First customer

The next morning, Aurus woke up when his clock rang. The previous day, just before falling asleep, he had installed an alarm in order to wake up before his sister. Wanting to take care of her, he would certainly not forget to prepare her breakfast before she went to school. Not to mention he had already promised to prepare it for her.

Going to the second floor, he went into the kitchen and started to prepare breakfast. Remembering she had asked for toasts and strawberries, he went and prepared it. After he prepared the strawberries and put them on the plate, he went and prepared the toasts.

Remembering she hadn't said what she wanted on the toasts, he thought of the past and simply put some strawberry jam on the toasts before preparing her a glass of milk. When everything was prepared, it was about time for her to get up so he went to her door and knocked gently waking her up.

Hearing her move, he went downstairs and started to eat his own toasts. A few minutes later, she was dressed up and walked to the table to eat.

While eating, she lifted her head and asked curiously: "How did your trip go yesterday evening?"

Smiling at her, he explained that he had acquired some monster cultivation materials and that there should be more in the future. He then added: "I'll be opening the shop today even if the shop doesn't have much monster cultivation resources, it will be fine to just open it. Even if it's only a single customer, it's better than nothing and I have nothing else to do today anyway."

Nodding her head Laia smiled cheerily. She honestly hoped that the shop would work out since her brother seemed to have made a lot of effort to make it work.

Thinking of something, Laia asked again: "Brother what type of monster cultivation resources do you have?". She planned on talking with a few of her friends in school about the shop. She knew that most of her friends had a good family background and had money. So, maybe they would be interested since monster cultivation resources were extremely rare.

Unaware of how she planned on helping him, he answered carelessly. "I have a water element, earth element, metal element and poison element in the shop for the moment. I should probably have a few other elements tomorrow morning like shadow element."

Indeed, Aurus was already planning on acquiring the eyes of the shadow wolf he had seen in the adventurer's guild. He had already ranked to E rank and he should be able to get more money the next time he entered that world.

"That's great!".

Finishing her breakfast, Laia prepared to head out. School started at 9 in the morning five days a week. It was currently Tuesday, it was the beginning of the week. Their plan to catch a monster for Laia was in the weekend so he would have to work hard to find a monster to contract with or buy skills to have combat effectiveness himself.

A few minutes later, Laia left the house and went to her school. In Crayna city, the Hunter school was located close to the Gate leading to the wild where the monsters were the overlord. In the opinion of the local government, it gave the prospective Hunters an emergency feeling which would help them concentrate on their tasks with the goal to improve themselves as fast as possible. Aurus honestly didn't like that the school was so close to the monsters since it could be dangerous but it had been almost ten years since this Hunter school was created and there had never been a problem.

However, while he had to currently accept that the school was close to the monster's territory, it just encouraged him to become stronger faster. He didn't want a tragedy to befall his family and if he worked hard enough, he believed that he could become strong extremely fast.

When thinking about this, Aurus cleaned up the kitchen and finally went to the shop at 9 am sharp. While it didn't matter whether he opened it later or earlier considering that no one knew of the shop except for him and his sister, he still wanted to open and close at certain hours. After all, at nine his sister went to school so he had free time and while her school finished at four she only came back at five in the afternoon. As such, he planned on opening the shop from 9 in the morning to five in the evening every day except for the Saturday where he would be doing his own things. For example, this Saturday he was supposed to go with Laia to prepare her future contracted beast.

Using the shop icon to be sure everything was clean, he operated the icon to activate the store sign and open the lights in the shop. Honestly, he did hope that some customers would stop by but he was also aware that it was hard to open a shop of monster cultivation resources. After all, the contracted beast was the primary combat force of every Hunter. As such, they would never let them eat random things and for a shop which appeared out of nowhere, he wouldn't believe that someone would just drop at his door the next moment. He wasn't the main character in a novel, he wasn't protected by plot armour. Yet, less than a minute later, a Hunter entered the shop with interest.

Seeing the customer Aurus was completely stunned thinking about this. He couldn't believe a Hunter really appeared the moment he said he wasn't protected by plot armour.

Still, he wasn't stunned for too long and merely waited for the customer to enter the shop completely. The shop was extremely luxurious. So, in his opinion people should have a positive image of the shop when entering.

Moreover, in the shop, there were a few blue, pale green and dark green light. The day before when he was placing the cultivation resources, he had noticed that whenever a new resource was placed, a gentle light emanated from the cabinet which had a resource inside of it as if to draw people's attention to it.

