Bonus Chapter 1

Sakura's POV

It's been a year that I got married to Seiya. Even after being married, nothing's changed between us. Sometimes, we have misunderstandings, but by the end of the day, we would talk it out. Those misunderstandings make our love even stronger, and we never got tired of each other.

I am now living with Seiya because we are now married, and we share the same bed, but we didn't do that thing yet, ok? Because we are focused on achieving our goals, and that can wait. Seiya and I talked about buying our own house and start a family in the future.

Enough with that future talks. I am on my way home because I'm done buying groceries. Seiya is not with me because he has an important thing to attend. Seiya and I are done reviewing for the board exam, and we are waiting for the announcement. I'm nervous. I need to pass and be a registered Psychometrician.

I arrive home and cooked dinner. I told mom that I would cook every dinner.

When I was cooking dinner, someone hugged me at the back, and I know its Seiya because of his scent.

"I'm back,"

"How was your day?"

"It was good. My classmate at the review center said that next month would be the board exam for nursing and psychology,"

"Really? I need to review it again. Oh, the food is already cooked,"

"Wow, it smells good. I'm starving,"

"I know you are. Can you set the table and call mom, dad, and Mina?"


Dad is at our home. He would visit here every weekend and every occasion. He said that he is ok there alone. Seiya and I would visit him when we have time.

Seiya called mom, dad, and Mina. I prepared the food. They all went to the dining room, and we ate happily.

Seiya's POV

When I arrive home, I smelled something delicious, so I went to the kitchen, and Sakura is cooking. Sakura's cooking is delicious. I went to her and back hugged her.

We are now eating together. I saw everyone happily eating. I imagined having a family with Sakura, and we are happily eating together like this.

Come to think of it. It's been a year since Sakura and I got married. I can say that our bond has gotten even stronger.

When we are done eating, we went to our room. Sakura and I sleep in the same bed, but we did not do it yet because Sakura and I promised each other to achieve our goals first, and that can wait.

We got ready for bed. We cuddled under the cover.


"Yes? What is it?"

"I'm nervous about the board exam next month,"

"Don't be. I know that you can pass the board exam. Believe in yourself,"

"Thank you,"

"It's my duty as your husband,"

"If I will pass the board exam, I will enroll in a medical school because I want to be a Psychiatrist,"

"Me too, to be a doctor. We can enroll in the same medical school together,"


"Let's go to sleep. Good night and I love you, Sakura," I said and kissed her forehead.

One month had passed, and today is my board exam. Sakura will take the board exam next week.

I got ready and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Good morning,"

"Good morning, Seiya,"

"You need to eat a lot because it's your board exam today," Sakura said.

We ate breakfast.

"I need to go now,"

"Ok. Good luck"

When I was heading outside, Sakura stopped me.

"What is it, Sakura?" I said, and Sakura kissed me in the lips.

"Good luck,"

"Thank you for the good luck charm,"

I went to the place where we will take the board exam.

Narrator's POV

The next week, it's Sakura's turn to take the board exam.

When Sakura is answering the board exam, she fined some questions easy, and some are hard, but she manages to answer it all.

One month later and Sakura and Seiya waited for the result to be posted in their e-mail. After some time of waiting, the result is e-mailed to the. They went down.

"The results have been posted,"

"Let's see it,"

"OMG! Seiya is the top notcher," mom said.

"Let me see. As expected from Seiya," Sakura said.

"Sakura is in top 20," Sakura's dad said.

"Really? OMG!"

"Congratulations to both of you. These calls for a celebration,"

"Congratulations Seiya"

"Congratulations too, Sakura,"

Their parents are happy for them. They ordered foods and celebrate Sakura and Seiya's achievement.

Seiya is a registered nurse, and Sakura is a Registered Psychometrician.