Chapter 7: Valentine's Gift

Narrator's POV

Sakura told her dad about her plan for college.


"Yes, dear?"

"I'm thinking of taking up Psychology in college, and I will still study at Sanford University,"

"That's great. If that's what your decision then I will support you,"

"Thanks, Dad," Sakura said and hugged her dad.

"Good luck with your entrance exam tomorrow. I know you can do it,"

The next day, Sakura and Seiya got ready for their entrance exam. Sakura took an entrance exam at Sanford University and Seiya at Global University. He also took an entrance exam at Sanford University, and his parents didn't know.

After one week, the results are out. They are both lucky because they passed the entrance exam.

They are in the living room, talking.

"Dad, I passed the entrance exam,"

"Good. I know you can do it Sakura,"

"How about you, Seiya?"

"I passed too"

"Congratulations to the both of you,"

"Thank you,"

"It's not that I took an entrance exam at Global University doesn't mean that I'm going to study there. I still want to study at Sanford University and be a doctor,"


"Are you serious? I want you to study there and be an engineer," Seiya's dad said.

"Don't be angry honey,"

"I will go to my room now,"

Sakura's POV

Yesterday sure is a fight between Seiya's dad and him. That explains why Seiya is confused because his dad wants him to study at Global University and be an engineer. Global University is a known university for engineers. He was being dictated by his dad and he doesn't like it. Seiya's dad is strict. I want to follow him when he walked out, but I think he needs to be alone.

We are now headed to the university silently. Maybe Seiya is still upset. I went to my classroom and saw Rose already seated at her chair.

"Good morning Rose,"

"Morning Sakura"

"We will be graduating in 2 months,"

"I know. How was your entrance exam? Did you pass?"

"Yup. I passed"

"Me too,"

"Ah! I'm happy for us both, but I'm a bit nervous,"


Our adviser arrived.

"Good morning, students. How was your entrance exam? Did you pass? I saw happy faces and sad faces. For the happy ones, I'm happy for you. For the sad ones, it's not the end, ok, you can take another entrance exam. You need to study hard for you to pass, ok? Now, let us have our lessons,"

We had our lessons, and I learned a lot.

Its Valentine's Day tomorrow and I want to give something to Seiya. Maybe I will ask auntie for help. I will give something to Seiya just to cheer him up. I hope he will accept it. If he will accept it, another point for me.

When I got home, I searched for auntie and asked her something.


"Yes, Sakura?"

"What's the favorite dessert of Seiya?"

"Cookies. Seiya loves cookies,"


"Why did you ask?"

"I want to bake and give it to Seiya tomorrow to cheer him up,"

"That's great. Kenji wants him to be an engineer, and Seiya doesn't like it because he wants to be a doctor. If you would ask me, I will support Seiya whatever he wanted to do with his life. He is smart and can do everything he likes. I will talk to his dad later regarding that matter. It's wrong for him to dictate his son,"

"I agree with you, auntie,"

That night, I baked cookies. After some minutes, the cookies are baked. I taste the cookies, and it's delicious. Seiya will love this. I wrap it up and ready to give it to him tomorrow.

The next day when we arrive at school.

"Seiya, can you meet me at the back of the building later after lunch?"

"Why would I?"

"Please. I will be expecting you to come," I said and ran.

Seiya's POV

I'm still upset about dad. Why is he controlling my life? I made up my mind. I will become a doctor and not an engineer, and I will still study at Sanford University.

When we arrive at the university, Sakura said to meet me at the back of the building. What is she planning? Come to think of it, today is Valentine's Day.

Lunchtime is over, and I went to the back of the building. I saw Sakura there.


Seiya, you came. I thought you won't come,"

"What is it that you want me to go here?"

"To give you these. It's Valentine's Day, but this is not a confession gift. Its cookies and I baked it myself. I know you are still upset about your dad, so I made these to cheer you up a bit. Hope you like it," Sakura said and looked into my eyes.

"I will be going now. I don't want to gossip again with false accusations this time," Sakura continued then ran.

She baked me cookies, and cookies are my favorite pastry. I grab one and tasted it.

It's delicious.

She sure is something. Ordering me to go here and I will follow.