Ep 4: The Knight gets a girlfriend

Early at school, a teacher was carrying some papers, then he was talking with someone.

Teacher: In our class, you'll give to your classmates a speech about today.

That person is the school girl who spied Alexander and Asuka before.

School girl: Do I have to today?

Teacher: Listen, you are the class representative.

School girl: Okay, I have to after all.

Teacher: Okay, be ready in an hour, the classes will start.

She smiled a little.

Later, Alexander was walking carrying his bag. He was thinking a little.

Alexander: (Thinking) "Demitri sent his monsters, and now his troops, also they obtained weapons from this world, I have to update to this country already"

Nao: Good morning, Alexander-san!

Asuka: Good morning.

Alexander: Good morning.

Nao: Did you hear about that explosion from a forest, yesterday?

Alexander and Asuka were funny nervous to remember that.

Alexander: What did you mean?

Nao: You didn't? It was a mysterious explosion that consumed a little part of the forest. They didn't know what kind of explosion was that. But fortunately there weren't victims.

Asuka: Oh, I think I missed that news.

Nao: That's strange it was exactly the time we were leaving to home.

Alexander: Yeah, it was mysterious. (Thinking) "It would be better do not mention those events"

Then at classroom, some male students were talking.

Student 1: Hey, did you know the class representative didn't arrive early as usual.

Student 2: Yeah, I miss her presence. She had a reunion. I can't wait to see her presence.

Alexander noticed that conversation.

Alexander: What are they talking about?

Student 3: Hey new guy, didn't you know about the class representative?

Alexander: Class representative? What is it?

Student 4: How dare to talk that way about her? She's our second idol of all school, after Asuka-chan.

Alexander: I have no idea about that. What is an idol?

Asuka: Alexander (Giving a light hit with a book) You don't have to get that information.

Alexander: Why?

Nao: Didn't you know? Asuka is the most popular girl in school. She's smart, beautiful and good at sports. Everybody consider her as an idol. She with Class rep are known as Golden Beauties.

Alexander: Oh, you should be happy to be the attraction of everybody here, Asuka.

Asuka: For someone who came from the past, you don't know about this kind of situation.

The class was going to start. The teacher arrived.

Teacher: Okay, everyone, sit down. Before the class starts, we'll have a speech from the class representative. Go on.

Then, the school girl entered. The male students were in love to see her. It was revealed to be the girl with middle-long blonde hair with twintails style, the same who noticed Alexander's first day at school. Her hair was waving beautifully.

School girl: For the ones who were transferred, my name is Cassandra Ashford, I'm the class representative, my greetings and I hope we can get along with the rest. Now I'm going to give the speech of this morning.

Student 1: Oh, Cassandra-san, so beautiful as usual.

Student 2: That's why she's our second idol.

Cassandra: First of all, I noticed many boys are flirting in a vulgar way, time to be more polite. Second, some grades are so low, I'm planning to create studying groups to improve those grades. Third, physical education class needs more implements like balls, nets and rope. Fourth…

Cassandra continued talking while the students hearing.

Alexander: (Looking Cassandra with suspicion) That girl, I wonder where I had seen her before.

Cassandra keeps talking but then stopped when she saw Alexander. He noticed and took a book to avoid attention. Cassandra smiled and then continued with the speech.

At break time, Alexander went to Asuka.

Alexander: Asuka, we have to talk about yesterday.

Asuka: You mean about those Dark knights who attacked you?

Alexander: About the weapons they got from your world. How did they obtain…?

At that moment, Cassandra went to them.

Cassandra: Excuse me, you must the transferred student.

Alexander: Eh? Yes. I'm Alexander, Alexander Drake. I was transferred some days ago.

Cassandra: Alexander? Alexander!

Suddenly, Cassandra took his hands in a friendly way. All the students realized that, especially Asuka.

Cassandra: So it's you. Alexander-kun, I missed you so much!

Then Cassandra embraced Alexander affectionately. All the students were in shocked to see that scene.

Asuka: (Blushed) What are you two doing?

Alexander: (Little blushed) Wait! I don't know what's going on! (To Cassandra) Sorry, Can you let me go for a while?

Cassandra: Alexander-kun, don't you remember me?

Nao: Class rep, do you know Alexander-san?

