Beast tide

A few moments later, his mother came out of the room, ready to leave. Some of the guards of the nobles had left early to notify the doctors about the discharge of his mother. As for the other guards, they opened the way for them and helped them leave the hospital unbothered.

"Well, our task finishes here sir, I wish you a good day." The guards saluted Aurus as they left in four different directions as they went back to report to their respective families.

"Alright, thank you for the work." Aurus merely smiled and made his way back home.

While walking, he could see that his mother had multiple questions in her heads about what had just happened, but seeing she didn't ask, he didn't tell. Instead, he talked to her about his sister and how she was currently doing in school.

"Right, since Laia is going to finish school soon, that means she needs to get a contracted beast for her sixteenth birthday!" His mother opened her eyes in realization.

"As for the contracted beast, it has already been solved and she is already taking care of it. This way, they will have a greater bond when she makes the contract with it." Aurus smiled, reassured her and explained which beast he had helped her get.

She released a breath of relief. Aurus could see that she couldn't wait to see Laia again after all these years. After all, she had grown up and she wanted to see her and be certain that she was fine. But more than anything, she couldn't wait to just hold her in her arms.

A few moments later, Aurus pointed to the house which had greatly changed after he had opened the shop and followed her as she made her way quickly to the second floor. They completely ignored the customers who were currently in the shop and Aurus said hi to his employees before following his mother. Aurus had previously told Laia to stay at home for the day. She had been quite angry at him but since he told her, she had to listen to him. He could have told her the truth but he wanted to give her a 'surprise'.

As they walked up the stairs, Aurus could only hear Laia talking while working on homework. "Brother, can I leave the house now? I told Camila and the others that I would go out with them today. Right, can I invite them to eat at the house later? I want them to taste Mel and Pel's cooking."

Hearing her talk like this without lifting her head, he laughed lightly and said: "Why don't you lift your head to look at who you are talking before actually talking?" Aurus was still in the middle of climbing the stairs and the one she was talking to was her mother she hadn't seen for years. As for his mother, she was tearing up as she saw how Laia had grown up and was sad that she had missed so many years of her child's life.

"Euh? What do you want… Mom? You're okay!" Getting up from her chair and running towards their mother at a speed Aurus had never seen her run, she cried while she hugged her. At the same time, his mother started tearing up again. No, she had never actually stopped. Aurus smiled gently seeing this scene as he had missed her a lot and seeing them both happy this way brought him a lot of happiness.

Aurus made a sign to Pel and Mel to prepare some food for the three of them while Laia and his mother, Kathon, sat at the table and started talking about everything which had happened all those years. Of course, Laia also talked about school, her friends, her future contracted beast, Zaya which she seemed to like a lot and finally about the shop Aurus had opened downstairs.

Aurus simply sat on a chair and listened to the conversation between the two. He was quite happy and at that moment, Siraye climbed up the stairs and looked at Aurus saying: "Boss, someone is looking for you downstairs, it seems quite urgent."

Hearing her words and knowing she wouldn't bother him for anything, he got up and after nodding to the two others he walked back downstairs. He was in quite a good mood at this moment. As he walked downstairs, he noticed that the two butlers which had come last time to get the two young masters back were standing near the counter with two other butlers.

Seeing their hard expression, he knew they weren't here to offer the apologies from the last time and they were here for real business. "Sir Aurus, I'm sorry to bother you at this time, especially considering your mother just woke up." The butler bowed his head a little.

Aurus wasn't surprised, they were aware his mother woke up. After all, there were guards protecting her in the hospital room. "We wouldn't bother you normally, but this is a crisis and I was ordered by the master of the family to come and notify you." At this time, his tone of voice became more careful and he talked low as if he didn't want the customers to hear what he was saying.

"There have been weird occurrences in the north forest for the last few weeks and today, a group of Hunters came back announcing the news that the beasts were starting to agglomerate together forming a massive wave, a beast tide." While he finished speaking, another one started talking.

"Normally, we wouldn't be very nervous about a random beast tide. However, it was confirmed that there should be one superbeast, the kind which surpassed the dark-gold rank." When the second butler stopped talking to take a breath as he was speaking rapidly, the third butler of another family continued his words.

"However, when there is a superbeast in a beast tide, there would easily be over tens of thousands of beasts and at least 2000 dark-gold rank beasts. As soon as we got the report, we sent a request for support to the capital as fast as we could. After all, there aren't many cities so the capital will send troops to support us but it will take some time. Furthermore, we don't have any superhumans in the city. The four patriarchs are at the top of black-gold rank stage 3 but they never manage to breakthrough. There are also around twenty other dark-gold ranks in the city but with our current strength, it will be hard to protect the entire city." The fourth butler, just like the third did, stepped in when he took back his breath.

"As such, we hope that you could stay open for 24 hours these few days as we will send a few thousand Hunters affiliated with each family to the shop in order to promote their strength as much as possible and at the same time, use the chance of the beast tide to breakthrough with the help of their stronger contracted beast. Of course, we won't be asking the resources for free. We would just like to ask if there are enough resources for every Hunters. If you can resupply in a short time and if we can pay in one batch for every Hunters instead of a small amount for every Hunters which is a lot more difficult to do." Finally, the fourth butler stopped talking and the four of them looked at Aurus who was thinking,

Obviously, Aurus had no reason not to help. Especially when he would make a great profit. As for keeping the shop open 24 hours for a few days, it was a little more difficult. Since there would be thousands of people coming, he would need all six employees to work. However, they also needed sleep. While he was thinking of this, he saw his six employees who were clenching their fists and looking at Aurus with the hope he would agree.

He couldn't understand their feeling of wanting to work hard and skip sleep. However, he would, of course, have them sleep and would rotate them instead of having them all work at the same time. Especially when he had just received a system task. He hadn't received any for a long time now.

[Task: Help repel the beast tide and make sure the city stays safe.

Benefits: Until the task is completed or is considered a failure, the user will have the right to use unlimited space for the system to support the Hunters of this world.

Rewards: Overall upgrade of the shop.

Punishment: The shop will have to be relocated and the user will have to restart from the beginning.]

Seeing this task, Aurus didn't hesitate anymore: "Alright, the shop will stay open for 24h and for the resources, you don't have to worry. As for paying the resources, send someone to come and calculate the items bought and the amount of crystal you have to pay for the shop. At this time, you only need to pay in one go." Of course, Aurus wouldn't just rely on them but would also have the system calculate the number of crystals they owed him. The system was quite professional in matters relating to crystals.

Aurus was quite excited. He would be able to bring back as many resources he wanted while the task was activated.