Chapter 2 : Void Anubis

Elijah has known about the Saber clan for a while but he never knew of any daughter.

The Saber family are Tiger beastmen; they are immigrants in the Crescent moon kingdom; they have been here for only about 10 years. They are cat beastmen like the Pide family so hypothetically their bloodline could workout.

The beastmen closest in species share the same class trees so the tiger beastmen and lion beastmen share the same set of abilities .

Sarai puts her spirit power into the tablet and reads it read:


Spirit power 33

Willpower 22

Physical 27

"Of course she was considered a genius," Elijah thought to himself. So far it's only been 4 geniuses of this generation. Later on they call more to the stone tablet but none worth remembering till they get to the 10th Nobel position.

"Arthur Savage, please approach the tablet,'' said the high priest. Savage's name is tied into the Hyena Tribe; the Pride family have a long history with them that goes back even further than the kingdom itself. Arthur did like what the others did and the black tablet read.


Spirit power 21

Willpower 20

Physical 25

"The hyena tribe falls under the Wolves class sets, they don't have to, they choose to. They can really fall under the foxes as well." Elijah's grandfather says it's so they can oppress us just like the wolves do.

The name that is called right before Elijah's is Jason Shortfang.

"Approach". said the high priest. At this time Elijah is already at the pedestal and Hecan feel eyes on him from every corner. Then out of no wear Elijah hears a loud cheer from the crowd. He looked up and saw that the projection read:


Spirit power 25

Willpower 20

Physical 23

The Coyote tribe no Surprise on the rogue class but Spector he'll definitely be protecting the royal bloodline personally. You definitely could hear his family cherrying the loudest. Now the moment of truth.

"Elijah Pride approached the tablet." Said the Prist. Elijah could feel the eyes of the whole kingdom on him and that of my fathers and grandfathers. He knew the class everyone is expecting me to have and wants me to have. The family thinks He's a well waited Warlord because of his first transformation. Elijah puts his spirit power into the tablet and feels the weight of his entire culture and people on my back. The Tablet read.:

Void Anubis

Spirit power 23

Will power 45

Physical 20.

At first it read Void Anubis then it quickly changed to just Anubis. Void wasn't a bad class but Anubis? Elijah's family hasn't seen that Subclass since his grandfather was a child. Elijah could feel the disappointment in the air and the proud faces of the high nobility,not surprised by the outcome. Which pissed him off.

While he was headed back He couldn't even make eye contact with any of my family members. He would have definitely broken out in tears if he did. Elijah has lived through amazing physical pain with his transformation and his tattoo seal but there was nothing more painful than him disappointing his family.

"This concludes the Ceremony,'' said the Priest. "We will now announce this generation's geniuses. Xander Moonlight , Misty Moonlight, Klaus Ninetails , Sarai Saber and Elijah Pride". Elijah's family was confused at first and then started cheering. Elijah started to have tears in his eyes. Elijah thought He had no potential but I guess the priests saw something in him that He didn't.

The high ranking nobles started muttering about Elijah's name being called even the King himself Intervened.

"High Priest, all four names you said all make sense but the last one I don't understand. Said the King. Elijah never really thought the king had even thought of our family before but maybe he just thinks I'm not worthy to be called a genius like his son. The high priest Stopped the mutting and said.

"Your majesty, while none of the Boys' base states are extraordinary, his willpower is far beyond any of his peers; that means he has the most potential of all of them."

The crowd and the high nobility grew quiet and Elijah could see the King's expression that he was worried ,though it was brief.

"Understand?" the high priest said. Then Elijah saw the king make eye contact with his grandfather like they were going to duel right then and there.

As everyone is taking their leave a group of high nobles walk past Elijah and his family with their noses up amongst them was the second Moonlight family. Among them one got his attention was Misty Moonlight the first daughter she made eye high contact with Elijah winked giggled and just walked away with the rest of them. Both Elijah's father and grandfather looked at him like he was supposed to explain that.

"Do you know who that is?" Elijah's father asked. Before He could even answer, his grandfather said.

"It doesn't matter you need to stay away from that girl. Everything we have worked for can be destroyed in one night if anyone knew you had any relations with her". Truth be told she was alright looking but she wasn't my type Elijah thought