Cassandra: Yeah, we were childhood friends a long time ago.


Alexander: (Little exalted) Wait! I don't know what are you talking about!

Cassandra: (Embracing him) Geez, it'll take a time to remember about us.

Alexander: (Little blushed) Remember?

Suddenly Asuka separated them a little upset.

Asuka: That's enough! Let him go!

Cassandra: (Upset) What's your problem, Asuka?

Asuka: Can't you stop being so charming to him. It's embarrassing!

Cassandra: Why are you upset? (Realizing something) Or maybe it's… you like Alexander-kun too.

Asuka: (Blushed) What! No way! There's nothing between us!

Cassandra: Then, don't get into the relationships of others.

Asuka: Still, you can't act as if you have that kind of relationship!

Asuka and Cassandra were looking each other very upset. Alexander was worried for not knowing to control that situation.

Alexander: (Confused) What's going on here?

Nao: (Little worried) I guess this is going to be a battlefield.

Later, Alexander was sat and worried because all the male students of school were jealous to see him.

Alexander: (Imaging menacing eyes over him) I feel as a herd of wolves looking for killing me. (Imaging true wolves)

He saw Asuka walking a little calmed.

Alexander: Hey, Asuka…

She stared at him with funny anger.

Asuka: What?

Alexander: About what we talked…

Cassandra: (Walking to him) Alexander-kun. Can we talk?

Alexander: Really? We have to?

Asuka: (Ignoring him little upset) If you want, why not? Aren't you childhood friends?

Nao: Asuka, you shouldn't talk in that way, Alexander-san could feel…

Alexander: Okay, if you allow me.

Asuka: Eh?

Cassandra: (Taking Alexander's arm) So let's go to talk in private.

Alexander: Hey!

Asuka: Wait! Where are you going?

Cassandra: You said we can.

Cassandra leaves taking Alexander with her. The male students were jealous to see them together.

Nao: Oh my, it seems Class rep is happy to meet him after years.

Asuka seems worried to see Alexander being taking by Cassandra.

Then at the school garden, Alexander and Cassandra were alone.

Alexander: Eh, class rep…

Cassandra: No, call me Cassandra.

Alexander: But…

Cassandra: If you call that girl by her first name, then you should call me in that way too.

Alexander: Okay, Cassandra. Can you tell me what do you want to talk?

Cassandra: It's just I want to talk in private, Alexander-kun. Or should I say… Alexander Drake, the Dragon Knight.

To hear that, Alexander stepped back from her.

Alexander: (Serious) How do you know me? Who are you really? Are you from Demitri's group?

Cassandra: My, my. So you don't remember after years. It's logic because we just met once.

Alexander: (Little confused) Eh?

Cassandra: Don't you remember that time, at the kingdom. In the Enchanted forest.

Alexander: The Enchanted forest? Wait, That was when I was ten.


A young Alexander was walking in a forest. He was wearing a cloak and carrying a sword on his back.

Alexander: Let's see, this should be the forest.

Suddenly he heard a scream of a girl.

Alexander: What was that?

He run to the deep of the forest. Then he saw there were giant plants that were attacking a girl. The girl was using magic spell of fire from her staff against the plants. That girl was a young Cassandra.

Alexander: What is that?

But then giants roots grabbed her and was being tied by those.

Cassandra: (Little blushed) No! Don't touch me in those areas!

The roots were touching her butt and chest, tearing her clothes. Then Alexander run and cut the roots. Cassandra was falling but was caught by Alexander at time.

Alexander: Hey, are you okay?

But he blushed to see her half naked, her clothes were torn. She noticed that and screamed pushing him away.

Cassandra: Ah! What are you looking? You perv!

Alexander: Sorry. (He noticed more roots were after them) Watch out!

Cassandra: Burn into ashes!

The girl used her staff to use a magic spell that summoned a flaming tornado that burned all the roots.

Alexander: Wow, that was impressive. Are you a sorceress?

Cassandra: Yeah, but I'm still need more training. What you did before was incredible.

Alexander: What are you doing here?

Cassandra: I was practicing some magic spell here in the Enchanted forest. What about you?

Alexander: In the town, they said this forest is dangerous for training. I wanted to prove my strength as a Knight.

Cassandra: A Knight?

