Chapter 19: Graduation And...

One month later.

Narrator's POV

It's graduation day at Sanford University. At exactly 1 in the afternoon, the commencement will start.

It's already 12:30, and the auditorium is packed with students who are graduating today.

Thirty minutes later, the graduation ceremony starts.

The ceremony starts with the headmaster making his speech.

"Good morning and welcome. It is my pleasure to welcome you all to Sanford University's commencement. I extend my warmest congratulations to all the students who will receive their degrees and certificates today. To all families and friends that are here with us today, thank you for coming. Let us start the commencement,"

After the headmaster said his speech, the commencement started. All the students are called and received their degrees and certificated.

It is now time to announce who is the valedictorian.

"Our valedictorian for this year. He is from the nursing department. Chiba, Seiya. Please present your valedictory speech after,"

Seiya went up the stage and receive his medal, degree, and certificate. After that, he said his speech.

"Headmaster, faculty members, parents, friends, and fellow graduates. Today is the day we've all been waiting for. At Sanford University, we received great education and facilities. I thank the administration and professors for that. Fellow graduates, thank you for shedding blood, sweat, and tears. I know it's been a hard and stressful journey, but now we are prepared to move on and take another milestone in our lives. We are also thankful to our parents, who are always by our side to support us. Thank you, mom, and dad for being a great and supportive parent to me. Finally, we can be thankful to each other. The friendship that we made will last a lifetime. I am thankful for my friends who are always there for me, and a girlfriend that is dear to me. Shout out to my girlfriend, Sakura Go, and my friends, Rose Carter, and Dylan Lee. When we leave this place today and celebrate what we have achieved, let us be proud of ourselves. This day is going to be the most memorable and unforgettable day of our lives. Congratulations, class of 2019!"

After Seiya said his speech, all the students cheered for Seiya.

Seiya went down the stage, and all the students and faculty members sang the Sanford University hymn.

After singing, all the students toss their caps in the air.

Seiya's POV

That was a long speech.

The commencement is finished, and now is the time to take pictures. Lots of students went to me and congratulated me. Some took a picture with me.


Someone shouted and hugged me so tight.


"Congratulations on being the Universities valedictorian this year. My valedictorian"

"Thank you. Congratulations too"

And we kissed.

"Oops! PDA," Rose and Dylan said.


"Congratulations to us," Rose said, and we group hugged.

"We are proud of you all,"

"Mom, dad, and uncle Shinji. Thank you"

"Let's all take a picture," mom said.

We all took lots of pictures.

After our moment together, Dylan and Rose bid their goodbye.

Mom and dad invited Sakura and Uncle Shinji to celebrate in our house.

When we arrived, we all had fun. After celebrating, we all went to the living room and talked. I'm planning on proposing to Sakura today, but first, I will inform my parents and Uncle Shinji. I stood up from my seat, and they all looked at me.

"What is it, Seiya?"

"Mom, Dad, and Uncle Shinji. Please let me marry Sakura,"

"What?" they all shouted.

"I'm serious. Please let me marry Sakura. I want to be with her side always,"

"OMG! This is what I've been waiting for," mom said.

"We are ok with you marrying Sakura, son,"

"Me too. Take care of my dear daughter, Seiya,"

"I will,"

Sakura's POV

I��m glad that I'm already graduated.

I was shocked by Seiya saying that he wants to marry me. I felt speechless.

"Sakura, will you marry me?" Seiya said while kneeling.

I was shocked because of the ring. It's beautiful.

"Yes, Seiya. I will marry you!" I said and hugged him.

"Thank you, Sakura. I am the luckiest man alive,"

"So when will be the wedding? Because your dad and I discussed it when you started courting Sakura. We already planned your wedding. Maybe in 6 months? Because next year will be your board exam,"

"What do you think, Sakura?"

"It would be great. I can't wait to marry you Seiya,"

"Me too,"

"Ok, it's settled then. All you have to do is to pick your wedding outfits, the theme of your wedding, and the food,"

"Ok, auntie. Thank you"

"Call me, mom, ok?"

"Ok, mom,"

"Call me dad also,"


I can't believe I'm marrying Seiya. Today is the best and luckiest day of my life.

I know it's too early because we have to take our board exam and enroll in a medical school.

I think it's the best decision because we will be 30 when we earn our Ph.D. Become super busy with work and won't have time to plan for our wedding. I want to marry in my late 20's and not 30's.

Seiya's parents, which will become my mother and father in law, are thinking in advance because they said that they already discussed it when Seiya started courting me.

I'm happy because dad approved.

I am the luckiest girl in the world.