Magic and Life

after my father told me he had to go to

another castle to get a peace contract and

told me i was in charge of the entire

kingdom.i decided to take my horse and

walk around to see if there is problem and

akemi was with me.

"your highness can you help me"an old man

approached me

"of course"me and aneki jumped of the horse

the man took us to his farm

"yesterday everything was fine but then i

woke up and went out to see how it was and

this is what i saw"the man pointed to his

farm,most plants were dead, rotten or nearly


"i want to my friend and asked him if he had

the same problem,he did. actually he want

around the whole kingdom, everywhere is

like this"aneki want to a tree and touched it,

he immediately stepped away.the whole tree

was sat on fire

"akemi are you okay?"i run over to him and

inspected his hand

"yeah"i can tall he was not happy about this,

well neither was i

"the whole kingdom is under a bad spell"

akemi answered

"than that means we have to fined someone

who can cast a spell of protection and

Another who can lift the curse"i started to

think about who can do that

"sosa,no need i can do it but it will take my


"wait,but a person can only learn one

category of spells"

"that rule does not imply on me.just catch


"okay"akemi kneeled down and placed his

hands down on the ground

"with the gods gift

and the light

heal this earth

and it's fright"after he was done a light came

out of his freckles and his hands,in a second

the whole farm was full of life again.

when he stood up he almost fall,i catched


"maybe you should cast the protection spell


"no I'm doing it today" he stood up gay


"by the day,

by the night

by the god,

protect the earth

that i walk"

his freckles were glowing rad

now and the rad light in his hands was ball shaped,than he pointed his hand up and shot if.after the ball exploded and created a shield,akemi started to collapse but i course

catched him

"well your farm is fine so we will take our

leave" i picked akemi bride style and got on


akemi was asleep for 5 days gay(straight)

and all i did was help the kingdom