Chapter 18- Restraint or Blessing?

"A restraint you say?"

Mylo analyzed his current stats in order to think of a good restriction that wouldn't negatively impact him. His imagination and ideas in his younger gaming years started to resurface. Being an avid gamer and creative thinker, it didn't take long for him to spur out something. Mylo used to create the most insane builds back in the days, in all sorts of RPG games. Some worked while others not so much, but what they all had in common was the unexpected usage of either items or skill combination. Yet, it was his first encounter with such game mechanics, a mechanic that restrained his creativity did not make sense to him at first. One would think that this was the total opposite of unrestricted character customization, except, to Mylo it was an amazing game element that allowed him to be differentiated from the crowd. And it was a this moment that his legend would be made.

[Enter Permanent Restraint you would like to impose upon yourself:__________________.]

"Enter ' Active skills"

[You have Entered Permanent Restraint: Active Skills.]

[Are you certain of your choice? (YES/NO)]


[The Permanent Restraint 'Active skills' has been confirmed]

[Please select the path you wish to pursue in order to complete your quest]

"I Select the Beginners path.

[Are you certain of your choice? (YES/NO)]




Congratulations for player 'Cosmo' for being the first player to choose the Beginner's path

Guild Affiliation: None


"Really? Out of all the billions of players, none of them choose Beginner? Doesn't that mean…"

[Congratulations you have completed 'reach level 10'.]

[Additional reward will be given for placing 1st rank in the Beginner's path. ]


[You have gained Passive skill 'Beginner's luck']

[You have gained a new Title for being the first to choose the path of beginning. ]

[Title 'Unshackled']

[The Beginner's path will provide you with two additional attribute points per level and an increase of 50% to all experience earned.]

"Even a title! That's my third one! Forget the two additional attribute points, I GET A 50% INCREASE IN EXPERIENCE GAINED! DID YOU HEAR THAT, EGO SWORD!"

"Life will be much easier with this, what else? Common I know there's more coming. Come to Grandpa!"

[You have completed the quest 'Emperor Bertelemy's Challenge']

[You have been permanently restrained:

*You cannot learn Active skills.

*You cannot equip items that have Active Skills attached to them.

*You cannot use potions that provide Active buffs.

(Important: the usage of attribute potion such as strength potion, agility potion and other similar type of potion are allowed as long a they are permanent buffs to your character attributes and not a timed buff.) ]

[Emperor Bertelemy spirit is surprised by your bold choice and nods with satisfaction.]

[Every 10 levels you will be rewarded a 'Skill absorption Talisman']

[You have gained +1 Skill Absorption Talisman]


"Is it done?"

"So many messages. Let's see if my rewards were worthy of my choices."


Passive skill: Beginner's luck Lvl.1 (A rank)

Increase luck by 10%.


Title: Unshackled

Your growth cannot be shackled; 5% increase to all attributes.


Name: Skill Absorption Talisman

Rank: SSS

Requirement: None

Usage: Attach it to an item that has either an active or passive skill into it. The talisman will absorb said item skill, removing it from the item permanently. The talisman will change itself into a skill book allowing the players to learn the skill.

-Talisman cannot be traded-

-Skill Book can be traded-


"I am dumbfounded by how amazing those effects are. The beginner's luck and unshackle titles are great but the skill absorption talisman is in another level. Doesn't that mean I could use it on my zealous bracelet and acquire its skill before it gets destroyed from using it 10 times?"


"Better save the talisman for now, if I don't find anything better il use it on the bracelet."

"Now… time to use all my attributes and skill points… how should I distribute them?"


"A warrior would add them into strength or vitality, rogue into luck and agility, mages into intelligence, and so on… but what about a beginner class?"


"I have in my possession, 27 attribute points to spend. My innate gamer senses tell me to go as a... jack of all trades."

"If I forget about the '% increase' in my attributes and the added flat attributes from my skills and titles. All of my attribute are at 10 points other than my luck which is at 0."

"Since I'm going to be a jack of all trade, let's put 10 attributes into luck first."

[You have spent -10 attribute points into LUK]

"17 points left"

"Let's add three points in all my stats."

[You have spent -3 attribute points into VIT]

[You have spent -3 attribute points into STR]

[You have spent -3 attribute points into AGI]

[You have spent -3 attribute points into INT]

[You have spent -3 attribute points into LUK]

"two points left. I guess adding them too strength would help me in the long run since my main source of damage comes from my basic attacks."

[You Have Spent -2 Attribute Points Into STR]

"My attribute looks much better now."

"Wait? Now that I think about it… I can't use active skills … doesn't that mean I'm the embodiment of a… troll build?"


"Hahaha! If I actually manage to make a build using only basic attacks and make it work. How humiliated would his uncle and cousin be after I deal with their guild. Hahaha~ "

"Anyway, let's see what skill to level up"

"I have 9 skill points; I could either share them into different skills or use it all in one skill, increasing its rank."


"Let's use it on this."

[You have spent -9 skill points into 'Beginner's luck Lvl.1's]

[Beginner's luck Lvl.10 (A Rank) has reached max level, rank increased!]


Passive skill: Beginner's luck Lvl.1 (S rank)

Increase luck by 20%.


The reason why Mylo increased beginner's luck instead of one-handed mastery or basic attack mastery was because luck was a multi-usage attribute. It could increase his critical strike chance, increase his item rarity drop from mobs and allowed him to more likely encounter rare quests.

"Finally done, let's review my status window."



*VIT: 13 (+10) (+15%) = 26

*STR: 15 (+10) (+15%) = 29

*AGI: 15 (+10) (+15%) = 29

*INT: 15 (+10) (+15%) = 29

*LUK: 13 (+10) (+35%) = 31

Attribute points: 0

(Edit : the 15% is from the 'unshackled' title +' One for all, all on one' title. For luck it increases an additional 20% because of 'Beginner's luck' passive skill.)


"Now…Time for a new goal."


"Yes, let's do that. Let's first reach level 15 so that I can actually make use of my equipment's."