Alexander: Yeah, because I have a goal to achieve.

Cassandra: A goal?

Alexander: (Serious) My parents… were murdered by that monster. I swore I'll avenge them.

Cassandra: So you plan to face a monster?

Alexander: We better get out of here before it gets dark.

Then they were leaving the forest.

Alexander: I have to return, I must train for tomorrow at the academy. Bye.

Cassandra: Wait! Can I know your name?

Alexander: (While leaving) Alexander Drake.

Cassandra: Alexander… Drake.

/End of flashback/

Alexander: I remember. I met a girl in the Enchanted forest. Is that girl you?

Cassandra: Yeah, you didn't ask my name so you don't know me.

Alexander: But how do I know that you aren't with Demitri?

Cassandra: That's how you thank someone who saved your friend from the Dark knights yesterday?

She shot a small fireball to the ground. He remembered the fireball that attacked a Dark knight to free Asuka that time. Cassandra was the one who used that.

Alexander: So you are a sorceress, you saved Asuka with a magic attack.

Cassandra: Yeah.

Alexander: But if you are from the kingdom, how could you get in this time?

Cassandra: For now, let's stop. If you want the answers then you should do something for me.

Alexander: What is it?

They didn't realized Asuka was arrived at that moment and was hidden in the ambush hearing their conversation.

Cassandra: Alexander, I want you make me your girlfriend.

Alexander and Asuka were in funny shock to hear what she said.

Alexander: Girlfriend? You mean a girl who shares minds and other things?

Cassandra: You didn't have interactions with girls in the kingdom, right?

Alexander: Well, no one. Except there was one girl who was my friend.

Cassandra: One? Well, if it isn't an asshole like Asuka, it doesn't matter.

Alexander: The true is she is like…

Asuka: (Upset and revealing herself) Who do you call asshole, damn you!

Alexander: Asuka.

Asuka: Cassandra! What do you mean by girlfriend?

Cassandra: It's logic, I'll start a relationship with Alexander-kun. Something that you don't understand. (To Alexander) Alexander-kun we'll meet at the park tomorrow after class, see you.

Cassandra leaves. Alexander was a little confused.

Asuka: So what are you going to do?

Alexander: I'll have to accept her request.

Asuka: (Little altered) What?

At next day, Alexander was walking to school but then it's seen Cassandra was embracing his arm. They were walking as if they were a couple. Many students were jealous to see them. Asuka was upset to see them too. It's seen the rumor was propagated to all school, others students were seeing them from their classrooms, corridors, bathrooms.

Alexander sat at his seat but he was worried to be seeing with envy and rage.

Male student 1: Why that guy is with our idol Cassandra-san?

Male student 2: First was Asuka-san, and now the class rep Cassandra!

Male student 3: I heard Cassandra-san became his… girlfriend!

Male student 4: I hope he goes to hell!

Alexander: I hope I get the answers from that another sorceress.

After school, Alexander was ready to leave but then Cassandra came to him.

Cassandra: Alexander-kun, let's go home together.

Alexander: (Little serious) Okay.

Cassandra: (Grabbing his arm) Then, hurry.

They leaves with the amaze of the rest students.

Nao: Asuka, do you think is okay to ignore that situation? Everybody seem angry.

Asuka. (Little upset) Tsk! As if I care! (Getting up to leave)

Nao: Asuka?

Asuka: Don't misunderstand! I just wanna go home early, that's all!

Asuka leaves next.

Meanwhile, Alexander and Cassandra arrived at the park. At that time Alexander separated from her in a serious way.

Alexander: That's enough!

Cassandra: Geez! That's not the way to treat your girlfriend. Aren't you a knight?

Alexander: You aren't even my girlfriend! I'll just accept this because you will tell me the rest from yesterday! Now talk!

Cassandra: As expected from the Dragon Knight, so serious. Okay, I'll tell you the truth, I'm not with Demitri or his group.

Alexander: Then, how did you get this time?

Cassandra: I used the magic spell, the Future life. The same that was used with you.

Alexander: The spell the Future life? The same Helena used?

Cassandra: Yeah. I think she didn't mention a friend of hers who knows magic.

Alexander: She did, but wait! Then Helena's friend was… you!

Cassandra: It seems she didn't mention me.

