Ep 5: The Knight is in troubles

Some police officers were in an area, analyzing something. Then a detective arrived there.

Detective: Any result?

Officer 1: No, sir.

Officer 2: It's hard to believe something like that happened here.

It was the forest where Alexander and the Dark knights fought, the rest of the explosion.

Detective: An explosion like this, what could have caused?

Officer 1: Detective Mizushima, do we have to continue?

Detective Mizushima: Yes, send the information when you find something.

Officer 1: Yes sir.

Later, the detective was arriving home, someone was there. It was Nao.

Nao: Dad, how was your job?

Detective Mizushima: Well, this case is so hard.

Nao: I see. I'll make dinner for you and mom, so don't overexceed in your work, okey?.

Then the detective was in his room reading some files.

Detective Mizushima: Why is this happening?

At next day, Alexander was walking while thinking seriously.

Alexander: I have to find out what Demitri is planning next.

He meets Asuka and Nao in the way.

Nao: Alexander-san, good morning.

Asuka: You seem serious lately.

Alexander: It's just many things happened. I bought that strange tablet with keyboard that uses electricity that your grandma recommended me. (It's imagined him using a laptop) like magic!

Asuka: You mean a laptop?

Alexander: With that, I could access a lot of information of this world. That invisible library that it's called internet. I write a word in the searcher and then tons of information about it. (Imagining what he said)

Asuka: I think you need more to learn.

Nao: So you had a hard day. My dad is investigating some mysterious facts that happened in the town.

Asuka: Like what?

Nao: I don't know, he's too busy to tell me.

At classroom, Alexander was thinking. Cassandra approaches to him.

Cassandra: Alexander-kun, I have to tell you something.

Alexander: What?

Cassandra: About your fights in this time. (Flashbacks of his fights in the town) I heard you are getting too much attention. You have to be careful; we don't have to be discovered by people of this time.

Alexander: Yeah, I'll have it in mind.

Asuka: Hey you two, what are you talking about?

Cassandra: (Realizing and smiling) Nothing, it's something between Alexander-kun and me. (Taking his arm) Right? Alexander-kun.

Alexander: (Blushed) I think so.

Asuka: (Upset) Alexander! Why are you embarrassed just being with her?

Later, Alexander and Asuka were talking.

Asuka: So now you have to hide your presence from any investigation.

Alexander: I expected to fight in caution.

Asuka: You'd better do not enter in action for a while. You have to hide your identity from people. No one have to know you are from the past.

Alexander: I'll try.

Later, Alexander was walking home alone.

Alexander: I must find out Demitri's next attack, but how can I do it without being noticed?

Then he heard shots from a bank.

Alexander: What was that?

He realized some cop patrols arrived to the bank. The officers were preparing their guns.

Officer: Alright! This is the cop, you are surrounded!

Others shots sounded from the bank attacking the cops.

Delinquent 1: Hear us! We have hostages, if you don't want corpses, you'd better bring us a car to carry the money and leave! Or we're going to kill each hostage.

Officer: No! We can make that deal, just give us more time.

Delinquent 1: You have only 10 minutes, or we'll shoot them.

Officer: (To his team) This is crazy, we can't wait reinforcement in that time.

Alexander: There are people in danger. As a knight I have to help them, but…

Cassandra's voice: You have to be careful, we don't have to be discovered by people of this time.

Asuka's voice: You have to hide your identity from people. No one have to know you are from the past.

Alexander: What can I do? (Then he reached in his bag and took a manga book) I see, some heroes or super humans help people by using costume to hide their identity and in that way keep saved people that are involve with. (While reading some pages) But the only costume I have… unless they couldn't see my face. (Taking his pendent)

Delinquent 1: Alright, you have 5 minutes, give us our requirement at time or you'll see.

Officer: Just a moment! We'll bring you your car…

Suddenly someone passed through them and jumped to the ceiling of the bank and entered.

Officer: What was that? A person? Does someone saw that guy?

Inside the bank, there were five delinquents with machine guns and the hostages were tied on the ground.

Delinquent 1: Just some minutes guys, and we leave with the money.

Delinquent 2: I hope so, I'm getting tired to keep eyes on them.

One of the delinquents heard one step from the ceiling.

Delinquent 3: What was that noise?

Delinquent 1: What happens?

