Chapter 12: The Transfer Student

Sakura's POV

The next day when I arrive at the university, lots of students are waiting for someone at the gate. Why are they waiting? Is a celebrity coming here? I saw Rose.

"Rose, why are they gathered there?"

"A new student is coming, and it's a guy,"

"That's why lots of girls are gathered there,"

Minutes later, a car arrived. Rose and I went to see it. All of us are waiting for the transferee to get off the car. The car door opens and came out with a handsome guy.

"He is handsome," the girls said.

"Good morning, everyone. My name is Dylan Lee, and I am the transfer student here. I will be studying biology here. Please be good to me,"

So his name is Dylan Lee. He is handsome, tall, and has a white complexion. My impression of him is kind and down to earth. Not like Seiya. Why am I even comparing?

"Let's go to our classroom Sakura?"


Rose and I went to our classroom because it's almost time for class.

Fast forward, and it's now the end of class. I hurriedly went down, but I bumped into something. No, it's someone. I looked up, and I was shocked because it's Dylan.

"Are you ok? Here, let me help you get up,"

"Thank you,"

I saw his drink on the floor.

"I'm sorry about your drink. I didn't notice you,"

"It's ok,"

"Ah, I know. Let's go to the cafeteria. I will treat you because I spilled your drink. I'm hungry too,"

Dylan's POV

Hi, I am Dylan Lee. I am an American-Chinese decent. I am a transfer student from Global University.

It's the end of class, and I went to the cafeteria to buy a drink, and I went back. I was about to sip on my drink when suddenly someone bumped me and my drink was spilled. When I look at that someone, it's a girl, and she is beautiful.

She dragged me to the cafeteria to buy me another drink.

"Wait here,"

I waited for her. After some minutes, she is done buying.

"Here, for you. That's my treat,"

"Thank you,"

We ate peacefully. After eating, I asked her.

"What's your name?"

"Ah, sorry I didn't introduce myself yet. My name is Sakura Go. Half Japanese. Psychology major"

"My name is Dylan Lee. I transferred here today,"

"I know. Why did you transfer here?"

"Because I had a change of mind. I studied engineering at Global University, but I'm not happy with it anymore. That's why I transferred here as a biology student,"

"Wow, Global University is a known school for engineers,"

"Yup. My girlfriend is also studying there,"

"You have a girlfriend? By the looks of you, I know you have. She is lucky to have you,"


"Because you are kind and down to earth. That's my first impression of you, and it is true,"

"Thank you. How about you? Do you have a boyfriend?"

"I am NBSB, but I do have a long-time crush, and he is studying here. He is known here for his looks and brains,"

She told me the story of her long-time crush, and if I were him, I would court Sakura because she has all that a guy needs. If I don't have a girlfriend, I will court Sakura. It's not hard to fall in love with her. Sakura is a girl for keeps, even though it's our first time meeting each other. It's rare to find a girl like her nowadays.

"Would you like to be my girl's best friend?"

"Yes, I would love to. It's the first day that we met each other and now we're best friends,"

"I know right,"

We talked and talked. I want Sakura to be my girl best friend because I feel comfortable with her. She is like a sister to me.

Seiya's POV

I am heading to the cafeteria to buy a drink with my classmate. When I was entering the cafeteria, I saw Sakura talking happily to a guy.

"Who is that guy?"

"Ah, his name is Dylan Lee. A transfer student from Global University. He is a biology student here,"


So his name is Dylan Lee. A transfer student from Global University.

They are talking happily, and they get along well. Seeing them talking like that, are they close already?

After buying my drink, I saw them leaving together.

Why do I have this weird feeling?