Another interrupted moment

The silence went on with the three of them staring at Niro with narrowed eyes. His sweat traveled down the side of his face while he turned his head away to avoid meeting their gazes.

Tristan looked at the Royal Aide with hate and pouted, "See? He did not even deny it!" he exclaimed.

Niro scratched the back of his neck, feeling guilty of locking the knight up in that building. He peeked at the glances that Sherin and Alec were giving him and they were shooting him a judgeful look, "I-I swear I planned to get him out the next day!" he said while raising his arms.

Alec glanced at the knight on the ground then returned his gaze to Niro, "Then why did this knight, Tristan, was nowhere to be seen for weeks?" he asked.

"Oh. Well, the thing was…" Niro said and the Valorian Knight saw him avert his gaze once again and laughed awkwardly, "...I forgot."