Moronic young nobles

A few minutes before at the residence of the Mortel family, the guard had just sent the news of the way his son was acting.

"What the hell is he doing? He told me he just wanted to go and see the shop and strengthen his contracted beast at the same time! Damn it! Yare! Go and bring him back here. If he doesn't listen, drag him back!" The patriarch of the Mortel family angrily shouted at the butler of their family.

"Yes, master!" Hearing the helplessness and anger in the tone of the master, he turned around and immediately made his way to the shop.

Back in the room, the master of the family, the father of the young master, the one who asked for a seat because he was tired, sat down and held his head in his hands. "How could I have such a useless son? He doesn't care about the family and only thinks about his own every little need."

As he was saying this, his wife came next to him and while hugging him from behind she continued: "Maybe we should send him away? I heard that Veaxiton, the academy of Hunters will recruit new students soon. There are still two months before the end of school. After that, he needs to find somewhere to go and the academy seems like a great choice! It is said that they will start recruiting two months later and the academy will receive new students in four months."

Relaxing on the sofa, he thought for a moment before nodding with hesitation. "Good idea. However, the academy is in the city of Whiteford. It's quite far."

In this world, there were no settlements that were smaller than a town because of the threat of the beasts. There were small towns, large towns, cities and capital only. For every large town were two small towns and for every city were two large towns. And obviously, for the capital, there were only two cities. As such, in every country, there were only about fifteen settlements for every inhabitant. And of course, there were a lot of countries in this world. The government in each country couldn't take care of a lot of settlements due to the beasts which posed a threat at all times. There were other reasons why there were multiple countries. One of those reasons was because certain land was too dangerous for humans to traverse. As such, the government couldn't take care of the territories which were separated by those dangerous lands.

Unfortunately, due to the number of beasts in this world, humans were in inferiority and they couldn't clear the territory of those beasts without spending a lot of manpower and resources.

However, from the latest news which came from a few dozen years back, there were over a hundred different countries still existing in this world. All of those countries had different laws and systems in place to resist the beasts.

In the Watul family, the same speech was being heard from their patriarch although a little less respectful. He also sent his own butler to bring back the young master at all costs.

A few minutes later, as Aurus was getting up and was ready to press them into a meat paste and send them out of the shop with a few dozen broken bones, the two butlers who had come running from their respective family mansions entered the shop at the fastest speed. Seeing Aurus about to shoot, cold sweat dripped down from their forehead as they rapidly went to the two young masters and pushed them to the guards behind them. With their eyes saying to leave right at this moment, they turned back to Aurus who was both angry and surprised by the turn of the events.

The butlers didn't give Aurus any chance to talk before they started talking. "Please be magnanimous today, we will certainly inform the masters of what happened and you will receive an apology from the masters."

Aurus who had been stunned by the situation looked at the two butlers and asked in an emotionless voice: "What good will an apology do me?"

Both butlers, seeing the cold eyes of Aurus and the emotionless voice didn't know how to respond because indeed, an apology could indeed calm down those who were not at the same level but for the strong like Aurus, an apology didn't mean anything.

As they were hesitating, Aurus swung his hand and the energy in the air was controlled and forcefully pushed the two butlers out of the shop. Of course, although Aurus was mad, he was still mentally sane. Currently, he couldn't afford to offend the four noble families as he needed the crystals and at the same time his mother was still in the hospital and Laia still had to go to school. If he couldn't be certain of their safeties, he would obviously not be too hard on them. However, by closing the door on them after sending them out respectfully, they wouldn't act against him and would merely find something of value to ask for an apology. At the same time, they wouldn't dare let the two young masters come again after the stunt they pulled.

After sending the people out, the store calmed down and the customers continued to buy resources.

About an hour before lunch, a customer came to him and asked for help.

"Sir, I have a blood-sucker rabbit. I was wondering which resource would be the best for it." As he said that, he summoned his contracted beast to let Aurus take a look.

Using the monster icon, he looked at the recommendation for this contracted beast and saw the few resources which should be taken to make it rank up.

"I would recommend first taking the blood tulip of the earth element which would improve its blood-sucking abilities. Afterwards, the powder of the horn of the devil golden ape. Finally, I would recommend a drop of the vampire's blood. The normal kind will do. This drop will gather enough energy for your blood-sucking rabbit to rank up. It should have stayed on this rank for a while already and those resources will help it rank up."

Listening to the recommendation of the boss of the shop, he nodded and continued. "Thanks, are you certain that it will manage to rank up successfully?"

"Yes, no problem." Speaking with certainty, he answered the man and accompanied him to go and buy the different resources necessary.

Collecting the crystals the man paid, they went to the side of the shop and they started the upgrade. The man took out the blood tulip and presented it to his rabbit. Just like every other customer, he was surprised by the excitement of his rabbit in seeing this kind of resource. It wasn't that they subconsciously knew what it would do but it was more like they knew it would have a positive effect on them.

As it took the blood tulip, the rabbit red eyes became brighter and its teeth became sharper. Since this resource especially improved the blood-sucking ability, it improved the various ways the monsters had in sucking such as the teeth which would pierce the skin when sucking blood. The eyes colour was merely an effect of the increase in ability.

Following this resource, Aurus took a bowl full of water and had the man add the horn powder in the bowl. He then shook it a little bit and when the rabbit was done with the tulip, he drank the bowl of water entirely. The water after having the powder added inside became completely white with some traces of red.

The devil ape was an extremely strong beast and it had a tough body. There were two ways to take it down. One was with magic and the second way necessitated enough strength from the warrior and a strong enough weapon. Comparing the two ways, using magic to take it down was a few times easier. As for their horn, when the monster died, their energy would enter the horn on the back of their head and the only way to turn it into powder was to use magic. As for using strength to do it, no one bothered because it would take too much strength and too much time to complete the job.

Since the horn received the energy of the ape, its horn had extremely strong durability and thus became a good resource to improve the strength of the beast of the earth element.

Finally, after the rabbit completely drank the water, the last resource was a drop of blood of an ordinary vampire. Vampires were uncommon in the other world but they appeared from time to time. Although their blood was quite useful for alchemy, it couldn't be kept for long and as such, they always had some extra which the adventurer guild would sell to alchemists or other people who had a use for it. The blood possessed the energy of the vampire and since blood was extremely important for a vampire, it was constantly refined since the stronger the blood, the stronger they were. As for the way to refine the blood? It was by absorbing more blood and increasing the energy inside fewer drops. Aurus honestly didn't know how it happened perfectly but it was the gist of it.

As the rabbit finally took the drop of blood of the vampire, its eyes became redder and a surge of energy spread through its entire body.

This time, it took less than ten minutes to successfully rank up. The customers in the shop had been attracted to the surge of energy and had seen the rabbit ranking up. It was not every day that one could assist the rank up of a contracted beast and they had also heard the owner of the shop say that the rank up would be successful. Normally nobody dared to say such a thing but there were rumours that he had already proven it by helping another beast rank up.

Although they were skeptical, they still took a look. And now, it was proven that he was indeed capable of ranking up a contracting beast easily.