Mistaken Identity (3)

Secretary Sun clasped his forehead with his right hand and exhaled deeply, feeling a huge headache coming his way.

"This will be troublesome," he muttered under his breath.

All hell will break loose if the Master also mistakes Miss Rouxi as Wang Xinji!

Realizing this, Secretary Sun hurried over to stop the little maid from ascending the stairs. He couldn't let her be the one to tell the news or else Master Wang will surely snap at Miss Rouxi.

"Miss Yongren, wait up!"

The little maid halted and turned to where she heard someone call her name. She was surprised to see Secretary Sun rushing towards her. "Mr. Sun..."

It was evident that Secretary Sun didn't have time to do exercising recently, he was already huffing and puffing when he caught up with her.

'This little maid surely walks fast despite having short legs.' Of course, Secretary Sun didn't say this out loud.

After taking a few deep breaths, Secretary Sun regarded the little maid with a slight nod and he suggested, "Let me bring the news to the Master."

The little maid was quick to agree and was already gone when Secretary Sun finally managed to catch his breath, only leaving him with a few words: "Thank you, Mr. Sun!"

Secretary Sun didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Not minding it in the least, he trudged up the stairs while thinking of a better way to disclose the matter to Master Wang without him getting chased out of the study.


Meanwhile, in the living room, two equally elegant women sat next to each other creating a pleasing view.

Shi Linlang couldn't stray her eyes away from the beautiful blonde woman right next to her.

Beautiful, she was simply too beautiful!

"Dear, you're getting more and more beautiful every time I see you!" Shi Linlang complimented as she pulled Wang Rouxi in again for yet another hug.

Seeing her only daughter with her new look, Shi Linlang was undoubtedly ecstatic about her recent transformation.

How would the entertainment industry react when they saw their black-haired goddess turn into a blonde beauty? That would really be something to look forward to!

In her excitement, she didn't notice the strange expression on Wang Rouxi's face and continued to fuss over her.

It's not helping that our aloof goddess didn't have any experience dealing with a doting parent. She could only sit there stiffly and accept all the fawning that Shi Linlang did.

"Say, Xiao Xin, where did you stay these past few days? You just left that day and hadn't come home since then. Mom's terribly worried about you!"

Shi Linlang fixed her 'daughter' with an accusing stare, then turned her head away so that she wouldn't see the tears burning in her eyes.

She knew very well why her dear Xinji had left that day despite the recent incident that happened to her older brother; they did force her to agree to a sham marriage with the Xia's.

However, as much as Shi Linlang would like to help Wang Xinji plead to Wang Huozhen not to go through the arranged marriage, the implication of breaching the agreement was too huge for her to bear.

Wang Rouxi watched on indifferently, the changes in Shi Linlang's expression didn't escape her sharp eyes. She couldn't even be bothered to open her mouth. This had nothing to do with her anyway.

At that moment, she noticed two figures coming their way from the corner of her eyes: one was Secretary Sun and the other was the current head of the Wang Family, Wang Huozhen.

Wang Rouxi stood up and was about to greet him when Wang Huozhen marched over and delivered a crisp slap to her face.


The sound of his palm hitting her cheek was so loud that one could almost imagine how much that slap hurt. It must have hurt like hell!

Not only Secretary Sun, even Shi Linlang who was previously sitting on the couch now stood up and gawked at Wang Huozhen, disbelief reflected in their eyes.

'Why did he slap Miss Rouxi (Xinji)?' They thought at the same time.

It was not long before glaring red fingerprints appeared on Wang Rouxi's left cheek, the crimson color stood out from her milky white skin.

If Wang Rouxi had really worn the mask earlier, these marks would not be visible. Unfortunately, she decided to show up here with her real appearance, but not once did it cross her mind that she would be slapped without reason whatsoever.

"You actually still know your way home, you unfilial brat?!" Wang Huozhen bellowed as he glowered at Wang Rouxi.

His loud shout snapped Shi Linlang out of her daze and she grabbed his arm as she pleaded, "Huozhen—"

"Don't speak, Linlang!" Wang Huozhen shrugged off her arms and sneered at Wang Rouxi yet again.

"Wang Xinji, go to my study now!"

Wang Huozhen spun on his heel and left after he said those words.

Shi Linlang scrambled over to Wang Rouxi's side and raised her hand to touch the glaring redness on her cheek. She felt as though there was a knife plunged deep into her heart, twisting and turning, making her feel an immense pain.

"I'm sorry, Xinji." She sobbed. I'm sorry that I can't even protect you.

Wang Rouxi just stood there, watching as Shi Linlang wept in front of her. When she raised her gaze, her cold eyes met Secretary Sun's apologetic ones.

That miniscule pain she felt from Wang Huozhen's slap was nothing compared to what she had been through all those years.

Without casting another glance at Shi Linlang, she motioned with her eyes for Secretary Sun to lead the way.

"Don't go!" Shi Linlang exclaimed, grabbing Wang Rouxi's wrist to prevent her from leaving. "Let me check on your father first. He's not really in a good mood lately because of some problem regarding the business."

Wang Rouxi glanced down at the frail hands gripping her wrist, a warm sensation spreading through her.

'What is this feeling?' she wondered.