
I went to sit on the edge of my bed and put my bag down. I was about to leave the room, but I still have the feeling of hesitation roaming around me.

And that's just enough.

I closed the door from where I was just about to exit and sat on my bed. I let out a loud breath and cleared my throat before speaking.

"Archer," I called him. He didn't respond or anything because he is asleep. Or is he really asleep?

I gulped and started tapping my knees with my fingers. I took a deep breath and looked at him. He was still lying down and his eyes are fully shut. "Hey, I know you're awake." I blurted. "Will you just please let me talk?" I asked, but now my hand is scratching the back of my head.

"You're already talking." he suddenly spoke. I looked at him, surprised. He opened his eyes but he didn't look at me. Instead, he stared at the ceiling and sighed.

"Listen, I know you are upset and I'm sorry for that." I apologized, but I got nothing but silence. "You know you have my support. All of you knew that. But, I just-this time, someone bumped into me and it's ridiculously ridiculous if I'm gonna tell you about it." I added but still, the silence grew.

From staring to the ceiling, his eyes finally looked at me. It's not the same annoying eyes that I usually look into, but it's the eyes that define a certain emotion at this moment and that emotion expressed anger.

"Tell me." he stated, his voice is raspy and his eyes are flaming up. I stared at him for a moment.

"If I tell you-"

"Just tell me that one fucking reason why you didn't show up at the very last moment of the event." he said, fuming mad. I sighed. I hesitated to answer.

"You remember about the boy that I told you? My dreams?" I asked him but he didn't respond but just looked at me. "And you said that, the little boy is me? Well, it turns out to be true. I met him."

This is not going to be good.

"That boy in my dreams, I met him. At a bridge and...he grew up. He's like 14 now and he gave me advices about how to solve this problem. And he also told me about the meaning of that one dream that I had. Do you know that dream where I die? He told me that it indicates an end of something. It could be anything, Archer. Anything." I explained, emphasizing the last words.

He still had no response, but he is looking at me with disbelief. "Are you fucking kidding me?" he scoffed.

He got up from his position then faces me, still wearing that face with disbelief written on it. "Come on, Asher. I'm not a goddamn child! Stop with your fucking nonsense stories and tell me the real reason." he argued.

"I'm telling the truth!" I countered. "I didn't just make this up as a definite reason for me to throw to you."

"Don't fucking lie!" he snapped. That made me silent, which made both of us silent.


"I saw you talking to the coach of our opponent yesterday." he stated. "When it was our turn to go to the court, you were gone. And what's most interesting? The coach actually knew us. He knew our strengths and weaknesses. He knew everything about us."

He explained that in one go and it left me speechless. "Are you saying that...I betrayed all of you? That I talked to that coach to tell him about our informations that is intended to be confidential?" I asked continuously.

I don't even know what does that mean. The words just blurted out of my mouth. I had enough for today, I don't know what to do anymore.

He then answered nothing and just busted out of the room.

I was left in there frozen. Not moving a single muscle. Staring at the floor while my eyes started to feel watery. I just cannot believe that I am accused as a traitor. I put everything on that team. I put my whole trust on Mr. Eric and Roller. I'm always at their side yet they accuse me as a traitor.

I went downstairs to the kitchen because Mom called us to have dinner first.

We all sat down in silence. I was at the end of the table while Archer is on the other side, facing me. "Okay, Alexis, why don't you lead the prayer?" my mom suggested. My brother sighed and closed his eyes.

"In the name of the father, the son, the holy spirit, Amen." he started, I closed my eyes and bowed my head. "Bless us, Oh Lord,

and these thy gifts which we are about to receive from thy bounty, through Christ, our Lord. Amen." he prayed.

"Amen." we all responded and opened our eyes in unison.

"Let's eat!" my mother joyfully said. She put rice on her plate then passed it to Archer then to Sevron then to me. We were silent for the entire meal. All you could hear are the utensils that are being used.

My mother intended to start a conversation by clearing her throat. "So," she started, glancing at each of us. "How's the match?" she asked and took a bite from her food.

No one answered as I look at Alexis and Archer. My mother noticed the unfamiliar quietness that is currently happening. I was about to answer but then, Archer took the chance before I could.