Alexander: How did you know that magic spell?

Cassandra: It happened after the attack of the town where Helena and I grew up. I was searching the book Helena asked me to hide. We discovered the plans of Demitri and the Dark Knights, using the spell of Future life. But she asked me do not follow her because the Dark Knights will attack the town and kill our people.

Alexander: No way!

Cassandra: When the danger ends, I returned to the town but it was destroyed and our people were murdered so coldly. I couldn't find Helena but I felt her magic presence in an unknown terrain from an island. But suddenly her presence was weak, I figured out she was dying. I planned to go for her but I felt the magic spell she was using despite she was nearly dying, even with that she used too much for the cost of her life. I felt her life and magic disappeared completely. I felt angry because I didn't save my friend from Magic Academy. (Imagining what she was saying)

Alexander: So Helena and you were in the Magic Academy where wizards learn about magic.

Cassandra: After that, I felt the Dark Knights used the spell of Future life to arrive this time. So first I delivered Helena's book to her remaining family and asked them to transfer this book generation after generation. Then I investigated and found the time Demitri and his group went, so I used the magic spell too to come here one year before they arrived. When I arrived, I had the hopes to find Helena but when I saw her in the school she was a different girl, even she conserved her appearance she doesn't have memories as Helena. Which means she used a big part of her soul to reborn in this time. (Imagining what she was saying)

Alexander: So you knew the consequence by using that method.

Cassandra: But if you arrived here completely it means she used the regular form of the magic spell.

Alexander: She sacrificed her soul and memories to come to this time too.

Cassandra: Yeah, she seemed to sacrifice anything to save one life to arrive this time.

Alexander: She left me a message from her last magic essence to me.

Cassandra: So the Knight she was making partner with in the fights is you?

Meanwhile Asuka was walking to the park.

Cassandra: Now you know the truth, you'd better be with me. After all, we came from the Kingdom.

Alexander: I'll accept your friendship but not about this fake relationship.

Cassandra: What? Why?

Alexander: I don't have a reason. It's just I have a duty as the Knight.

Cassandra: It's because of Asuka Hisakawa? Because she reminds you as Helena.

Alexander: What? Why are you saying that?

Cassandra: Will you believe me if I tell you that I fell in love with you at the time you saved me. (Alexander was a little confused) But then I found out you were with your partner, and that person was my best friend Helena. I felt alone because, the boy whom I fell in love and my friend, were together and getting along. I wanted to be your partner in the fights but you were assigned with Helena.

At that time Asuka arrived the park and was hearing their conversation.

Asuka: There they are.

Alexander: Wait, Cassandra but you don't have to worry about loneliness. There are many guys in school.

Cassandra: (Upset) The reason I came to school was to meet Helena but then she was already a different person. I decided to assist as a regular student and learnt about the culture of this country. But then the school considered me and Asuka as their idols, something I didn't care. The only one I loved was dead but when I found you alive, I expected I could have a relationship with you again. But you seemed getting along with Asuka, like you did with Helena.

Alexander: Well, it's true.

Cassandra: Then, do you prefer to be with Asuka than me?

Asuka was a little surprised to hear that.

Alexander: I have to be on her side because Demitri and his group could attack her and her town. That's why I have to be with her and don't involve anyone.

Cassandra was in silence and her head tilted.

Alexander: Eh, Cassandra?

Cassandra: If you can't do it, then I'll obligate you!

Cassandra moved her hand and suddenly magic dust covered her body. Her school uniform changed into a wizard-like custom, similar like Helena's, it was a little attractive, but bikini-like type.

Alexander: (Surprised) Cassandra.

She made appear a large staff and used it against him.

Cassandra: Flame daggers!

She summoned fireballs in daggers forms and attack Alexander making him dodging them.

Cassandra: I'll force you to remember who is the people you must be with!

Alexander took his emblem and his armor appeared covering his body. He used his shield to fend from Cassandra's flame daggers.

Alexander: Cassandra, stop already!

Cassandra's attacks continued, one of them strike very near where Asuka was.

Alexander: (Realizing that) Asuka!

Cassandra: You!

Asuka: Cassandra, you are a Sorceress from that time too.

Cassandra: Geez! I should have hidden my identity better. Well one day you will find out.

