Witch from the forest

a week up has passed since akemi used his

magic,he would wake up with a pale face,

give me a smile and tall me that he will be

okay. i did take care of the kingdom untill my

dad came back but i spend most of my time

with akemi,in this week bella confessed her

feeling but i rejected her.at the end of the

week he was awake but weak, he could not


we were in my room when i heard the door


"sosa,there is a woman who wants to talk

with you and akemi"my father entered the


"okay,bring her in?" after being away for 5

minutes he came back with an old lady

"well i will be going"and with that my dad

out of my room

"well long time no see"

"i don't know you"

"we are friends,more accurately in your past


"than,what do you want?"

"you two asked me that,when you and akemi

met,to come and tell you of your past 'story'"


"well first i need to know if you heard of the

story 'the of the healer and the destroyer'?"

"i did"when i looked at akemi he tilted his


"well i will tall you the real story"me and

akemi were interested

"couple year ego there was nothing but


but one faithfull day a young adult with long

ginger hair that reached his ankles and eyes

of gold,just like his heart stepped on the

worlds back and started healing.

everyone thought that he was gods gift to

help their suffering world but every time

someone called him that he answered

"I'm no such, I'm just a human with magic

and that's it"

one day he came across a small village

which was falling,so he healed it and want on his way,but his heart told him to not leave

the village.

he turned around and went to the village.

when he got there it was as if he never was

there,the land was destroyed

he want to a couple and asked what had


"there,in that fores lives a man that we call

him shadow.he beings nothing but

bad luck, death, distraction and chaos"

they pointed at the forest, of course the

young man was interested

'someone who is like me'

he wanted to meet 'the shadow' and he

want to the forest with a sword.

after reaching the center he was attached,

but he was quick and shielded himself.

after some fighting the shadow gave up

do to announce of the healers smile that he

had for the entire fight

"if you want to fight me than come and

attack the village,i will be waiting"the man

smiled and went back.

after couple of attacks and fights the

shadow gave up.

he never left the forest thou,and the gold heart followed the river and mat the man

of distraction they talked and eventually

fall in love.

they traveled the world and helped everyone."

the woman Finished

"so you are saying that me and akemi are

the healer and the destroyer"

"mhm yup,and if you still don't believe me

1.you two had the feeling that you know


2.akemi can only do the good magic

3.you can't learn good magic because you

are the shadow

4.you two care for eachother because you

are in love"

i looked at akemi,he rad ears and small

blush on his check

"well,i will be going"

"what why"

"the forest is calling me,but to no fear if you

need anything the trees of my forest well

lead you two me"


"also akemi you should start meditation,it

will help your anergy"he bowed his head

and in a flash she disappeared


"do you like me?"aneki was rad as tomato

"well i love you too"

"you want cuddles"he nodded