Delinquent 3: I thought I hear something from the ceiling.

Delinquent 1: You two checked that.

Delinquents 4 and 5 went to check but suddenly someone fell from the ceiling and knocked them by stomping on them.

Alexander: (In his armor costume) Good landing.

Delinquent 1: What is this? Halloween day? What are you doing, brat?

Alexander: Brat? I'm sixteen!

Delinquents began to laugh a lot.

Delinquent 1: So, what are you doing, kid? Playing as a knight?

Alexander: Leave this people free and surrender now!

Delinquent 2: You better behave in front of adults.

He was attempting to catch Alexander but he dodged and kicked him to escape.

Delinquent 3: I won't allow a kid mock us!

He used his gun to him but he used his shield to protect himself.

Alexander: Unless this shield can protect me from that weapons.

Delinquent 1: What the…?

Delinquent 2: That's not a fake shield!

Alexander used his sword to impress them.

Delinquent 1: That's not ordinary! Shoot him!

The delinquents began to shoot and Alexander moved fast, using his sword to cut their guns and then he punched delinquents 2 and 3 knocking them.

Hostage 1: What kind of kid is him?

Hostage 2: That's incredible.

Delinquent 1: Who the hell are you?

He shoots him but Alexander moved and gave him a punch, launched him outside through the window.

Outside, the cop team was surprised to see the delinquent knocked by a hit.

Officer: It's one of the delinquents! (He saw the other delinquents were knocked too) There are the others, but… (He saw a shadow running away by the ceilings) How could it happen?

On a ceiling from other building, Alexander removed his helmet.

Alexander: I called the attention but unless they didn't realize my identity.

Then he saw something abnormal, a car was running too fast and uncontrolled.

Alexander: That no-horses cart called car, it's going too fast!

The driver and his partner were screaming.


The car was nearly to crush to a store filled with customers. Suddenly Alexander jumped and grabbed the car by behind pulling while he braked using his feet. He stopped the car at time very close to crush to the store.

Driver: We stopped. How?

The driver saw Alexander running away.

Driver: A knight? Wait, a little kid?

Alexander: I'm not a little kid!

Meanwhile, in an unknown place, Demitri was talking with some of his group.

Demitri: It looks like we can't be anonymous anymore. We have to terminate that knight bastard before continue with the domination plan.

Demitri went to a stand where there were many little flasks. Inside them, there were shrunken monsters. He took one and launched outside, the monster is freed recovering its normal size and run.

Demitri: Find that Knight and killed anyone who is close to him.

At night, Alexander was walking in his normal costume while was thinking.

Alexander: I must be careful; the people mustn't realize my identity.

He realized a fire truck was heading for a burning building. Alexander saw the building on fire; the firemans were trying to extinguish it.

Alexander: A Burning building?

Woman: (Running desperately) Noooo!

Fireman: (Stopping her) Wait, ma'am. You can't enter to that building!

Woman: (Crying) My baby is inside! I have to get him out!

Fireman: No one can't pass! The building is weak and is going to blow up!

Alexander arrived to saw what happened. A guy was near to him.

Alexander: What's going on?

Guy: That building is filled with gas balloons and flammable products. It seems there's someone's baby. But that building is going to blow up.

Alexander went to somewhere.

Alexander: I have to do something.

Woman: (Desperate) My baby! He's still inside there!

Fireman: I told you! The building is going to explode in some seconds!

Suddenly the people of the place saw someone running, jump and entered to the building. The woman and fireman were confused to see it. Then the building had some explosions, the woman was screaming very terrified.

But suddenly another explosion from a room, someone jumped out and fell to the ground. It was Alexander in his knight costume; he was holding a baby on his arms.

Alexander: (Exhausted and giving the baby to the woman) Here's your baby.

Then he left very fast, the building was demolished into rubbish.

Woman: (Crying happy and embracing her baby) He's my baby, thanks goodness!

Fireman: Who are…?

He realized Alexander run away leaving people confused.

Fireman: That armor… but is he a guy or a little kid?

Alexander was funny upset to hear that.

At next day, Alexander was heading to school little worried.

Alexander: People could make suspects about my participations from yesterday.

Suddenly he received a hit with a newspaper. That was by Asuka.

Asuka: You idiot!

Alexander: Wait, Asuka. I had my reasons!

