Chapter 17- Path and Classes

Mylo was currently farming the level ten boars around the area. Constantly killing one after the other. Hours and hours passed. Even though most players would already be level 10 by now he was still stuck in the lower levels. The experience sharing was really taking a toll in his development, as well as his progress toward his main goal.

Many players were passing through his location and mocked him as they walked.

"Look at him, he still hasn't reached level 10."




Mylo didn't bother with them and kept doing his utmost to finally reach level 10. As he moved around tthe area, no notification appeared to inform him of hidden items or dungeon. This made him a bit disappointed but did not complain, since he knew how rare those kind of situation were.

Without realizing it mylo finally reach his goal. What was left was that final boar in front of him to level up to ten. He glanced at his 'ingame time' and saw that he was playing for over 48 hours, around a full day in real life.



[Congratulations you have reached level 10!]

A normal player would normally require 44,185 experience points but Mylo required double the amount since his ego sword leeched half of it. That's why it took him longer than most. During his power farming, Mylo earned: 88,370 EXP (44,185 for himself), 1864 copper coins, and 8 lesser health potions', 9 attribute points and 3 skill points.

[Quest Completed 'Reaching Level 10']

[Please select the class you wish to begin your path on:


-Boost stats related to strength and vitality, the warrior path allows players to focus more on physical damage builds or a defender build that focuses on tanking physical and magical damage for the team while taunting its foes. There exist many classes, the most common classes related to the warrior's path are: Swordsman, Spearman, Shielder, etc. after acquiring enough experience one is able to advance in other classes advancement such as Berserkers, Swordsmaster and many more. There also exist many hidden classes around the world of Second Chronicle's such as Samurai and many more.-


-Boost stats related to Intelligence and Agility. The Mage path allows players to focus more on magic damage builds or support builds that focuses on curses (Debuff). There exist many classes, the most common classes related to the mage's path are: Sorcerers that specialize in one element such as Fire, Ice, Earth, Wind, Lightning, Arcane and rarer elements such as Darkness, Time and Space. There exist many hidden classes such as the Necromancer and many more.-


-Boost stats related to Agility, Strength and Luck. The Rogue's path allows players to focus on ambushes and stealth. They have high damage value and critical strike chance but lack any defensive capacity. They have extremely low health but amazing utility skills, allowing them to escape danger more easily then other classes. Common classes in the rogue's path are: Assassin, Scout and Thief. There exist many hidden classes such as the Trickster and many more.-


- Boost stats related to Intelligence and Vitality. The Cleric's path allows players to focus on support build that centers around healing and buffing team members or builds such as paladins that are a more specialized defender from the warrior's path. Some can also choose the Exorcist class that focuses on Light/Holy Damage against dark entity, the exorcist is the only class that deals light/holy damage, which is why the sorceress isn't able to use this specific element. There exist many hidden classes such as the Bishop and many more.-


-Boost stats related to Agility and Strength. The Archer path allows players to focus on physical damage from a distance making them amazing backers and damage dealers. The common classes from the Archer's path are: Bowman, Trappers and Acrobats (uses one-handed swords and a small shield). There exist many hidden classes such as Gunners.-


-No classes.

-Follow your own path.

-Not recommended.

(Warning please choose carefully once a choice has been selected you cannot reset or remove it) ]


Mylo didn't know what to choose from the available options. They all looked appealing to him. As he was pondering on which one he should choose, an unexpected notification showed itself in front of him.

[Emperor Bertelemy's Spirit is watching you.]


[Emperor Bertelemy's wishes to challenge your convictions.]


[You have acquired a new quest. ]


Name: Emperor Bertelemy's Challenge

Rank: ?


*Before choosing your path, give yourself a permanent restraint

*After confirming your restraint, choose a path.


*Will Depend on the degree of the restrain you impose yourself.

*The path chosen will also affect your reward.

Failure: None

Time Limit: Before selecting your path

[Would you like to accept the quest? No Penalty will be imposed if refused. (YES/NO) ]



"What is that random quest? Emperor Bertelemy? Who's that?"


"Wait? My ego sword is called 'Emperor Bertelemy rapier'. I see, if I don't accept it and don't prove my worth, there's only one thing that would happen. I will lose a hidden quest or class."


[Enter a 'Permanent Restraint' you would like to impose upon yourself:__________________.]

[Emperor Bertelemy's is waiting with anticipation.]

[Emperor Bertelemy wishes to give you an advice. ]

[' Beware of the false paths. They all, indeed induce deceptive practices. Practices which where thought with imperfection and not built with one curiosity and devotion. Seeking fame and fortune without putting in the effort, can easily be taken away. Fortune only favors those that are bold enough to challenge themselves.']


"All path's has been built from nothing by a curious individual. One that worked day and night to hone their skills. Learning from others would be the easy way through a somewhat successful but lacking life. One's true worth shouldn't be based on another's accomplishment. You're asking me to built my own story, or should I say... my own 'Chronicle'. "


"And…I will provide you with it! A path still not created! The birth of a new Chronicle!"
