A New World

Darkness. All that surrounded Will was a blackness that wouldn't lift for what seemed like an eternity. He had no difference in sight whether he shut his eyes or opened them, but the whole time he did what Michael had said and kept his head forward staring into the abyss. There was no sense of time, and even when Will tried to move a finger, it seemed as though he was paralyzed. He couldn't move a single finger let alone his head to take a better look around.

For what seemed like hours, there was nothing. But then, Will felt a drop of water land on his head. He didn't know what to think at the time seeing as though any new sensation within this abyss was a clue that he had almost made it. One drop led to two, and suddenly Will was enveloped by a storm. Noticing flashes in the darkness, Will noticed his eyes were closed. Being in the darkness for so long, he stopped thinking about seeing into it and shut his eyes.

When he finally opened his eyes and took a look around, he was astonished at the sight. He was in the middle of what looked like a desert. Nothing around for miles, besides a mountain. The same mountain he had seen in his dream. Realizing this, Will quickly turned around. Nothing was behind him.

With a sigh of relief, Will realized he was worried about the black figures following him. Seeing that he was alone, he was both relieved and worried. If he was alone, how was he supposed to meet up with Michael?

The mountain in his dream symbolized hope, as he was racing to get there before the cloaked men caught up to him. So Will decided that this was his landmark. The place in which held his salvation. He didn't know exactly why he thought this, but every time he looked upon it, it felt like a calming sensation enveloped him. It felt like the mountain was pulling him to it. Will looked around to see absolutely nothing else in the distance.

Will walked for a few hours, just to judge the distance between him and his landmark. No matter how far he walked, the mountain seemed to stay the same distance. Seeing as though it was a straight shot there, with no shelter and will was beginning to get hungry, he stopped.

Taking the bag off of his back, Will looked inside. Just as he did, his eyes grew big. Inside was completely black, as black as the abyss from which he came. Carefully, Will put his hand in the bag, expecting to feel something in which might be useful. He furrowed his brow, the bag was completely empty. He couldn't even touch the bottom of it for some reason. Will looked around the area, hoping to find a cave or at least some wood he may be able to use for a fire. With no such luck, he stood in the rain staring at the bag. 'If this keeps up, I'll die of hypothermia before I ever meet up with Michael,' Will thought as he stared at the blackness from within the bag.

Jonathan had left the bag near his car as he left for the final time. Will could only hope that it had everything he needed. His father had always been one to pack everything in case of any situation. The bag was completely empty. Just standing in the rain without any kind of protection was completely demoralizing, he felt completely idiotic having his hand in the bag while being soaked by the storm. 'You couldn't even pack me a rain coat?' Will thought with a slight annoyance, though in the span it took for him to think, a light fabric brushed his hand. Pulling it out, Will was astonished to see his father's weathered poncho from his army days.

Seeing the waterproof garment brought a smile to Will's eyes. This was proof that his dad really was looking out for him. He sent a silent thank you to his father, knowing of course he couldn't hear him, he turned his attention back to the bag. Placing his hand in the bag once more, Will searched around the inside. From what he could tell the bag was completely empty, but if that were true where did the poncho come from?

All he could think was maybe the bag was enchanted in some way. Will was embarrassed by the thought, but looking back on the fight Michael had with the wraiths, he couldn't leave any options out. When he wanted something to use for cover, the poncho appeared. 'Maybe it's enchanted to respond to my thoughts?' Will guessed while staring at the black leather bag.

Will decided to do some tests on the bag. 'Canteen,' he thought and suddenly there was a plastic container in his hand when he pulled it out. "So the bag responds to a person's thoughts?" Will said aloud partially because he was alone and even the sound of his own voice comforted him, though it was nice to confirm his thoughts. He summoned up a list of items in which he needed. Wet weather gear which consisted of a rain coat and a pair of rain trousers, a two set sleeping bag which consisted of one warm cottony one and one waterproof liner. He also summoned up a sleeping pad. Taking a look at the canteen, it wasn't filled with water.

Will summoned up more canteens until he reached a total of ten, but when he tried for an eleventh, nothing happened. "So there is a limit to what I can get." Will said as he unscrewed all the lids. Using the poncho, will made a funnel and allowed the rain to funnel into each canteen. The process took quite a bit of time. After what seemed like hours, Will had ten full canteens.

