Chapter 6: Long And Serious Talk

Sakura's POV

"Entrance exam for college is approaching, so you better study hard and pick the right school and course for you. If you want to study still at Sanford University, it's ok too. That's it for today. Do you best at the entrance exam,"

The entrance exam for college is approaching, and I'm nervous. I need to pass.

"Rose, I'm nervous about the upcoming entrance exam,"

"Me too, Sakura,"

"Let's study hard and do our best,"


After our conversation, I went home and study. I'm not good at studying, but I still pass all my subjects. I didn't notice that it's getting dark already. Dad is busy working because he wants to buy a house, so I need to do my best to pass and help dad.

"Sakura, dinner is ready,"

"Ok. Be there in a bit,"

I went down and head to the kitchen.

"What are you doing in your room? You did not get out of your room when you got home?" Seiya's mom said.

"I'm studying for the upcoming entrance exam,"

"You must eat, ok? So that you can study well and absorb it all,"

"You are studying, huh? Good luck with that," Seiya said.

"I don't like studying, but I need to pass. I have my goals you know,"

"Ok, ok,"

The next day, Rose and I talked about our plans in college.

"Rose, what will you take up in college? What school will you attend?"

"Um, I will take up medical technology. For school, maybe I will still study here. The tuition is ok, and the school is good when it comes to medical courses. How about you?"

"I'm thinking of taking Psychology, and I'm still going to study here. I like studying here,"

"Yehey! We still got to see each other"


I went home after our class is finished. I went to my room and answer my homework.

That night after eating dinner, I was walking when I saw Seiya at the backyard.



"Nothing, just passing by. Ah, can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"What are your plans in college? What will you take up?"

"I don't know yet,"

"You don't know yet?"

"Yup, I'm still thinking. You?"

"I will still study at Sanford University as a Psychology student. I want to study the human brain and help people with mental illness,"

I will study what's in your brain Seiya. Why do you have that kind of attitude? You're hard to read Seiya.

Seiya's POV

I am at our backyard thinking about what to take for college. I'm still confused because my dad kept telling me to take up engineering, but I don't like it because ever since when I was a child, I want to be a doctor. I can't refuse dad because he is strict.

"I think you need to go to a famous university here Seiya. Just saying. And I saw your books about organs and such. Do you want to be a doctor?"

Sakura is right about me wanting to become a doctor. I know it's a long way to become a doctor. You will become a nurse first then take the board exams. After that you will have to enrol at a medical school, pass the physician licensure exam, become an intern, and be a regular doctor. I want to become a doctor of internal medicine and a surgeon.

"It's my dream since childhood, but I don't know now,"

"Think about it, Seiya. I think a doctor suits you because you have gentle hands and you are smart. Being a doctor is a great occupation. Follow what your heart and brain desires,"

"I'll think about it. Thank you for today. Good night"

"Good night,"

I left her there. That's a long and serious talk. I'm thinking about what Sakura told me. She helped me today. She is suited to be a psychiatrist because she is good at giving advice, and she is optimistic.