able to say anything comprehensible. He was too shocked that he could not think clearly.

Lu Lenglian and Lu Wei were no better than him as they stared wide-eyed at Lu Qingya with their mouths agape.

Noticing their fiery gazes on her, Lu Qingya cocked her head to the side, having no clue about what these three buffoons were up to.


Being subjected to such scrutinizing gaze would make someone feel annoyed and on edge. "What are you looking at?!"

"You!" Lu Yizhi seemed to have come back to his senses. "Why are you wearing... something like that?"

Glancing down at what she was wearing, Lu Qingya could somehow guess the reason why the three of them looked shocked.

Throughout the years that they had been together, this was probably the first time that they had seen her wear a more feminine clothing. After all, she would only wear the same clothes as the rest of them for most of the time.

Realizing the crux of the matter, Lu Qingya gave the three men a look before saying through gritted teeth: "What?! Is there something wrong if I wear something like this? I am a woman so I don't think there is nothing wrong with that."

"You're actually a woman?" asked the still stupefied Lu Yizhi in a careless manner.

After all those years together, they had subconsciously forgotten that she was indeed a woman.

When Lu Qingya heard this idiotic question, a terrifying light flashed in her eyes as she glared at Lu Yizhi.

"What do you think?"

Hearing this, Lu Yizhi's outstretched arm fell limply on his side. He swallowed hard as he could practically feel the angry waves radiating off of Lu Qingya.

"Hehehe..." Lu Yizhi did not know where to start so he glanced at his imaginary wristwatch. "Oh! Look at the time! If we don't hurry, we're gonna be late! We'll get changed first."

"Let's move! Move! Move!" Lu Yizhi quickly urged the other two to leave as soon as possible, afraid that he would incur Lu Qingya's wrath.

In less than a minute, all of them were already dressed appropriately. However, it was only now that they remembered that Lu Sha would not join them in this mission.

The ever so curious Lu Yizhi could not refrain himself from asking, "Has anyone noticed Leader Xi or Lu Sha? I haven't seen them around the house."

Just then, Lu Lenglian received a message from Lu Sha. Everyone turned to look at him as they waited for news.

Meeting their expectant gazes expressionlessly, Lu Lenglian put his phone back in his pocket. "They left early for a separate mission. We should also get going."

With that, the Five Elites minus Lu Sha left for the Northern Sky Residence No. 9. It was a high-end villa situated at the North where the prestigious Wang Family resided!