Another Spy of the King?

The Crown Prince sighed, it was a bad idea to pull Caliber into bed again, now they might get late and be scolded for their tardiness. He cannot feel any more energy from his body and cannot even put on his own clothes, 'Haaa...I am so tired.' he thought.

He glared at the one at fault for his fatigue but his eyes softened from looking at his face, how could this man in front of him be so gorgeous, he thought. He put his hand on his face and lifted it up for him to see clearly, 'Hmm, should I hit him lightly and pretend I am mad, just this once?' he thought. He shook his head to get the idea away, 'I can't do it. Besides, I am the one who pulled him. I am to blame.'

He felt something warm in his hand and saw Caliber holding the hand that he placed on his cheek, "What could the Crown Prince be thinking of while staring at my face?" he asked and gave him a teasing smile.

Chance slowly looked away, he knew that kind of look, "It is...nothing."