First skill - contracted beast

In the category of magic, he looked at the different skills and most of them were basically useless skills or spells. Indeed, one could also sell their spells. The only drawback was that when they sold their skill or spell, the one selling would not be able to use it anymore. Well, it was obvious after all they sold their skills.

Aurus had already known which skill he wanted to buy from the adventurers guild. It wasn't any legendary skill or a difficult skill to master but an abandoned skill for all.

[Mana Manipulation: Able to use mana and manipulate it to one's will. 1 gold coin.]

This skill mana manipulation was a skill used to obviously manipulate mana. However, since magic and skills were products of mana in this world, this skill was mostly abandoned. After all, in their opinion, the mana manipulation skill was merely a skill which helped to gather mana towards the mage to fuel their spells and they never felt the need to delve further into the research of this skill.

Maybe a few mages had noticed the use of this spell but obviously, none of them had bothered to tell others as this miraculous skill was still being sold for a gold coin.

Mana manipulation. As the name explains it, the skill is used to manipulate mana but which person said that manipulating mana meant moving it? Couldn't he just manipulate the mana to give it an attribute and finally create spells from it? Well, while he couldn't be certain, he felt that his theory was pretty much right and he planned on buying this skill. After all, it was still a great skill to have. If you can perfectly control mana, you can also create other skills such as forbidden territory, a place without mana or a shield made from mana only which would block most spells and physical attacks. Or even arrows made from mana which would give the mana a penetrating effect. Honestly, there was a lot of use for this skill.

Taking the ticket under the skill orb of the mana manipulation skill, he made his way to the counter on this floor. Behind the counter was an extremely old man. He seemed ready to drop dead at any time. If it were not from being in the adventurer's guild, he would be certain the man was dead.

"Hello sir, I would like to buy the mana manipulation skill," Aurus said while giving the ticket to the old man.

Slowly opening his eyes, he took the ticket without a word and said: "One gold coin.". The old man seemed to either be in an extremely bad mood or was just this way all the time. However, Aurus saw that talking to that old man about other things would leave him ignored by the elder.

Seeing him paying, the old man slowly got up from his chair and made his way to the mana manipulation skill orb.

At the same time as the old man walked in front of the skill orb, a small group of adventurers walked up from the first floor.

The leader with a red mohawk saw Aurus and then saw the skill he wanted to buy and he immediately brought everyone's attention to Aurus to humiliate him.

"Hey guys, look at that guy. He's buying the mana manipulation skill, that trash skill which has been there for the last ten years."

As he said this to his group, everyone started to laugh wildly.

"Hey, kid are you that poor? To actually buy such a useless skill, you must be pretty useless yourself."

Aurus hearing those jeering comments only ignored them. Honestly, he was surprised that those guys would consider this an insult. It was pretty pathetic of them and most of all, saying all this was pretty useless.

Aurus waited for a small moment and the old man finally got out the skill orb from the wall and gave it to Aurus. Not waiting a moment longer, he took the orb and immediately integrated with it.

It had been a while since he had completed his last quest, around a dozen hours earlier. However, compared to when he first started, he had received and completed quests one after another. While it didn't prove anything, he figured that quests would become less and less in the future and they would become more and more difficult.

At the same time as he integrated with the skill orb by merely having the intent of absorbing the skill, the task icon flashed with a green light and the task 'Buy a skill' was completed. Seeing that he didn't have much time left in this world after selling his loot and buying the skill, he didn't bother to look at the new quests and rapidly left the second floor after saying goodbye to the old man and under the jeering of the morons.

Back on the first floor, Jane had already finished her shift so he went to Goran, the guild worker he had been acquainted with the previous day.

Explaining to Goran his intentions to buy some items from the guild, he followed Goran to the same warehouse he had been the previous time.

Seeing all of the materials in the warehouse, Aurus was excited. After all, most of the materials in the warehouse could be used as monster cultivation resources.

