Chapter 5: Weekend With Seiya

Sakura's POV

When I woke up, I went out to my room. Seiya also went out.

"Hahhaha, your face is funny Sakura,"


"That messy hair and you also got a dried drool in the corner of your lips,"

I quickly comb my hair and with my hands, and I wiped my drool with wipes. So embarrassing.

"You sure like to make fun of me,"

I went to the bathroom and got ready for school. Suddenly Mina approached me.

"I want to play with you big sister,"

"Ok, but I have school today. Later, when I get home, ok?"


Seiya and I went to school. After some time of lecturing, school is over. I learned a lot.

I went home and played with Mina. I always go home first because Seiya has something to do at school. After playing with Mina, I went to my room. I heard my phone vibrating, so I checked it, and it's Rose.

"What's up, Rose?"

"There's going to be a new park, and it will open tomorrow. Want to go?"


"You can bring Seiya if you like,"

"Ok, I will tell him because he just arrived home,"

"Ok. See you tomorrow,"

Rose ended the call.

I went to Seiya's room. I knocked and entered.



"Can you come with me tomorrow to a newly opened park?"

"Ok, I'm free tomorrow,"

"Ok. I will just tell Mina,"

I left his room and went to Mina's room. I thought he would refuse my offer.


"Yes, big sister?"

"Let's go to the park tomorrow?"

"Ok, yehey!"

The next day, we went to the park. When we got there, there are lots of people. I saw Rose.


"Oh, Sakura, you came. Let's go,"

"Mina, hold my hand because there are lots of people. You might get lost,"

"Ok," Mina said, and she also grabs Seiya's hand.

We are like a family.

We roamed around the park. After 30 minutes of roaming, we got tired and sat on a bench.

"Big brother, I want to eat that,"

"Ok, let's go there,"

We buy food. After buying, Mina is nowhere to be found. Where could she be?

"Seiya, Mina is gone,"

"The park is big, though," Rose said.

"Let's split up," Seiya said.


I looked for Mina. After some minutes, I heard a kid crying. Maybe it's Mina. I went to where the crying is coming from. I was right because it's Mina.


"Big sister,"

"There, there. Do not cry. I'm here now,"

"I'm sorry because I followed a butterfly and got lost,"

"It's ok. Let's go back. Seiya and Rose is looking for you,"

Seiya's POV

Mina got lost, and I'm searching for her. Rose, Sakura, and I split up. Suddenly I saw Mina with Sakura. Sakura found Mina already. Suddenly a guy ran and bumped at Sakura, and she stumbled. I hurriedly went to her.

"Sakura, are you ok?"


"Sakura, what happened to you?" Rose said.

"A guy was running and bumped me. My ankle hurt a bit,"

I carried Sakura and put her somewhere that's not crowded with people. I massaged her ankle. It's the first time that someone made me do this. Sakura sure is something else.



"Thank you,"

"No problem. Thanks for finding Mina,"

I sensed that Sakura is staring at me.

Sakura's POV

It's already Sunday. Thinking about yesterday makes my heart flutter. Seiya is massaging my ankle with his gentle hands.

I'm in my room resting because my ankle still hurts a bit. Suddenly Seiya's mom entered my room.

"Sorry, dear, but there's an emergency. I need to go somewhere, and I'm taking Mina with me. I will leave you with Seiya, ok? I already prepared breakfast,"

"Ok, auntie. Be careful"


What? Did I hear that right? Leave me with Seiya? Oh well.

Seiya and I ate breakfast together. It's awkward. I can't think of a conversation. Might as well keep quiet.

After eating, I washed the dishes and went to my room. I read Wattpad on my phone. When I'm done reading, it's almost lunchtime, and auntie isn't home yet. Suddenly Seiya entered my room.

"Sakura, make lunch already. I'm hungry," Seiya said and left my room.

He's so rude. I will show you my cooking skills. I'll make sure you'll like it.

After some minutes of cooking, lunch is ready.

"Seiya, lunch is ready,"

Seiya went downstairs and went to the kitchen.

"Let's eat,"

He tastes the food.

"How is it?"

"Not bad. I thought you can't cook,"

"I'm a girl, so I need to learn, you know. It's just dad and me, so I need to learn,"

I bet he likes my delicious cooking because he keeps on eating it.

A point for me.

We ate peacefully.