Dungeon master

After concluding the conversation with the four butlers, they left the shop and Aurus went back upstairs only to see his mother and sister eating the food made by Pel and Mel. Aurus could see that they were delighted by the food and that they loved it.

Smiling, he went back and sat down at the table to join them. As he ate, the conversation continued and Laia asked what had happened downstairs.

"The four nobles families notified me that there was a beast tide preparing to go against the city. According to them, there is a high chance that a superbeast is leading the tide. This time there should be over tens of thousands of beasts in the tide and they asked me to keep the shop open for 24h in the next few days. They will come and send the Hunters affiliated to their families in batches to the shop in order to promote their strength before the attack." While talking, Laia stopped him.

"Are there any chances that the beast tide will overwhelm the base and enter the city?" She asked worriedly as it was a matter of life and death.

"I can't say there are zero chances. However, they have already notified the capital and they should be sending troops right about now. So, at most, it will be a difficult battle but there shouldn't be too many problems for the civilians." Aurus answered her, trying to calm Laia and his mother as he saw that she was beginning to worry about their safety.

At this moment, his mother chimed in. "What is about keeping the shop open for 24 hours for the next few days? Also, what do you sell? Now that I think about it, there were a lot of customers downstairs."

"Hum, I sell monster cultivation resources in the shop. The business, as you can see, is relatively good. Also, they asked me to keep the shop open for 24 hours because they will send most of the Hunters in the shop to buy resources before the tide. Considering there are thousands of them and there are only a few days left, they asked me to keep the store open or there won't be enough time." Aurus smiled awkwardly. He already knew the next question she was going to ask but he didn't want to lie to her.

"Oh? And where do you get all of these resources?" Sighing, he knew she would ask that. He decided to answer her but not completely.

"Well, I'm in cooperation with someone else." Aurus was relieved since he didn't lie. He was indeed in cooperation with the adventurer guild since he bought resources and completed tasks there. Talking about resources, he couldn't wait until that night to go back and buy as many resources as possible.

After two hours of talking, the store downstairs was closed by the six employees and they came upstairs for dinner. As they only had an hour to eat, they came up immediately with a big smile on their face.

Seeing this, Aurus only thought 'They really seem to like their job. That's good I was afraid they wouldn't like it.' However, as they climbed up the stairs, he froze up thinking about his mother which would certainly ask questions after seeing the elves and the demi-humans.

Thinking about this, he remembered that his mother had seen the two fairies. However, considering he had gone downstairs, Laia had probably introduced them. And, indeed. As they walked to the second floor to come and eat, his mother stopped eating and looked at the six newcomers with shock and interest.

Aurus was relieved she didn't ask too many questions but at this moment. "Aurus, who are they? Also, how come they have some traits different from humans?"

After explaining everything to his mother, the six of them came and sat down to start eating.

After dinner, the two little fairies cleaned up everything and the six others went back downstairs to open the store. However, he seriously underestimated the importance of the situation and the time left before the attack.

As the six employees walked downstairs and they opened the door, over two hundred Hunters were waiting in line in front of the door with four workers of the noble families who would be paying for everyone.

Not more than two minutes after the employees went downstairs, Siraye who was always the less occupied came back upstairs.

"Boss, there are too many customers, we can't serve them all. Could you please come and help us?" Siraye asked Aurus in panic.

Hearing the situation, Aurus thought for a moment before realizing that the nobles had already started sending people. He had been stupid thinking that they would only start coming later in the day.

He went downstairs and came to the first floor to help the employees, but it was obviously not enough. None of the seven workers could take a break as there were too many people. The moment one left the shop, another would enter to take its place and it continued this way for hours.

At seven in the evening, Aurus had to go to the other world to go and bring back some resources. He was lucky that he had been allowed to bring back as much as he wanted because the reserves in the shop really weren't enough for all the customers.

When he arrived in the other world, he decided to go and hunt another dungeon. Being away for a total of half an hour was fine as the six knew where he had been and that he would bring back more supplies.

Actually, back when Aurus had heard about a large number of Hunters coming to the shop, he had thought about opening the dungeon of the shop in order to make a little bit extra money. After all, money was money and he never had enough. Moreover, this would help the contracted beasts of the Hunter to get used to their strength and it would help both them and their cultivator in collecting more energy in their body.

In this case, there were two reasons for taking care of the dungeon. The first one was that he did not enjoy building up the dungeon so he needed someone to take care of it for him. And in this case, who better than a dungeon master? Secondly, the core would help in increasing the amount of energy the core could collect thus helping the future dungeon master in creating more floors.

As for the target? The flower dungeon. Why was it named as such? It was because this dungeon didn't have many monsters in it as it focused more on supplying resources to have people in its dungeon. A dungeon would only get dungeon points by having a presence in their dungeon which wasn't related to the dungeon or death in it. By having a large number of resources in the dungeon, it would help to have adventurers or workers in it and would keep it safer.

However, a dungeon was a dungeon and wasn't protected so Aurus could take care of the dungeon. And finally, the actual reason why he decided to subjugate this dungeon? It was because the dungeon master should be someone who was relatively laid back and didn't only go for the kill. It was a perfect candidate for the post of dungeon master in his shop. It should accept, especially since it wouldn't have to fear for its life anymore.

Aurus didn't bother wasting time as he directly dived down in the dungeon. The first five floors were monsterless and afterwards, the monsters were quite weak. Making his way rapidly down the floor with the help of Zaya which simply killed everything in front of Aurus, they went through the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth floors with relative ease.

At this time, the monsters started to get stronger as there were all kinds of monster butterflies and birds that attacked them. Not caring about them, they continued their way and after three hours, they arrived at the boss room. Honestly, Aurus was kind of disappointed in this dungeon as it was just too easy to take care of it. However, considering how no adventurers had ever gone down as far as this floor, he figured the dungeon master wasn't that bad.

Entering the boss room, he was surprised to see a single large green slime. It was his first time seeing this kind of monster but after looking at it with the help of his identification skill, he understood that it was simply an evolved slime. Although stronger, still not his or Zaya's match.

Zaya took care of it and Aurus went downstairs only to see an extremely big floor with a single house in the middle and a great number of flowers everywhere. There was a single stone path that passed through the flowers and it led to a small bridge. On the other side of the bridge on a small island, there was a small wooden cottage. Seeing this and seeing the peace on this floor, he knew he found the right person to take care of his dungeon back in the other world. He didn't need someone bloodthirsty and needed someone who was more relaxed.

As he looked around, he saw that there were a few birds and butterflies flying in the sky. This time, they weren't monsters and simply the normal animal. The birds were quite well-groomed while the butterflies all had a striking colour. Nodding his head at the beautiful floor, he knew he had not seen a lot of things which relaxed him and gave him such peace.

As he came closer to the house, he noticed that someone was currently watering the flowers a little further away. As he came closer, he noticed that it was a girl with two horns on her forehead and a small tail on her back. She was a little smaller than Aurus and had beautiful black hair.

As he walked closer and closer, she finally seemed to notice his presence and as she saw him, she was naturally scared as she obviously knew what would happen at such a time. She dropped her watering can and backed away in fear. As Aurus saw her backing away, he gave a simple smile at her. Obviously, he wanted to recruit her not to kill her. However, as she saw his smile, she merely backed away even more and finally, she stumbled and fell down.

As she closed her eyes in the fall and was about to get back up, Aurus approached her and offered her a hand to help her back up. He figured it might be the best way to show that he had no intention to fight her.

She looked up at Aurus and offered her hand shyly and he pulled her back up. As he helped her up, she stumbled once again but this time fell directly in Aurus's chest and she blushed as she backed away a little bit.