I Need To Find Her

Kathleen, who had been busy on her laptop after her phone call with Richard, knocked on Bella's bedroom door so they could make dinner together.

"Ben?" She called, but when she got no response, so she decided to open the door.

"I'm coming in," She announced as she turned the knob and pushed the door open.

She peeped inside and frowned when she didn't see any trace of her.

She decided to check the bathroom and became concerned when she didn't see Bella inside there either.

Where was she, if not in her bedroom? She knew Bella wasn't in the kitchen or living room since she had come from there.

Coming out of the bathroom, her gaze fell on Bella's phone, which was on the dressing table.

Perhaps she had decided to take a stroll outside? Kathleen mused as her brow lifted when her gaze fell on the portrait drawing of her beside the phone. Her lips curved in a smile as she admired it.