Chapter 13: University Outing

Six months later.

Sakura's POV

It's been six months already. Time flies fast. In the past six months, a lot had happened. First, Dylan and I became closer as ever. He treats me like his sister. Second, I met his girlfriend, and she is super kind like Dylan and beautiful. Her name is Barbie Wu, and she is half Chinese like Dylan. Dylan and Barbie make a great couple. Third, Rose and Dylan are close friends now. Lastly, I'm one of the honor students in the Psychology Department.

If you would ask me about Seiya? I've never seen him often. Maybe he is busy with his studies. I still have feelings for him. It's hard to forget, you know. His face would flash in my mind.

Now, I am on my way to university. When I arrive, I saw Dylan getting off his car. I went to him.

"Good morning Dylan,"

"Good morning Sakura,"

All the students who are near us looked at us. Some gossiped, and some do not mind. I don't care either because it's just false rumors. They didn't know that Dylan has a girlfriend already, and we are only best friends.

"I will go ahead,"

"Ok, see you at lunch,"


I entered the classroom, and a few minutes later, our homeroom teacher entered.

"Good morning, everyone. I have good news to tell to you,"

"Good morning, Professor. Benson. What is the good news?"

"This weekend, you will have an outing. All of the college students. We need to relax and have fun sometimes,"


Professor. Benson said that we are going to an exclusive resort. After announcing, Professor Benson leaves the room.

Fast forward, and it is now Saturday. I arrive at the university just in time. At 6 am, the bus arrived. Each bus has a designated name for our department. I went inside the bus and find a seat. After 30 minutes, we are off to go.

An hour later.

"Students we have arrived at our destination,"

We all got off the bus, and when I look at the place, it's incredible.

"Welcome to Enchanted Paradise, everyone. I hope you will all enjoy your stay," the caretaker said.

We all had fun all day. I am roaming around the place. I took lots of photos and upload them to my social media. I got tired. So I took a nap behind a tree.

Seiya's POV

Everyone was excited when our teacher told us that we are having an outing. When we arrive at the place, the place looks nice. I roamed around the place. When I was roaming, I saw Sakura sleeping. I went to her.

For the past six months, I was busy with my studies.

I observed Sakura.

"You look peaceful sleeping there. I like seeing you like this"

I don't know what got into me because I kissed Sakura's forehead. After that, I left.

Sakura's POV

I woke up because I sensed that someone is here. I feel that someone kissed my forehead. Maybe I'm only dreaming. I went back to the cabin.

When I went back, they are preparing for lunch. After preparing, we all ate happily. Rose and I shared a room.

We all played and had fun. Now, it's already night time. We came back to the cabin and prepared dinner. After eating dinner, I went to Rose.

"Rose, I will roam around for a bit,"

"Ok, be careful. It's already dark,"

"I will,"

I went to the forest and roam for a bit. It's already dark here, so I went back, but I'm walking for quite some time now. Am I lost? Oh no! I didn't bring my phone. I hope someone will save me.

Rose's POV

It's already 8 pm, and Sakura isn't back yet. I feel something bad. Maybe she got lost. I better tell Seiya.

Seiya's POV

I am outside when someone called my name.


"Rose. What's the matter?"

"Sakura isn't back yet, and I'm worried. She said she would roam around,"

"Ok, calm down. I will find Sakura. I will be right back,"

"Be careful,"

I search for Sakura. Where could she be? Maybe in the forest. I hope you are ok, Sakura. I called and called her name, but no response.


I heard someone.


"Where are you, Sakura?"

"I'm here!"

I ran to where the scream is. It's dark here. And then I saw Sakura sitting and trembling.


"Seiya? Seiya!"

"I am here now,"

"I'm scared,"

"It's all right now. Let's go back. Rose is worried about you,"

We went back to the cabin.



"Oh, I'm worried about you. Don't do that again, Sakura,"

"Ok, I'm sorry,"

"Thank you, Seiya," Sakura said.

"No problem. You should go to sleep now,"


Narrator's POV

They went back to their cabin and went to sleep.

The next day, they all had fun again. At noon, they are leaving the place and went back to university.