Asuka: Well, explain about this!

Alexander: (Reading the newspaper) A bank kidnapping was sabotaged by a guy dressed as a Knight. Wow, unless people believed it was a costume.

Asuka: That's not just a regular problem!

Suddenly he received another hit, from Cassandra.

Alexander: Cassandra?

Cassandra: Alexander-kun! I told you being careful!

Alexander: Sorry, but people were in danger so I had to do it.

Cassandra: I understand but you have to save mana, what could happen if the Dark knights attack?

Alexander: (Little worried) You're right. I'll think about it.

Asuka: Hey what do you mean by mana?

Cassandra: Mana, it's the inner power for use magic and attacks. Alexander-kun and I still have some but we can't waste it easily.

Alexander: But my identity is still unknown for now. We have to keep all this in secret.

Then Nao arrived in their way.

Nao: Good morning!

Asuka: Nao, you almost got late.

Nao: My dad was busy in his investigations. It seems strange events happened yesterday about a Knight.

Alexander, Asuka and Cassandra were funny nervous to hear that.

Nao: It looks someone was playing as a Knight like you, Alexander-san. But his playing was very strange as if he were a real knight.

Alexander: (In his state) Really? That's so strange!

Asuka: (In her state) No, no! It can't be. Maybe it was a trick.

Nao: I think so.

Meanwhile at police station, Detective Mizushima was reading some reports.

Detective Mizushima: (Reading) People from the bank said about a kid in Knight costume, defeated the delinquents with unusual moves and tricks like magic. A car accident was stopped by a person in Knight costume. A baby was rescued from a burning building by a Knight. (Little serious) How can it be? A Boy with an armor like a knight. What's going on here?

Meanwhile, the monster released by Demitri was chasing someone in the shadows.

At the other side, detective Mizushima was driving his car, until he arrived to a zoo. He was sent on a bench while reading some files.

Detective Mizushima: Some people reported strange shadows about big animals, like a reptile and a lion. But they disappeared without tracks. I wonder of those have connection with that boy with knight armor.

Meanwhile Alexander was walking alone.

Alexander: I guess using my armor to hide my identity wasn't so cool. Now I have to think another alternative. But he didn't notice the beast had found him.

Demitri's voice: Go ahead! Use some people to attract his attention!

The beast screamed and jumped to the zoo. It was a huge bull with heavy horns. The people in the zoo were afraid and run off in the middle of the panic.

Alexander: Damn it! Why now?

Person 1: What is that thing?

Person 2: It's a monster!

People keep running out of the zoo very scared. Alexander entered to the zoo. The monster followed him.

The detective Mizushima realized that monster.

Detective Mizushima: (Surprised) That's impossible!

Alexander run until stopped and saw the monster was focusing on him.

Alexander: Demitri has more monsters from our time. And the target is me. Okay, I'll beat you!

Detective Mizushima: Hey boy! Get out of here! (Pointing his gun to the monster) That monster will hurt you!

Alexander: Damn it! A person! I can't let him to see my true identity!

The monster realized the detective's presence. He took his radio but the monster was focusing to attack.

Alexander: Hey mister! Don't! You'd better to escape!

Detective Mizushima: (To his radio) Calling the station! Send the reinforcement! It's an emergency!

The monster attacked the detective but he reacted using his gun to it. The bullets had little effect on it and continued until hit the detective making him fall to the ambush little harmed.

Alexander: I must act. But first I'll go where nobody see me. (He retreated)

The monster was attempting to attack the detective with his horns.

Demitri's voice: Don't show mercy, kill anyone in your way!

Alexander was in the zoo's bathroom and used his pendent to turn into the Knight.

Alexander: (Realizing while smelling) Wow! In bathroom, they use aromatic colonies to have a good environment. I must buy one of those after this.

The monster went to attack the detective but suddenly Alexander was in the middle. He used his shield to save the detective who was surprised to see him.

Detective Mizushima: The Knight! (Little confused) With that height,… is a kid?

Alexander: (Funny frustrated) I'm not a kid! I said I'm sixteen!

Alexander pushed back the monster to get its attention.

Alexander: Now, face me! You ugly bastard!

The monster attacked Alexander with its horns very savage. He was pushed back even using his shield.

Alexander: It's too strong! How can I defeat that thing?

Alexander was thinking but then he had an idea.

