Chapter 7


" I can't believe that she would go after Zac Efron instead of me."

It's been ten minutes since Izzy left with Lexi and Gabby and Connor's still going on about this.

" Bro, I hate to have to be the one to tell you this, " I say, " But I don't know who wouldn't leave you for Zac Efron."

That shut him up for about two minutes before he was back to talking my ear off.

" So what do you think of Lexi?"

" She seems cool I guess," I respond, " We just met her, and I've said about ten words to her so far so I don't really know yet."

" Yeah what's that about," Connor asked. We were at a stoplight so he turned to look at me in the passenger seat, "She shows up and all of a sudden you turn into a damn mute. The only thing I heard you say was calling Mason a bitch when he dunked on you."

" You know how I am around new people," I say, " It takes me some time to warm up to them."

From the tone of my voice Connor knew I didn't want to talk more about my trust issues so he turned on the radio and we sat in silence listening to it for the rest of the ride.

We pulled into Pete's parking lot, which was packed, and walked into the restaurant. I saw everyone else already sitting at a table. The big booths were the first to fill up and with seven of us we couldn't fit in the normal booths.

Lexi was sitting in between the twins on one side and the boys were sitting on the other side. I sat down next to Chase and Connor took the seat next to Izzy. Typical.

"Nice of you to finally join us," Mason said.

" Hey don't look at me. This grandma over here would have a heart attack if I went a mile over the limit," Connor said, kicking me under the table.

This caused everyone to smile and soon after a waiter came to us to take our drink orders. After he left, I turned to Lexi wanting to know more about her.

" So Lexi," I say, grabbing her attention, " Why'd you choose to move to Florida?"

She seemed surprised at the question but after a few moments answers.

"This is going to sound really depressing, but everything back home was starting to get draining to be around. Everyday it would be the same thing with the same people, and I wasn't one to branch out of the people I was used to talking to so I fell into a hole which kinda sucked," she paused, fiddling with a hair tie on her wrist before continuing, " My uncle had to go out of of the country for business and he offered that I could come stay at his house before my senior year. Now I'm here."

Before anyone could say anything, the waiter came back with our drinks. Once he left Gabby spoke first.

"Well I'm promising you that this summer will be full of only fun times."

" One hundred percent," Mason agreed, "Not a single one of us have a bad bone in our bodies. Except Connor, he broke his leg in 5th grade and I'm still convinced it didn't heal right."

She smiled and then Connor and Chase started arguing about what she should order. I was still looking at Lexi though. She seemed uncomfortable with my question and when we made eye contact she looked away quickly.

Could she somehow know I was hiding something? No, that's impossible she said she didn't talk to many other people she's probably just quiet. Mason said that none of us have a bad bone. He didn't know what I was hiding though, right? Surely he would've said something or told someone if he did know?

" Jason," Chase said, kicking me under the table, " What do you want to eat?"

I looked up from my contemplation and saw everyone was looking at me. The waiter was standing in front of our table taking our orders.

" Oh sorry, " I say, " I'll have the burger with an extra patty and fries, please."

The twins both order taco bowls and Connor got the same as me. Lexi got the philly cheese steak and a side of fries.

After the waiter left we killed time by playing mini soccer with the straw wrappers as balls and water glasses as goals.

The food came after about fifteen minutes and we all fell quiet as we started eating. Connor and I had our usual eating contest which lasted only about four minutes and I won. Once everyone else finished eating, at a much more reasonable pace, we got the check.

We out as a group so much we figured out a way to split the bill without making it a living hell for the employees. Every time one person would pay then everyone else would send whoever paid money to cover their meal.

Whenever it was your turn to pay you have to cover tax and tip. It was my return today so I pulled out my card and handed it to the waiter.

" Wait what," Lexi said, shocked, " You can't be paying for all of us. Lemme split it with you." She went to her bag pulling out her wallet before Izzy stopped her.

" Don't worry Lex," she said, " we have a system to cover our own meals." She explained how we paid when we all went out together. After Izzy finished explaining it to her, she put her wallet away before pulling out her phone.

" Pass this to Jason for me?" She gave her phone to Izzy to hand it to Connor then to me.

" Put your info in so I can pay you back," she said gesturing to her phone now in my hand.

I looked at the screen and saw it open to Venmo. The pay friend screen was on and already had my number filled out.

I start filling in the rest of the information as I ask her, " How'd you get my number.?"

" I put in all of ours," Gabby said, " I also added her to our group chat. If she's gonna spend the summer with us, it'll be easier than having to text someone to tell her."

" Makes sense," I say as I pass her phone back.

We talked aimlessly about the things we could do over summer while we waited for the check. The check came back and once I filled it out we made our way to the parking lot. We said our goodbyes, the girls going in one car, Mason, Chase and Connor in Mason's and I went alone in mine. From where we were Connor lived closer to Mason than he did to my house so it just made more sense to get a ride from him.

I got in my car and drove home. When I arrived and opened the door I was grabbed by two sets of little hands around my legs.

" JayJay you're home," Maddy squealed. Maddy and Ryan were my little siblings. They were six year old twins and we were technically half siblings but I never saw them as anything less than family.

I bent down and grabbed her around the waist, spinning her in the air. She giggled as I kissed her head and put her down. I picked up Ryan and did the same thing, but instead of kissing him I messed up his hair causing him to giggle and swat my hand away.

" What've you two little rascals been up to?"

They waste no time, talking over each other as they tell me everything they did spending their day running errands with my mom. Nearly an hour later they've run out of steam and settled down to watch some TV.

I go to my room and check my phone. I felt it buzz while Ryan was going over how interesting the refrigerator section was and he swatted it out of my hand before I could read the notification.

It was a text from an unknown number.

Thanks for paying for lunch. It was great meeting you and hanging out with you guys today :)

I smiled as I saved Lexi's number in my phone and checked my Venmo account.

Con sent you $15

Mason sent you $15

Gabs sent you $12

Izzy sent you $12

Chase sent you $15

Unknown sent you $25.

Twenty five dollars? That was way too much. I remembered that California was super expensive so what he had today probably would've cost that much back home. I go back to my texts to let her know.

Jason: Ofc. You seem super cool and lunch was fun. You sent me way too much though. I'm gonna send some back. Your lunch was $15 max.

I put my phone on my bed as I head to my closet to change. I hear it beep as I come back out.

Lexi: Keep it. Consider it a thank you for being so chill with me joining you guys. And it covers my portion of the tip. Don't try and argue with me on this, I don't want it to feel like I'm using you guys for free food.

I rolled my eyes, this girl seemed nice and we all liked her, why would she think we would assume she's using us.

Jason: I can assure you, no one thinks that you're using us. I'll keep the extra money but just know that I'm using it to buy two six year olds ice cream. You're not the only one who doesn't like handouts.

Lexi: See, the moneys going to good use :) Tell the kids that their dessert is being paid for by the coolest person ever and we'll be set.

Jason: They'll think it was from me, but your wish is my command.

"JayJay!" Maddy shouted from the living room, " I'm hungry."

I smiled to myself, " How does ice cream sound?"