Chapter 20: Finally Married My Long-Time Crush

Narrator's POV

Six months had passed, and in the past six months, Sakura, Seiya, and their parents are busy preparing for the wedding. The wedding will be in 3 days, which is on October 8th. The theme of the wedding is blue and white. It's a simple church wedding.

They already made wedding invitations, and they delivered it to their guests. They already bought their wedding outfits, thought about the foods to cater, music to play, and cake and wine tasting.

Rose is the bridesmaid, Dylan is the best man, and Mina is one of the flower girls. Seiya's mom is in charge of hiring the photographer, videographer, florist, and catering. Seiya and Sakura's dad also helped.

Three days later.

Today is the much-awaited wedding of Seiya and Sakura.

The wedding will start at noon and will end at 1. The reception will be held in a famous Japanese restaurant.

It's already 11:30, and in 30 minutes, the wedding will start. Seiya and his dad are already ready and are headed at the church and wait for Sakura to arrive.

Sakura's POV

I am in my room with Seiya's mom. Seiya's mom hired a hairstylist and make-up artist for me.

After styling me, I wore my wedding gown.

There's a knock on the door, and I know it's dad and Rose.

"Come in,"

"Wow, you're looking gorgeous Sakura,"

"You resembled your mom so much,"

"Yup, she is,"

"Thank you, Rose, dad, and mom,"

"Seeing you makes me want to cry," Seiya's mom said.

"Me too. Seeing you in that white gown and getting married," dad said.

"Don't cry, mom and dad,"

"Let's go to church. It's almost time for the ceremony to start,"


"Let me help you with your gown. I'm your bridesmaid after all,"

"Thank you, Rose,"

We all went outside and rode a car.

We arrived at the church on time. I got out of the car, and Rose helped me with my gown. I am now waiting for the door to open.

When the door opens, I saw all of our guests, the music is the best, and I saw Seiya in front.

I am now walking slowly to Seiya with my dad escorting me. The flower girls are walking ahead of me. Mina is leading them, and they are adorable. I feel mixed emotions right now, but I still manage a smile. I can't believe I'm marrying my long-time crush. It's like a dream come true.

Seiya's POV

I am now at the church and waiting for Sakura. Any minute now, the wedding will start. I can't believe I will be married to the one I rejected in junior year.

I wear a three-piece white suit with a blue handkerchief in the pocket.

Suddenly the door opened, revealing Sakura. She looks gorgeous and mesmerizing in that wedding gown. Seeing her wearing a wedding gown is what I dreamed of. She is now walking down the aisle with his dad escorting her.

When Sakura and her dad are now in front of me, her dad said something.

"Promise me to cherish her and make her happy,"

"I will,"

Her dad taps my shoulder and lends Sakura's hand to me. Sakura and I looked at each other.

"You look gorgeous,"

"You look handsome too,"

Narrator's POV

"In the name of God, son, and the holy spirit. We have come together to witness the marriage of Seiya and Sakura. We pray that the Holy Spirit will guide them and fulfill God's purposes for the whole of their earthly life,"

After the priest said that, it's time for saying they're I do's.

"Seiya, will you take Sakura as your lawfully wedded wife. To protect and cherish her for the rest of your life?"

"I do,"

"Sakura, will you take Sakura as your lawfully wedded wife. To protect and cherish her for the rest of your life?"

"I do,"

"You may now state your vows and put the ring in your ring fingers after,"

"Seiya, when I first saw you during freshmen orientation, I started to admire you. I got the guts to confess my feelings to you in junior year, but you rejected it, and I felt embarrassed because all the students who witnessed it, gossiped about it, so I avoided you. I was shocked when my dad and I are living in your house. You are arrogant and a cold-hearted guy, but I still have feelings for you. When you confessed to me, I felt happy. It's a dream come true for me. My points did work because I tamed the arrogant and cold-hearted guy. Now that I'm marrying you, I felt like I'm the luckiest woman in the world. Finally, I'm married to my long-time crush. I love you, Seiya. Let us be with each other for the rest of our lives and let's face no matter what challenges may come to us,"

After saying her vow, Sakura put the ring to Seiya's ring finger. Now it's Seiya's turn to state his vow.

"Sakura, my life became interesting when you confessed to me, and when you started living in our home. I find you annoying, but you sure are something because you can order me around. When you started avoiding me, when you are with Dylan, and when you got lost in the woods during our university outing, I felt this weird feeling. Then I realized that I like you. You tamed and changed me, Sakura. I feel like I'm the luckiest man in the world when you said yes when I proposed to you. I can't believe that I would end up with the one I rejected in junior year. Thank you, and I love you, Sakura. Let's be together for the rest of our lives. I will protect, cherish, and make you happy,"

Seiya put the ring in Sakura's ring finger.

When they are done stating their vows, they feel emotional.

"You may now kiss the bride,"

Seiya lifts Sakura's veil, and they shared a romantic kiss. All the people cheered for them. After the wedding, they took lots of photos.

After taking pictures, they all went to the reception.

Seiya and Sakura changed their outfits.

At the reception, they ate, danced, and had lots of fun.

The couples are happy because, finally, they are married.

"Are you having lots of fun, Mrs. Chiba?"

"Oh, I like it when you call me that, Mr. Chiba,"

"I'm happy that I'm now married to you,"

"Me too, Seiya. I love you,"

"I love you too,"

Mr. and Mrs. Chiba shared a passionate kiss.