Chapter 14: Confession

Sakura's POV

It's been three days since the university outing, and Seiya saved me. Thinking about that incident makes me have butterflies in my stomach. That's the first time that I saw the looks of Seiya's face. Nervous and scared. It's like he cares for me. Does he?

Dylan, Rose, and I are in the cafeteria, eating. Dylan knows who Seiya is.

"Sakura, Rose. I have something to say to you, especially you Sakura,"

"What is it, Dylan?"

"I know who Seiya is already, so I need to tell you what I've witnessed during the outing,"

"Say it, Dylan," Rose said.

"When I was wandering around the woods, I saw Sakura sleeping. I was going to call her when someone went near you and kissed your forehead,"

"And who is that person?"

"It's Seiya. No doubt it's him"

"OMG! That's sweet. Oh! That means Seiya has feelings for you Sakura,"

"That's why when I woke up, I sensed someone kissed my forehead. I thought I was dreaming. I don't know if Seiya has feelings for me,"

"There's no doubt that Seiya has feelings for you, right, Dylan?"

"I agree, but he better treat you well,"

"Woah! He did not court me yet,"

"I'm sure he will,"

"Whatever, let's eat. Ok"

We continued eating.

Seiya's POV

Three days had passed, and I was thinking of confessing to Sakura. Yes, I like Sakura. The arrogant and cold-hearted me like Sakura. She tamed me. She warmed my cold heart.

I'm thinking of confessing to her because if I will keep my feelings and not confess, maybe someone will steal Sakura away from me. I cannot let that happen.

It's already the end of class, and I went to Sakura's classroom, and I saw her preparing her stuff. I waited for her to come out of the classroom.

"What are you doing here, Seiya?"

"Can we talk, Sakura?"

"We can talk inside the classroom. My classmates already left,"


Why am I feeling nervous? Keep it together, Seiya. You can do this.

"Um," We both said.

"You first Sakura,"

"No, you go first,"

"Ok, ah. Can I ask if Dylan is courting you?"

"No. Dylan has a girlfriend already. Why do you ask?"


Yes, I have a chance.

"You and Yumi?"

"We are classmates. Nothing more"

"I see," Sakura said and smiled.

"Why are you being distant to me, Sakura?"

"I need to Seiya because I need to forget my feelings to you. I think, six years of having feelings for you is enough, and I need to stop it,"

"You know that you don't have to do that,"

"And why is that?"

"Because I like you, Sakura. I didn't realize it. When I sensed that you are being distant to me, when I see you with Dylan, and when you are lost in the woods. I felt weird emotions Sakura, and it's my first time feeling this. You tamed me Sakura. You are something,"

Sakura is crying.

"Why are you crying, Sakura?"

"I'm crying because I'm happy. I never thought that you would confess to me. It's not like you, Seiya. I still like you, Seiya. I promised myself to forget my feelings towards you, but it's hard,"

"Thank you that, you never stop liking me, Sakura. I like you too. So, does that mean we are official now?"



"You have to court me Seiya,"

"But –"

"No but's Seiya. I want you to court me so that I will give you my sweet yes,"

"Ok. I will court you even though I don't like that sweet stuff,"

"Ok. I want to see how the arrogant and cold-hearted you will court me,"

"Ok. I'm glad that you like me Sakura, even though I'm rude to you from the start,"

"I don't mind how rude you are to me because I admire you from the start. You being rude to me doesn't mean that I don't like you anymore. Maybe I thought about that, but it's hard,"

I hugged and kissed Sakura's forehead. Sakura also hugged me back and kissed my cheeks.

"Look at you face Seiya, it is red. You're cute when you blush,"

"Stop it Sakura,"

"I can't help it because you are cute. I never imagine you like this because you are arrogant and cold towards me,"

"I'm not that anymore because you changed me,"

"I did? Maybe my points worked?"

"What are those points?"



Yes! My problem is solved. Sakura still likes me.

Thank you, Sakura. I'm the happiest man alive. It feels like I won the lottery.