Alexander: I could use that!

The monster run to attack again but Alexander was in a fighting pose.

Detective Mizushima: What is he doing?

The monster run to savage Alexander but he grabbed its neck and launched it to the ground. The monster woke up and attempted to attack again. Alexander used another fighting pose. The monster attacked him again but he dodged and then use the palm of his hand and hit it. Then he run and gave a flying kick to the monster, the detective was surprised to see him.

Alexander: Wow, it seems these fighting styles, that I found, works! Thanks, magic library called internet!

Detective Mizushima: Watch out! That monster is still active!

Alexander: I'll finish this now!

The monster was ready to strike back but Alexander was ready to use his attack summoning his sword.

Alexander: Burning sword!

Alexander used his attack. The monster was covered by flames and became ashes.

Alexander: (Little exhausted) That was exhausting. I'd better get a good lunch.

Alexander was ready to leave but he realized something.

Detective Mizushima: (Pointing his handgun to him) Freeze!

Alexander: What now?

Detective Mizushima: That kind of creature don't exist in this world. Where were they are from?

Alexander: Well, that… you won't believe if I tell you.

Detective Mizushima: And that armor, those weapons, and you used magic! Are you the Knight that people saw? I want some answers!

Alexander: Sorry to keep this in secret but I didn't want to involve your people of this time line.

Detective Mizushima: Time line? You mean you're not of this time?

Alexander: (Funny nervous) Ah! Well, the truth is I'm from the past, along with my enemies and those monsters.

He heard police's hooter. Many patrol cars were coming.

Detective Mizushima: Wait! I need more answers! Who are you? And those monsters are involve with you?

Alexander: Sorry, but I can't reveal my name and face yet. Now I'm just a boy who lives as a normal guy, assist as a school boy and has part-time job. I won't involve people I care. So sorry for this.

Detective Mizushima: What?

At that moment, Alexander used a tiny fireball to the ground, near to the detective creating a smokescreen. After that, the detective realized Alexander disappeared.

The police officers arrived and went to the detective.

Police officer: Sir. Are you okay? What happened here?

Detective Mizushima: You won't believe this. This going to be a hard investigation.

Alexander: (While running away) Damn, damn, damn, damn! I'll have to protect this world. I'll stop you, Demitri! And you'll pay by making my presence in the worst moment!

Meanwhile, Demitri was talking with his group.

Demitri: Alexander is still alive. We'll have to act in another way.

Then, a mysterious woman was with him.

Mysterious woman: You'd better act smarter.

Demitri: Shut up! You better be thanked you came with me. Besides, we need your help to conquer this world of this time.

Mysterious woman: Of course, well, after all, my old students are in this time. I could use them.

At next day, Alexander, Asuka and Cassandra were walking home.

Alexander: It's useless to hide my presence. People know about the Knight now.

Cassandra: That was inevitable. Demitri send his monster and it attacked the people at that place. You had to do what to do.

Asuka: That's terrible. Your existence is in danger.

Cassandra: Now you are in troubles.

Alexander: While they don't know my identity, we still have a chance to protect this world.

Alexander: By the way, where is Nao? I though you usually two go home together.

Asuka: She had to go home first, she said she had to make dinner for her parents.

Alexander: (Little sad) Parents, huh? (Imagining his parents when he was a kid)

Asuka: Alexander?

Alexander: (Smiling a little) Eh, It's nothing.

Cassandra seemed worried for Alexander.

Later, Nao arrived to her house. Her father was there. He was having difficult about reading files.

Nao: Oh, dad. You are still working in your investigation.

Detective Mizushima: Yes. The hardest I ever had in my career.

Nao: well, I'll make the dinner, so you can relax a little. But for curiosity, what is about?

Detective Mizushima: It seems some incredible events happened, strange creatures and unknown things. And they are connected with a boy dressed as a knight.

Nao: A boy with knight armor? So it could be that there's another boy but using strange tricks.

Detective Mizushima: (Realizing what she said) Another boy? What do you mean? Do you know someone?

Nao: Well, one of my classmates has a strange liking, as an otaku. But I don't think he could be like that mysterious boy with real armor, even being a foreigner. That would be ridiculous.

Detective Mizushima: (Thoughtful) What could be it? The Knight, those monsters. Our town would be in danger.