Immediately as he entered the Hunter's eyes looked at everything. The shop was indeed great with the display cabinets perfectly aligned on the walls like a piece of art and the few beautiful suspended luminaire which was made of diamond gently reflected the light which managed to calm people down.

When the Hunter had previously walked in before, he had walked loudly. However, at this point, he walked carefully as he stepped on the pure black floor made of wood. Looking around carefully, he saw Aurus sitting at the counter and after nodding his head as a greeting, he walked towards the poison element area.

At this time a system task icon appeared and a new task was released.

[Task: Complete a transaction with this customer.

Reward: Point icon.]

Considering the politeness of the customer who greeted him when entering the shop and the task, Aurus got up and joined him at the display cabinet.

"This is the poison of the poisonous toad. A cultivation resource of the poison system. When taken in by a contracted beast of the poisonous element, the poison of the beast will automatically strengthen and there is a chance of the poison beast developing a confusing effect in his poison. The strengthening effect of this cultivation resource will work only on the poisonous beast in the bronze, iron and silver rank so basically the basic monsters. As for developing the confusing effect, the rank does not matter however it is only a chance of developing it." Calmly, Aurus recited the information he knew about this resource. The previous day when he had stored the poison in the display cabinet, he had received a few more information about the poison such as which rank of the beast would receive the strengthening effect and confusion effect.

Finishing speaking, he walked back to the counter and let the Hunter decide whether to buy the resource or not. Actually, Aurus himself knew that he was not a good businessman. He could only go and give some information and then back off. In his opinion, if the shop resources were good enough, he wouldn't need to be a good businessman since people would come back themselves in order to become stronger. His main role was more to collect the resources than anything else.

In Aurus's opinion, the man had to be around twenty-five years old. He had black hair, green eyes and was taller than him. He wore white clothes and a long black cloak. Although long the cloak didn't reach the ground and stopped around his ankles.

After the customer stopped for around three minutes, he decided to buy it and went to Aurus after seeing that the resource was locked in the display. When the customer saw that the cabinet was locked, he secretly nodded his head as he believed the owner of the shop knew what he was doing. Leaving the resources in the open without any kind of protection was completely stupid as someone could just steal it without anyone noticing. With the display cabinet, if someone wanted to steal the resource, he would have to cause noise which would bring people's attention to him.

"Hi, I would like to buy a bottle of the poison of the poisonous frog. The price is indeed ten crystals right?" In his opinion, the price was quite low for a resource that could strengthen a monster and if it was indeed this price, he would buy a little more in order to further strengthen the poison. Of course, only after confirming the effect. He still held a little suspicion of the shop since the price was way too low.

"Yes, indeed the price is ten crystals. However, please be aware that the store policy is to have the customer use the resource in the shop in order to stop people from selling it again at a higher price or to agglomerate all the resources being sold in this shop. We are after all selling the resources at a low price to give people the opportunity to become stronger and not for some people to collect them or to make a profit from our good intentions."

While talking, Aurus saw several emotions on the face of the customers such as confusion, doubt and finally realization when Aurus finished talking.

Thinking for a moment, the customer nodded and said: "In that case, I will start with a single bottle of the poison of the poisonous frog and if it works as you said, I will buy a few more."

Aurus nodded and started to walk to the cabinet. While the sentence could have been seen as offensive by some people, Aurus understood that confirming the authenticity of the effect was important. As for Aurus intentionally harming his creature, it was improbable. After all, Aurus didn't know him so there was no reason for harming his contracted beast and secondly, his shop was located here and it's not like he could move the entire shop in a single moment.

Coming in front of the display case, Aurus used a small magnetic key and the display cabinet automatically unlocked itself and Aurus brought out the bottle of poison and closed the cabinet.

Bringing the bottle of poison at the counter, the customer put ten pieces of crystals on the counter and Aurus collected it while he gave the bottle of poison to the customer.

The currency in the world of Arashina was credits. However, there were also crystals used as currency by the Hunters. Credits were used as everyday life and crystals are the only cultivation resources for humans. A crystal is an item that possesses a high amount of energy. As such, it helps the human develop its potential to break through the stages of cultivations.

It is then easy to understand how precious such an item is. Each crystal is worth 10'000 credits. While it doesn't sound like much, considering that an average worker makes between 40 and 50'000 credits per year, a single crystal is an extremely high expense considering they still need to use their credits to pay for their living.

As he finished thinking about it, the customer summoned his contracted beast, an poisonous horned serpent. People in this world had the habit of adding the attribute of the beast to its name. Aurus didn't know why but it didn't matter much. Now, it was time to use the resource