Chapter 15: Courting

Sakura's POV

When I woke up, I can't believe that Seiya likes me. It's like a dream come true.

Yesterday after talking, Seiya accompanied me home. I can't believe that Seiya has a sweet side, and I like it.

Now, I am preparing to go to school. I got dressed and ate breakfast. Dad is not at home because he went to work early today.

I was outside and ready to go to university when I saw Seiya. I went to him.

"Seiya? Good morning"

"Oh, Sakura. Good morning. I was waiting for you. Let's go to university together. I will be courting you starting today,"


We walk together to the university while holding hands.

When we entered the university campus, all eyes are on us when we passed by them. I heard them gossiping about us.

"They are holding hands,"

"I can't believe it,"

"Are they a couple?"

I'm uncomfortable with them staring and gossiping about us, so I remove my hand that's holding Seiya's hand.

"Do not be affected by them. Just don't mind them Sakura," Seiya said and held my hand again.

Seiya accompanied me to my classroom.

"I will see you later. Let's have lunch together. I will wait for you here,"


Before he leaves, Seiya kissed my forehead.

Seiya's POV

I am now courting Sakura. I am planning to give her chocolates later. And to properly court her, I will talk to her dad about me courting Sakura and also my parents. I don't want to keep it a secret to them, and if Sakura would be my girlfriend, then it will make our relationship legal. It will all come true if they would let me court Sakura.

It is now lunchtime, so I went to Sakura's classroom. Sakura went outside when she saw me.

"Let's go to the cafeteria?"

"Sure, but we will be joining Dylan and Rose. Is it ok with you?"

"It's ok,"

We went to the cafeteria together. We saw Dylan and Rose and went to them.

���Why are you together?"

"Uh, well. Yesterday –"

"I am courting Sakura,"

"OMG! Is it true, Sakura? So I was right. I am happy for you, girl. I will support your relationship. I am waiting for this moment to come"

"You better treat Sakura well. She is like a sister to me,"

"I will,"

We ate together and talked after. I'm glad that it went well with Sakura's friends.

We are now heading back to our classroom, but I will accompany Sakura to her classroom. When we arrive in her classroom, I asked her.

"Sakura, is your father home later after class?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I'm planning on talking to him that I'm courting you,"

"Oh, I never thought that you would have an idea like that?"

"You thought,"

"Dad is going home early today,"

"Ok. See you later,"


I went to my classroom. The class starts at 1 pm.

After some hours later, the class is done, and I went to the cafeteria and bought chocolates. After buying chocolates, I went to Sakura's classroom. I waited for her to come out. After 10 minutes, Sakura went out. I went to her.

"Here, chocolates for you,"

"Wow, my favorite. Come to think of it, four years ago, I gave you chocolates, and now you are the one giving it to me,"

"Yup, and that time my life starts to be interesting,"

"It is? You should thank me for that,"

"Thank you, Sakura that you came into my life,"

"You're welcome. You're becoming cheesy. Let's go. Dad will be home in a few minutes,"

We went to Sakura's home and wait for her dad to arrive. After 15 minutes, her dad arrived.

"Oh, Seiya. What brings you here?"

I told Sakura's dad that I'm courting his daughter, and I need his approval. Sakura and I were happy because he approved it. We talked for a bit. When it's almost dark, I said my goodbye. Sakura accompanied me outside.

"I'm happy,"

"Me too,"

"I will also tell my parents when I got home,"

"Can I go to your house this weekend?"


"I miss them already,"

"And they miss you too. I will be going now,"


When I got home, I told my parents that I'm courting Sakura. My mom went gaga.

"OMG! You did a good job Seiya. I like Sakura for you,"

"Thanks, mom,"

"I like Sakura for you too, son,"

"Thanks, Dad,"

I'm glad that they also like Sakura.

The weekend came, and Sakura paid a visit to our house.

"OMG! I missed you, Sakura. It's been a while,"

"Big sister!"

"I'm back. I miss you all so much,"

"I'm glad you paid a visit Sakura," dad said.

We all hugged each other. We all talked about random topics.

I'm happy because our parents know that I'm courting Sakura.

I will wait for Sakura to say her sweet yes to me. I'm waiting for that time to come.

I can't wait for our relationship to be official.