Considering there was less than half an hour left before his transfer, he immediately pointed out some materials to Goran which he wanted to buy. This time, considering he already had earth, metal, water and poison resources, he bought a few materials for all of the different elements.

Spending most of his coins left, he finally stopped buying the items by the time his system inventory was full. With 10 silver coins left, he collected all of the materials in the system space in front of Goran. After all, he had already used the interspatial ring which made Jane think that he had used space magic. So, he believed that it had been reported and indeed, as he collected all of the materials, Goran wasn't surprised a little bit.

Taking all of the materials, he went to a corner of the guild, sat down and looked up his completed task.

[Buy a skill, completed.

Reward: Click on the reward to receive it instantly inside your head.]

Touching the word reward which glowed green, information just started pouring into his mind. A few seconds later, he closed the task icon and looked at the new information in his head.

Honestly, he was quite disappointed. There wasn't anything particularly useful. He was completely wrong, the system would still give him the same information he had guessed previously as to confirm his suspicions.

From what he understood there were a few important points.

Firstly, he could only transport monster cultivation resources for the moment. If he used the slave contract of the system in this world, he would be able to bring that said person back to Arashina with him but he couldn't bring people from Arashina to this world for the moment. Although it was written for the moment in the information he had just received, it didn't mention the requirements to be able to.

Afterwards, he received some information about the time he could stay in this world. It was related to the energy of his body. In other words, as long as he ranked up from bronze rank to iron rank, he would be able to stay for 24 hours in this world. After that, it would always double. He also received the information that he could forcibly leave this world when he was done with his business instead of waiting for the timer to end. However, he would have to wait until the timer refreshed before going back to that world.

Just when Aurus was about to forcefully stop the timer and return to Arashina, an adventurer group came in the adventurers guild. They were a group of over a hundred and Aurus could tell they were high ranking adventurers.

Around a minute before the end of the timer, he heard a sentence that came from the adventurer which made his heartbeat race.

"Finally we are done. The request from that noble really was a pain. A phoenix is basically unkillable and it is extremely hard to catch and bring back. If it wasn't for the gigantic reward the noble offers us, I wouldn't go to that damnable place. We lost so many people for what? Catch a phoenix so that the noble can make some experiments to understand immortality? That's bullshit." A group of unhappy adventurers entered the adventurer's guild while carrying a big cage made of black sticks. Those sticks might be a way for them to lock the space since it is well known that phoenixes can teleport.

Aurus looked at the remaining timer on the world icon and seeing thirty seconds left, he felt he needed to be the bad guy for once. Unfortunately for the adventurers, a phoenix was his goal for a contracted beast and with the beast contract of another world, he could forcefully contract with a beast in this world from a distance. Indeed from a distance. Looking at the 'sad' phoenix in his cage, he decided to liberate it from being used by a noble as an experiment subject and to bring it to another world.

Indeed seeing the 'sad' phoenix, Aurus had no choice but to act. Obviously, he knew he was deceiving himself and that he was just finding an excuse for stealing but he didn't stop anyway.

Walking out of the adventurer's guild, he shot a quick look at the phoenix in the cage and activated the beast contract from another world. A moment later, the phoenix disappeared from his cage and Aurus left the guild building.

A few moments later, he could hear the commotion in the guild hall and some of the adventurers who had taken their swords out. He could only say sorry to them as he looked at the new phoenix staying in his inner world.

Everyone had an inner world and they would be able to use it when they became sixteen years old. An inner world was a beautiful name but in reality, it was merely a place to let the contracted beasts of the individual live peacefully.

A few seconds later, the timer of the world icon finished and he immediately disappeared from this world. He wasn't scared of coming back later. He was just not interested in being listed as a suspect at releasing the phoenix because of his 'space' magic and he dodged the trouble by leaving the guild early.

Arriving in his shop, he put a knee down due to the vertigo and a few minutes later he was back to normal again.