Thinking of the stories Jonathan used to tell him about his army days and the gear he used while deployed, Will guessed that it would only give him what he needed. Ten canteens would be more than enough to keep him hydrated for at least a few days.

Getting drenched by the rain, Will decided to put his wet weather gear on. He was about to take off his leather jacket when a hint of sentimentality hit him. 'I may as well keep something on to remind me where I came from,' he thought as he reconsidered taking it off. Instead he put the waterproof jacket over his own and zipped it up. 'It'll be a little warm later,' Will thought, 'but right now I'm drenched and I don't have any other way to keep warm.'

Will thought about how warm it had been before he left, the sun high in the sky. He thought of a camp fire, of a sauna, a hot tub, any kind of warming thought he had. He was in desperate need of one of those things. All he could think of was heat. If he could only feel the warmth of a fire around him, maybe he could make it through the night.

He thought so intently on the warmth, he almost felt it. The heat rolling off of his skin, starting from his chest and working it's way around his entire body. It was like a living fire was spreading around his body. Will instantly opened his eyes in surprise. He wasn't almost feeling this warmth, he was! Somehow his intense thoughts towards getting warm had unlocked something within him.

The warmth that had been summoned out of nowhere slowly dried his clothes within minutes. Will was dumbfounded by this strange phenomena as the heat didn't even dissipate, instead it tuned into a dull wave within his body almost like a space heater would do only ten times stronger. Will tested the new sensation by taking off his poncho. Instead of getting drenched, he could see where the rain evaporated just an inch before it touched his skin, his jacket stayed warm and his white t shirt didn't get a drop of rain on it. Will looked down in wonder when he was witnessing something that could only be magic.

'No real time to dwell on what I can't explain,' Will thought and then began to pack up the items in which he summoned. As he put all the items back excluding a canteen he hooked to his belt loop. He didn't need the wet weather gear any longer due to the new heat aura he had somehow unlocked. Will decided to test one more thing, he put his hand back in the bag and summoned a canteen. Noticing the weight of the container, he could tell it was still full of water. Putting it back in a pouch, Will closed the bag and slung it on his back once more.

Not really having to worry about rain getting in his eyes anymore, Will prepared himself once more for the journey. He knew it would take a while to get to the mountains, but just staying in one place wasn't an option. If he didn't move forward, he wouldn't get out of the wasteland. There was no television reporter to tell him when the rain would stop or when it would start up again so he had to guess he only had enough water to last him until he reached the mountain.

With the heat roiling within his jacket, Will put another foot down in the new world and continued to the mountain. This time was a little different as he trekked through the desert. This time he knew he wasn't alone, as his father had thought enough to entrust this bag to him, a bag that indeed did have all the provisions he needed. He had been trained by Jonathan in the way of survival since a very young age.

Will could only cringe when he thought of everything Jonathan put him through. The physical and mental training he had endured for the two years they were alone. He could remember the camping trips in which he would have to fend for himself, the nights with no tent and just a waterproof sleeping bag, or the mountain climbing. He had been put through his own personal boot camp. Will groaned, if anything his father had prepared him for exactly the moment he was party to. It was as if Jonathan knew that one day he would be taking this journey.

If there was one thing the desert was good for, it was allowing Will to reflect on his life as he continued to the mountain. Foot after foot, looking around and seeing nothing but sand aside from his obvious landmark.

Thinking back, Will knew that he had started his training within a week after his mother left. Jonathan had to know at least a little about what he was to go through. He had often thought that maybe it was just a way for his father to cope with Isabelle being gone.

With a look of determination, Will continued on his journey. He had no idea what lay ahead, but to him, it would be better to take it head on rather than to stay and wait. With each step, he became closer to the mountain. Just like in the dream, he had to reach the landmark. Michael wasn't around this time to give him a pep talk or to train him, he had to get through this himself. If he couldn't survive, how could he possibly survive his stay in this new world? Will steeled himself for the future, he had to get past this one obstacle if he wanted to be worthy of his fathers training. If he couldn't get through this, then what exactly had he endured for the past two years?

Walking the path only he could see in front of him, Will continued straight forward towards the mountains. He didn't know what was on the other side, but if he'd have to guess, it would have to be better than the desolate wasteland he had arrived in.