Chapter 9: First Day In College

Sakura's POV

It's my first day being a college student. When I woke up, I got ready and went downstairs to take my breakfast.

"Wow, you look like a college student Sakura,"

"Thank you, auntie,"

Seiya appeared.

"You look like a professional already, Seiya," Seiya's mom said.

"Good morning,"

"Let's eat,"

We ate together.

"I'm done eating. I'm going now,"

"I'll be going too, auntie,"

"Ok. Good luck on your first day,"

Seiya and I went together.

It's been months, and I still don't understand Seiya's attitude. I'm thinking when suddenly my head bumped into a signboard.


"Hahhaha, stupid. Do not daydream Sakura,"

Seiya is such a bully, as always.

After 30 minutes, we arrive at Sanford University. It's good to be back here, and I'm studying here again for four years.

"I will leave you now,"

"Ok. Good luck," I said, and Seiya waved his hand.


"Rose!" we hugged each other.

"Coming to the university with Seiya eh,"

"It can't be helped because we live together, you know,"

"Seiya is still arrogant?"

"Yup. I can't understand his attitude, sometimes he's rude and arrogant and sometimes he is kind to me,"

"I sense something though,"

"What is it?"

"Secret. Let's go find our classroom,"

"Ok. I feel sad because we are not classmates anymore,"

"Yup, but we can still meet,"


We went to our separate destinations. After some minutes, I already find my classroom. My classroom is on the 3rd floor. I entered the classroom and find a seat. After some minutes, the teacher arrived.

"Good morning, my name is Larry Benson, and I will be your homeroom teacher. Let's do our best for this year, ok? I will not start a lesson because it's the first day of the class. I will only present my rules and regulations in this class and after that, and you are free for the entire hour,"

The teacher presents the rules and regulations and left the room after presenting.

I went out, and lots of students are recruiting for club members. I joined the Peer Facilitators Club because it's for Psychology majors.

Seiya's POV

It's the first day of being a college student. My classroom is on the 4th floor. Our homeroom teacher grouped us, and he presented his rules and regulations after.

It's already lunchtime, so I went to the cafeteria and ate. After eating my lunch, I went back to the classroom. I was reading something when a girl approached me.

"Ah, my name is Yumi Valentine,"

"I'm Seiya Chiba. What do you want?"

"Ah, I'm going to ask about our group assignment for next week,"

"Ah, ok,"

We discussed our group assignment for next week.

Sakura's POV

It's already lunchtime, and I texted Rose to come here at the cafeteria. I saw her already.

"Rose, here,"

She went with me, and we ate together.

"What about we go and see Seiya?"

"Sure, after eating our lunch,"

"The nursing department is on the 4th floor. If you will look for me, go to the 5th floor, room 505,"

"Ok. How was your first day?"

"It's good. We introduce ourselves, and our teacher presented the rules and regulations,"


After taking our lunch, we went to the 3rd floor. I searched for Seiya in every room, and when I was peeking in room 408, I saw Seiya, and she is talking to a beautiful woman. I wonder who she is.

Stop thinking about something, Sakura.

"Is that Yumi Valentine?"

"You know her?"

"Yup, she is famous, intelligent, and rich,"

I see that she is famous and intelligent like Seiya. I bet that Seiya's ideal type is like Yumi.