"It was great." he forced himself to smile. I glanced at him before bowing my head and proceeded on eating. "You know, our opponents are really perilous and compelling. No wonder why they are titled as a powerhouse school. Unfortunately, we lost." he explained.

Mom nodded at him and then faced me. She is always like this. She wants answers from two people just to consider herself. Whenever Alexis and I go out, she asks the two of us individually to see if we have different answers.

"Asher?" she said. "How's the match?" she asked. I slowly raised my head to face her.

She was waiting for an answer so, I took a deep breath and looked at her eyes. "I, uh, I didn't watch it." I answered honestly.

I saw her emotion changed in just one snap. She pressed her lips out of annoyance and clicked her tongue, the utensils that she is holding is now placed at her plate.

"Why is that?" she asked. I can't answer the question honestly, I'm afraid that my mother might have the same reaction as Archer. I don't want her to think that I'm just one crazy boy who seems to believe that telling them that I met my past self will be enough as a reason.

"He had an accident." I heard Archer chimed in. All of us looked at him. "He, uh, he tripped while he is on his way to the stadium before the match could start. That's why he had that wound on his forehead." he explained.

"Jesus, Asher. Ever heard of carefulness?" my brother joined.

"I was panicking, Alexis." I stated, looking at him sternly.

"Yes, but you didn't have to run!" my mother countered. "The doctor said that you must avoid continuous running because of your condition." she brought my body condition to this conversation.

"Yes, Mom. I know. I won't do it again. I'm sorry." I apologized. My mother sighed. We proceeded on eating until we finish our foods.

I told my mom to go take a rest because I can handle the household chores. She agreed and bid goodnights to us before heading to her bedroom.

I did the dishes while Sevron was vacuuming the living room and Archer was cleaning the table.

Silence still dominates the whole scenario.

No one insisted on talking. We were all busy doing household chores. Finally, we were all done. I locked the front door and did I final check on every window, making sure it's sealed, then went to my bedroom.

Archer was cleaning his sports shoes that he used on the match. I closed the door behind me and went on my desk. I sat on the chair then held my head with both of my hands and sighed. I lifted my head and faced Archer.

"Thank you." I said, looking at him. "For the save. If you hadn't done that, I'm sure my mother is scolding me until now."

"It's nothing." he responded, still cleaning his shoes, showing no interest in talking.

I can still hear disappointment and anger by the tone of his voice. "Dude, I'm sorry. I really am sorry." I apologized again. I don't actually mind if I said this for the second time. As long as I am convinced, I will keep on apologizing.

A moment of silence has occurred after I said my apology. He stopped cleaning his shoes because I guess he is done. "You shouldn't apologize to me." he said then he looked at me. "You should apologize to the team."

"I-I know. Of course, I'm gonna do that."

He nodded slowly and continued cleaning his shoes. Well, I guess he's still not done. "You're part of the team too, Archer. So, I think I should apologize to you too." I added.

He grinned and softly chuckled. "Yeah, I guess you are right." he smiled at me and chuckled again. "I think I should apologize too." he then said added.

I didn't answer but just stared at him in awe.

"I'm sorry, dude. I didn't mean to accuse you as a traitor. I just snapped."

"No sweat. I understand." I responded.

We both shared a smile at each other. I decided to help him cleaning his shoes, because, man, he got a lot of shoes. Why do varsity players have this variety of shoes when they only have one pair of feet?

While we clean the shoes I notice a very familiar thing peeking out of Archer's bag.

I walked closer to it to have a better look then I grabbed it outside the bag. It turns out to be a necklace because of its long chain. I put it in my palm and stared at it.

"What are you doing?" I heard Archer asked.

I didn't bother looking at him, I kept my eyes on the necklace. As I examine it, I heard his footsteps closing in. He then went to my side to have a look at the object that I was holding.

"Is this yours?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Yeah." he nodded. "Why?"

"It just reminds of something or more like someone." I answered.


"My brother."


I looked at him. "No. My other brother."

His face wore curiosity as he squints his eyes while looking at me. "You have another brother?" he asked. I nodded and gave my attention back to the necklace.

"Alexis is the youngest. I'm the oldest, and my other brother is the middle one." I stated. I stared at the necklace for a moment before facing Archer and giving the necklace that I found in his bag back to him.

"What's his name?" he curiously asked as I hand him the necklace.

I sighed. "Alexander."