Chapter 10: Decisions

Seiya's POV

What's wrong with Sakura today, she seems quiet. I am in the classroom when Yumi approached me.

"Good morning Seiya,"


"What are you reading?"

"I'm reading about what our adviser said yesterday,"

"Ah, I forgot about that. I'm going to read it,"


After class, when I was walking, I saw Sakura entering a room, and it says, "Peer Facilitators Club" What am I even following her? Might as well go back to the classroom.

Sakura's POV

I didn't say a word to Seiya today. I'm not in a mood.

School is over, and I am now heading to the Peer Facilitators Club because there's a short interview with the recruits. When I arrive, I entered the room, and I greeted the people in there. I waited for my turn. After a few minutes, it's my turn already.

"Good afternoon. What is your name?"

"Good afternoon. My name is Sakura Go,"

"I heard your name before. Ah, I remember now, you are the champion in a drawing competition. Am I right?"

"Yes, you are right,"

"So, why do you want to join the club?"

"I thought of joining the club because I'm a BS Psychology student and this club will help me,"

"That's a great choice of club. Ok, that's all. I hope you will enjoy being a member here. Congratulations, you are now our official member of the club,"

"Thank you,"

After my interview, I head to the cafeteria to buy some food. When I was heading out, I saw Seiya and Yumi walking together. I felt sad. I heard lots of people gossip about them.

"Look, its Seiya and Yumi"

"Are they a couple?"

"If they are, then they make a great couple,"

"Both are famous and intelligent,"

"I hope they are a couple,"

Does Seiya like those kinds of women? If I will compare Yumi and me, Yumi is famous, intelligent, and sophisticated, while I'm a simple, not so intelligent, and an ordinary girl. I shall head home now. I can't stand watching them anymore. What if they like each other?

Maybe it's a great decision to forget my feelings for Seiya. It's hard, but one day, I will.

I was at the school gate when my phone vibrated. I grab my phone, and my dad is calling me.

"Hello, dad?"

"Can you come here at the restaurant? I have something to say"

"Ok, be there in a bit,"

I went to a restaurant where my dad is working. My dad is working as a head chef there. When I got there, I saw dad.

"Let's eat first?"


We ate together, and the food tastes delicious. Dad is such a great cook.

"What do you want to talk about, dad?"

"I'm thinking about loaning a house because I feel like a burden to the Chiba's already"

"It's ok with it dad, but make sure to not loan to those loan sharks,"

"I'm sure. It's a legit loan agency this time,"

"It better be,"

"Maybe a month or two, we can move to our new house. It's near the university,"

"That's great dad,"

"Ok, then we are settled. Go back now. I still have work to do,"

"Ok, dad. See you later," I said, and dad kissed my forehead.

Maybe this is a great idea to distance me from Seiya. We would see each other at the university, but avoiding him like before is good.

Thinking about not living with Seiya on the same roof and moving makes me sad, but it's for the best.

But can I forget my feelings towards Seiya?