Chapter 1 Black Stone Tablet

In CrestMoon kingdom at the age of 15, the 12 Noble families take their children to the capital to get a classification on what abilities their children will have. Elijah Pride is the first born son and heir to the Pride Clan.

The same year Elijah was born was also the same year his family gained nobility; his grandfather was a war hero which gave them their status.

The Beastmen lion race haven't been in a position of power for the past 150 years. Elijah's family has been carrying the pride of their race on their backs. When Elijah was born, they thought that they had finally broken their generational curse.

When a child turns the age of 13 they have their first transformation into a beastmen. Usually the family can tell how strong the child will be based off their first transformation. There are two transformations a Beastmen can do:

Beastmen( Humanoid )and Complete beast( more animal-like). The child never reaches the complete beast form because their willpower isn't high enough yet. But when Elijah turned 13 he transformed into his complete beast lion form and stayed that way for 3 days straight.

Which is one day shy of never turning human again. At daybreak , noon and sunset Elijah lost control but he didn't turn into a beastmen he would turn into a complete beast lion. His family feared for his life because in

Crescentmoon Kingdom simply turning into a beastmen outside of your territory is 100 lashes. Turning into a complete beast is punishable by death and killed on site.

So Elijahs's father did the only thing he could, which was put an enchantment on his back which prevented him from transforming at all. Which left a huge tattoo on Elijah's back . Every time the Sun rose , every high noon, and a very Sunset Elijah felt unbearable pain. But these last 2 years he has gotten used to it.

The festival of the moon is getting ready to start and this year is the beginning of the next generation. The King of Crescent Moon has also produced an heir that will be a part of the festival; his first born son is the same age as Elijah. Xander Moonlight the heir to the throne, "The baby that started a generation" they say.

Once the King knew he was having a Son he ordered that all of the heads of the Noble families produce a heir as well. Although some already had heirs they still had to do so. Elijah's mother was already 3 months pregnant with him so they all just played along.

As the festival is getting ready to start the King is basically bragging about his son for 15 min and then explains what the black stone tablet does. Although Elijah's family were Nobility they still weren't as wealthy as the other families. Of the 12 families his was last.

The black stone tablet was enchanted; it could tell the class of any race and their current Willpower level,spirit power and strength level.

Spirit-power is your "magic"power pool.

The High priest started the coronation.

"Xander Moonlight stepped forward to the tablet and put your spirit energy into". said the high priest.

"So that's him."Elijah thought to himself.

This is the first time Elijah is seeing him.

Silver White hair, which is the family trademark with those blue eyes he's without a doubt a wolf beastmen. As soon as Xander put his spiritual energy into the tablet, it projected his Stats into the air with his class which read:

(Ark Paladin)

Spirit level 25

Willpower 25

Physical 40

The crowd went wild and they started cheering" long live the Moonlight family."

All the Moonlight family held their head high and proud.

The second person to come to the stone tablet surprised Elijah.

The high priest called out Misty Moonlight apparently she was the first cousin of Xander and part of the moonlight family she had Snow White hair but her eyes were red most people would have thought that she was evil looking but Elijah thought only of cherries which his mother gave him while he was in his complete beast form. She Was definitely a beauty. When Misty put her spirit energy into the tablet the projection read:


Spirit level 30

Willpower 26

Physical 25.

Once again the crowd cheers for the Moonlight family.

Elijah's father said "It must be nice to just be born into wealth and power not to mention luck ".

Elijah started to think that too

("like wow what are the Odds that the heir to the throne would be an Ark paladin just like his father.") But Elijah's grandfather shut his father down.

"hush before are young ones here your foolishness" then he looked directly at Elijah and said

"listen here son you are only bound by the limitation of your own imagination.

But A dream without action is simply a wish. I guess your knuckle headed father forgot what I taught him over the years". Elijah's father actually started to look embarrassed.

Elijah believed every word his grandfather had said after all he brought the Pride back to the Pride family and he wanted to do the same as well.

The High Priest continued," Klaus NineTails please step forward to the tablet.

Ninetails are the 3rd most powerful clan of Crescent moon kingdom.

"Ninetails!? They are fox beastmen right?" Elijah said.

Yes replied his father " there power is only second to that of the moonlight family The Gap between the 3rd and 4th nobel family is so big it is terrifying.

"Klaus had jet black hair and sharp eyes.Elijah could tell that this guy took everything seriously. Klaus did as the previous two did and the black tablet projection read:

(Kensi Samurai)

Spirit level 27

Willpower 30

Physical power 30.

For 10 seconds you could hear a pin drop. The head of the ninetails family stood up in shock, his expresserson read like it was finally there time to rise and rule the kingdom.

The crowd really didn't know how to react. No one knew what it meant.

One good look at the King you could see that he had some concerns in his eye.

Elijah had a talent for reading people.

To take control of the situation swiftly the King said.

"This is a cause for celebration. The Ninetails family have produced a worthy rival for my heir."

"Thank you my king".The head of the Ninetails family said.

With an even more proud look in his eyes.

As the ceremony went on there weren't that many Nobels that caught Elijah's eye that he would remember there weren't a lot of them that had main descendants or even a direct heirs. Just now arriving at the sevenths family when Elijah's father nudged him and said

"I know arranged marriages aren't really aren't really a thing here anymore but if anyone would be a perfect match for you and our family it would definitely be them.

"Sarai Saber, please approach the tablet,'' said the high priest.

Sarai had deep red dawn eyes and with chocolate brown skin and red braids.

Without a doubt this was the most beautiful creature Elijah has ever seen.

Click here for Sarai's Design

Click here for Xander's Design

Click here for Klaus's Design

Click here for Elijah's Design