Asuka: You two stop! You are going to call people's attention!

Cassandra: (Upset) Don't get into this! Trying to use Helena's appearance! Are you trying to hurt my feelings by using my friend's face!

Asuka: Listen, I don't know about my past-self but it doesn't mean you go berserk for your past life.

Cassandra: If you… if you… don't exist in this time… I could have loved Alexander in this time!

Cassandra was nearly crying with tears and feeling hate. But suddenly a giant plant appeared and attack them with their roots. Alexander and Cassandra avoided at time.

Alexander: A plant?

Cassandra: No, a carnivorous plant!

That plant was a giant carnivorous plant with huge jaws.

Alexander: Could it be from Demitri's monsters group?

Cassandra: No way! How that thing gets to this place?

They heard Asuka's scream. She was caught by the plant's roots.

Alexander: Shit! Asuka is in trouble!

Asuka: (Being hanging on and saw the plant's jaws, she was scared) No! Help me!

Alexander: Hold on! Asuka!

Cassandra: That plant is one of the dangerous ones from our kingdom! Be careful its jaws are strong.

Alexander run and was being attacked by its roots. He dodged each one and jump and cut the one that was grabbing Asuka breaking her free. Asuka fell and Alexander caught her.

Alexander: Are you okay?

Asuka: Why I'm the only one who has bad luck about monsters?

Cassandra: Watch out, Alexander!

The roots attacked and caught him.

Alexander: (Trying to break free) Shit! It got me!

He was being pulled to the plant, which opened its jaws attempting to devour him.

Asuka: Alexander!

Cassandra: Flame arrow!

Cassandra used a magic spell; suddenly a huge flaming arrow appeared and attack the plant, allowing Alexander to escape. The plant was being burning.

Alexander: At time. (Removing his helmet) But that made me feel hot too.

Asuka: Alexander, are you okay?

Alexander: I'm fine. That attack was awesome, Cassandra.

Cassandra: Thanks. (Realizing something) Look, it still alive!

The giant plant, even being covered by fire, attacked them again with its roots. Cassandra and Alexander, carrying Asuka, jumped to back.

Alexander: I'm angry. (Using his sword) Burning sword!

He used his special attack, cutting the giant plant in half, finishing it.

Alexander: It wasn't tougher as I expected.

Asuka: (Happy) Good job, Alexander.

Alexander: Thanks!

Cassandra: (Smiling a little and feeling depressed) I see, you were acting kind with Helena, and now you do with Asuka.

Alexander: Cassandra, listen, you can be our friend to help us.

Cassandra: (In her state) You are only saying because I'm just an acquaintance. You didn't see me as a regular girl, even in this time.

Alexander: No, I think you are pretty, your sorceress custom fits good on you.

Cassandra blushed to hear that. Alexander blushed too for saying that.

Alexander: (Realizing what he said) Eh? Well, I guess we must return.

Alexander leaves a little nervous about that.

Asuka: Eh? Alexander, wait. Why did you mean pretty to her?

Asuka leaves, following Alexander.

Cassandra: I'm… pretty?

At next morning, Alexander was walking with Asuka and Nao.

Nao: Asuka, did you make peace with the class rep?

Asuka: No, I think she could be upset because Alexander rejected her.

Nao: Really? This could be your chance!

Asuka: No, I didn't even want that!

Alexander: But I feel bad for Cassandra. I was too rude to her, I hope she can understand.

Suddenly Cassandra appeared and embraced his left arm.

Cassandra: (Smiling) Good morning, Alexander-kun!

Alexander: (Little blushed) Ah, Cassandra!

Asuka: Ah! Hey, why do you stick on him?

Cassandra: What you told me yesterday. I understand. Only I need to effort to develop another relationship with you!

Alexander: (Little nervous, feeling her breasts on his arm) Well…

Asuka: (Grabbing his right arm) What do you mean with different relationship?

Cassandra: If he sees me as a pretty girl, it's a chance for me. He would be happier with me than with you.

Asuka: You! Lusty girl!

Alexander: You two, calm down!

Asuka: Let him go!

Cassandra: No, you let him go!

Nao: My, as I said… this going to be a battlefield.

Asuka and Cassandra continued discussing meanwhile pulling Alexander very funny.