Chapter 11: Leaving And Being Distant

Sakura's POV

One month has passed, and we are now moving to our new home. The moving team helped us with our stuff.

"We have to go now. Our house is near the university so that Sakura will not have a hard time commuting,"

"Thank you for everything. I had lots of happy memories living with you,"

"No problem. Visit us anytime,"


"I feel like crying," Seiya's mom said.

"Don't cry, auntie. I will visit here if I have time,"


"Big sister! I'm going to miss you,"

"I will miss you too, Mina,"

"Take care, Sakura," Seiya said.


"Let's go Sakura,"

And off we go to our new home. When we got there, the house is beautiful and simple. It's right for the two of us.

"Do you like the house Sakura?"

"Yes, dad,"

"Go and unpack now,"


The next day at the university, I told Rose that I'm not living with Seiya anymore.

"When and why?"

"Yesterday, because dad loaned a house and it's near the university,"

"Ok, that's good. Can I visit sometime?"


As I was heading to my classroom, I saw Seiya with Yumi again. I was going up the stairs, and they are going down. Seiya eyed me, but I avoid it and continue going upstairs.

The class was great. I learned a lot. I am now at the school campus, and I saw Seiya. I bet he is going home. I miss him. I know it's been a day, but I miss those moments when I'm with him, especially his family. He may be rude to me, but that's his attitude, and I can't change it.

I hurriedly went pass Seiya, but suddenly he grabs my wrist. In a gentle way. It's the first time he did that. Seiya is not like that.

Seiya's POV

Class ended, and I'm going home. When I am walking, a girl suddenly passed by me, and it is Sakura. My hand has a mind of its own and grab Sakura's wrist. I don't know why I did that.

"Ah Seiya, it's you. What is it?"

"Ah, nothing. Sorry"

"Ok. I will head home now. Bye"


Why do I feel like Sakura is being distant? She is not like this before because she would approach and talk to me, and now, it's the opposite. Why am I even affected? Seiya, this is what you wanted, right? But living with Sakura in the same roof is not bad. Even though I'm rude and a bully to her. When Sakura moved to our house, my life became different. She even orders me around, and she has the guts to do that to me.

Am I missing Sakura? No Seiya, you don't. Why would I? I'm talking to myself now.

When I'm with Sakura, I feel a different vibe.