Chapter 8


Jason: They'll think it was from me, but your wish is my command.

So maybe this boy wasn't so shy after all. Before I could ask whose dessert I was paying for, my phone lit up in my hands with a call from Luke.


" Hey Lexi, " he said, " How was your first full day here?"

"It was surprisingly good. I ran into a girl at the beach and she invited me to join her friends' summer plans. I thought it was going to be a lot harder to meet people to be honest." I choose to leave out the reason I ran into Izzy knowing Luke would drive back here, find the guy and beat him to a pulp.

" That's amazing Lex. I told you, you have nothing to worry about. Anyways being the amazing cousin I am I found you that job you were looking for."

"Really?" I was skeptical. It's only been a day and I didn't see how Luke found a job without even being here.

" Well, kinda," he paused, " It's more of a volunteer position and you won't get paid but I know you'll love it."

" Go on," I say, anxious to see what he planned.

" You remember that school next to the gym, and how I said they hold summer practices?"

"Yeah? What about it."

"Well one of my guys here told me that they're always understaffed during the summer and their trainer always takes it off. So I got the coach's number, and he told me that he's there right now if you wanna stop by and see if you can help out at the practices."

"Are you joking right now?" This was perfect, I already knew what to expect and this would keep me busy in the mornings before any sane person made plans to go out.

" Lex, only a complete idiot would joke about something as boring as this and I may be dumb but I'm not stupid. His name's Coach Ray and I told him that you have prior experience and could go see him before he leaves for the day."

" Oh my gosh, thank you so much," I exclaim as I rush to put on shoes, holding the phone with my shoulder, " Maybe you aren't such a bad cousin after all."

" Gee thanks," he says with a laugh, "I guess coming from you that's a compliment. Ray's leaving in thirty minutes so if I were you I would hurry up and get going."

" I am, I am," I say, grabbing my keys, " I'll talk to you later, okay?"

" For sure. Love you Lex."

" Love you too Luke. Bye"

I hang up and jump in my car, driving slightly over the limit to get to the school as fast as possible. Once I park I'm quick to realize that I have no idea where to go or where this Coach Ray is.

Going the obvious route I decided to walk to the field to try and find someone. There was no one on the field but the building next to it which I assumed was the locker room had a door propped open. Not seeing any other sign of life I decided that was my best bet and began walking towards it.

The sign on the door confirmed my suspicions of it being the locker room, but I had no idea if I could or should enter. I decided to knock on the door and see if anyone responded.

"Hello?" My voice echoed through the room, "Is anyone in here?"

I waited for a response and was about to walk away before I heard a shuffling inside.

" I'm in my office, come on in," a male voice responded from inside the room.

I slowly enter looking around. Directly in front of me was the back of one of many rows of lockers centered in the room. To the right were showers and bathrooms, all thankfully empty. I moved deeper into the space and to my left saw a closed door labeled as the equipment storage. The door after that was propped open and inside a man was sitting at a desk filling out some paperwork.

He seemed to be in his early to mid- thirties, with skin tan from the sun and short black spike hair. He looked up as I entered.

" Hi, " he said standing up, " How can I help you?"

"I'm Lexi Parker, " I say holding out my hand, " My cousin, Luke, told me he talked to you about helping out over the summer?"

" Ah yes Lexi, " he says, shaking my hand. His grip was firm, but not aggressive and he smiled as he spoke to me.

" Take a seat, please." He gestured to the chairs in front of his desk as he sat back down. " Luke's told me that you assisted a trainer in the past and are willing to help us here over the summer, " I nod and he continues, " If he hasn't already told you, I'm not able to pay you due to the board regulations and all of that, but I can sign off on community service hours."

" That's really not necessary, " I say, " I actually enjoy being around football, so anyway I can help is payment enough. I have to tell you though, I'm not a certified trainer or anything like that. I know how to wrap players and I can tell the difference between a 'sit it out' injury and a 'you need the hospital' injury but that's the extent of my abilities."

He lets out a small laugh and smiles, " That's all we really need right now. All they're doing is learning plays and working on their chemistry."

We talk for a few more minutes about the schedule and when I'll need to show up before he shows me all the equipment I'll have access to. It was the basic stuff; pre-wrap, medical tape and some braces and band aids.

" That's about it," he says once our short tour is done. We don't meet on weekends so I'll see you Monday, Ms. Parker."

I shake his hand, " Gosh, Ms. Parker, I feel old."

"Alright then," Ray says with a smile, " Later Lexi, dude, bro."

I laugh and after promising to meet him bright and early on the field and after the weekend I make my way to my car. It's been a while since I workout out so I so I decided to go to spend the rest of my day at the gym.

Driving home I realized how much has changed fro the better. In forty-eight hours I've made a whole new group of friends and got a summer 'job'. Back home Tyler would have made sure that the only person I hung out with was him or his friends. They were nice enough but under the circumstances it was the worst.

I got home and went to my room to change. I picked out a pair of black shorts and a dark blue sports bra top. I grabbed a sweater to put on before and after my workout. Downstairs I filled up my water bottle and put a protein shake in my bag for after.

The gym wasn't too crowded with just a few people lifting and using the machines. I ran on the treadmill for about half an hour and followed it with some time on the punching bags hanging in the corner.

I got tired a lot sooner than usual and decided to cut my session short, not wanting to hurt myself on the first day. There was a time a few months ago where I would be so mad at everything in my life that I would work myself down to the bone. Running, punching, lifting, whatever it was I would do it till I could barely breathe and then push myself more. My knuckles still have scars and discoloration from when I refused to wear gloves.

At the time if felt like the only way I could escape the pain and confusion in my head was to give myself a physical pain to distract from the fact that I wasn't okay. I've grown from that and I can although I still have those days, overall I can say that I'm happier than I was four months ago.

At home I took a shower and stood under the water as it washed off all my sweat and I closed my eyes convincing myself that along with the sweat, all my problems were being washed away at the same time.

I made a sandwich for dinner and I could barely keep my eyes open as I ate, tired from the days activities. Knowing that staying up later was pointless I turned off the TV and went upstairs to get ready for bed. Ten minutes later my head finally hit my pillow and I fell asleep soon after.