"I now know why you didn't want to talk about it before." Will said as Gruter finished his story.
The old man nodded as his mind must still have been in the past. "After I met Eldun, I began to hear his voice within my mind, teaching me certain techniques with his element. Mostly, how to use the aura to cool myself. Unfortunately, he couldn't get me more water, but he could prolong my life through healing with the affinity. After a week of training and arduous travelling, we were able to reach the city. I was a new man when I made it to Hawk Ridge. Eldun had trained me day and night, in my waking hours, and in my resting hours." He gave a knowing look to Will's exhausted appearance.
"How do you deal with a deity being within your subconscious?" Will never realized just how much he wished for someone who shared his current situation. He never felt slighted having two other identities within his mind, but he never knew anyone else who suffered the same fate.